Official Canada Thread with Current News


Well-Known Member
Lue,what's up with the news links?
Are you bored? Bad things happen everywhere.
Surely you are intelligent enough to not let one man
living in Edmonton Alberta affect your opinions on Canada.
DS... Klein does a good job of letting one "man" (lol) affect someones opinion of Canada. If you are all like this then yeah,,, not so much
Who cares ? It's not like anyone died, and even though Edmonton is currently the Murder Capital of Canada, at 43 homicides with a population of almost 1 MIllion, it's less than any given city that size in the US per month !

Name one, just one, with that murder rate per month as you stated. Or are you talking out your drunken maple leaf ass again?


Für Meno :)
I know New York city is 5 times larger then us, maybe even 6 times larger.
But 6 x 43 doesn't add up to thousands !

But despite a record 2,262 homicides last year, New York City dropped from ninth to 10th in murders per capita, and its homicide rate was only slightly higher than the average for the country's 25 largest cities
I know New York city is 5 times larger then us, maybe even 6 times larger.
But 6 x 43 doesn't add up to thousands !

Cite your sources, reputable sources. This past decades annual murder rates are at an all time low for the city of NY avg 500 or less per year, not month, Klyin. You`re right, it doesn't add up to thousands except in your head. Hope you do math better when you run the weiner cart.


Für Meno :)
Cite your sources, reputable sources. This past decades annual murder rates are at an all time low for the city of NY avg 500 or less per year, not month, Klyin. You`re right, it doesn't add up to thousands except in your head. Hope you do math better when you run the weiner cart.

Only 500, well thats great for 1 city alone. Maybe even less than US soldiers die per year ?
Only 500, well thats great for 1 city alone. Maybe even less than US soldiers die per year ?

Largest city in America with a pop of 8.1 million as of 4/1/10. You`re beginning to tap dance there buddy. Getting uncomfortable again because someone`s called you out on accuracy? Don`t change the subject either. Follow through on at least one of your statements before you spew out another.


golden ticket member
Where's all that Canadian tolerance?

Canada Bans Full Face Veils When Taking Citizenship Oath, CAIR Freaks Out…

I know, the horror of having to conform to a country’s traditions and values, especially when it comes to respecting the rights of women. CAIR has already issued their first shrieking press release.
(CBC News) — The government is placing a ban on face coverings such as niqabs for people swearing their oath of citizenship, Immigration Minister Jason Kenney said Monday.

The ban takes effect immediately.

As a result, Muslim women will have to remove their niqabs or any other face-covering garments, such as burkas, before they can recite the oath of citizenship to become Canadians. Citizenship judges will be directed to enforce the rules at ceremonies over which they preside.

It’s a “public declaration that you are joining the Canadian family and it must be taken freely and openly,” he said, calling it “frankly, bizarre” that women were allowed to wear face veils while they swear their citizenship oaths.

Kenney said he doesn’t accept that it’s a religious obligation to wear the veil, explaining that when Muslim women perform the hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca required by their faith, they are required not to cover their faces.

“It’s a cultural tradition, which I think reflects a certain view about women that we don’t accept in Canada. We want women to be full and equal members of Canadian society and certainly when they’re taking the citizenship oath, that’s the right place to start,” Kenney said in an interview on CBC News Network.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Lue,what's up with the news links?
Are you bored? Bad things happen everywhere.
Surely you are intelligent enough to not let one man
living in Edmonton Alberta affect your opinions on Canada.

Im sorry...nothing against you or Canada and im sorry. Sometimes that other persons arrogance and mental capacity ticks me off. I would not go to a forum that is dominated by Canadians and start bashing them or their country but apparently that person does not get it. Again, im sorry.



Canada formally leaves Kyoto Protocol: minister - The China Post

Under the ever increasing tyrannical ,despotic and nazi like regime of Stephen Harper, the proven ANTI-CHRIST" , Canada has decided to withdraw from the Kyoto treaty, which was ratified to limit green house gases. Apparently, despite statements from a certain Canadian on this board, Canada doesn't care one iota about the environment.

Of course this withdrawal goes hand in hand with Canada's desire to destroy their own environment by getting oil from their oil sands.

As if that is not bad enough, Canada is pressuring officials in Washington to allow the building of a pipeline which will allow the delivery of their toxic sludge to parts of the United States.

Well if Canada wants to destroy their environment , that's one thing. Don't expect us to be the codependent culprits in this scheme.

And yes, go ahead sell it to China, see if we care.


By the way, I ate an apple yesterday and buried one of the seeds in the ground. So in essence, I planted a tree. I, one American , did more to help the environment than the whole of Canada.

It just goes to show , one American is more decent than 34 million Canadians.


golden ticket member


Für Meno :)
Well, maybe the Americans might step in and replace Canada in the Kyoto Accord contract ?
The US didn't sign the agreement in the first place.

I don't think there is any other country on earth that plants more trees and spends more money protecting them , than Canada does.