Official Canada Thread with Current News


golden ticket member
Well, maybe the Americans might step in and replace Canada in the Kyoto Accord contract ?
The US didn't sign the agreement in the first place.

I don't think there is any other country on earth that plants more trees and spends more money protecting them , than Canada does.

So, are the guys protecting the trees the ones with the guns ??


Für Meno :)
Nope, the ones with the beer ! :)

Molson Canadian Red Leaf Project’s mission to plant 100,000 trees this summer



Für Meno :)
Proof??? Or is that more BS being spewed from your arrogant *

I don't think you could find it all in 1 website !
Spending billions fighting the beetle that's eating our forests.
We plant more trees then we chop down.
Got the best forest fighters and equiptment in the world ! (just ask California, and several other US States) that Canadian Figherfighters are always helping out.
The Canadian Superscooper ! Largest forest-fighting plane in the world (has also been used in the US several times).

Trust me tons of money is being spent here. Besides, we do have 1 of the largest forestries in the world, much larger than that of the US.

Lucy, you say you been to Canada often, and yet have no clue about the country at all !

Lue C Fur

Evil member
I don't think you could find it all in 1 website !
So your just making it up then since you have no proof. Thanks for admiting you dont think.

Spending billions fighting the beetle that's eating our forests.
Proof on how much Canada spends? Amercia spends money on this

We plant more trees then we chop down.

Got the best forest fighters and equiptment in the world ! Really??? How do you figure that? Are Canadian better? How could you prove that? And why would you say something like that unless you have very low self esteem about Canada? Now if you said you make more Maple syrup than America i would agree even though i have not clue about Maple syrup.

(just ask California, and several other US States)Ask then what?? That your have the best forest fighters or fire fighters? How would they know? Do Canadian have some test that proves that they are better at fighting forests or fires? Maybe your water hoses are bigger than ours???

that Canadian Figherfighters are always helping out. So because you "Always" help out then that makes Canada the best? Has America ever helped Canada out with fighting a fire? Would you know this? Have we ever helped Canada out with anything? If so then would that make America better than Canada?

The Canadian Superscooper ! Largest forest-fighting plane in the world (has also been used in the US several times).
Sounds like a great aircraft? Who makes this aircraft? Have you ever heard of the DC10 and 747 firefighting aircraft? So much bigger than that twin engine prop job. Again...where do you pull this crap from?

Trust me tons of money is being spent here.
If anyone trusted you they would be Screwed.

Besides, we do have 1 of the largest forestries in the world, much larger than that of the US.
Now this i would agree on without doing any research...maybe the first thing you have pulled out your arse that is true...amazing.

Lucy, you say you been to Canada often, and yet have no clue about the country at all !
No clue...lets see...your an arrogant *%@ from Edmonton...hows that for a clue?


golden ticket member
Every year, Israel has a Jewish Arbor day. Trees are sent to Jerusalem from all over the world. So Israel plants the most trees.

The country of Peru's Ministry of Agriculture vowed to plant 40 million trees within three months to combat climate change starting in late 2008. This was calculated to planting 512,820 trees per day. No other country has manifested such a project in that amount of time.


Für Meno :)
The Canadian Boreal forest is a rich ecosystem that spans the country from the Pacific to Atlantic coast. Long-running discussions have led to the protection and sustainable use of over 72 million hectares to be included in what will become the largest commercial forest conservation agreement, the Canadian Boreal Forest Agreement (CBFA).

Bringing together the 21 member companies of Forest Products Association of Canada and nine environmental groups, the CBFA suspends new logging and road building on almost 29 million hectares of boreal forest.

“The Canadian boreal forest is well on its way to becoming the world’s most protected forest landscape”, said Steve Kallick of Pew Environment Group, which he affirmed that Canada is quietly becoming a world leader in forest conservation.
Nope, the ones with the beer ! :)

Molson Canadian Red Leaf Project’s mission to plant 100,000 trees this summer


I see a whole group of people in the first pic and only five in the second. What happened to all the others and why are the group in the second pic burying them?

Hiding bodies, the Canadian National Pastime.
The Canadian Boreal forest is a rich ecosystem that spans the country from the Pacific to Atlantic coast. Long-running discussions have led to the protection and sustainable use of over 72 million hectares to be included in what will become the largest commercial forest conservation agreement, the Canadian Boreal Forest Agreement (CBFA).

Bringing together the 21 member companies of Forest Products Association of Canada and nine environmental groups, the CBFA suspends new logging and road building on almost 29 million hectares of boreal forest.

“The Canadian boreal forest is well on its way to becoming the world’s most protected forest landscape”, said Steve Kallick of Pew Environment Group, which he affirmed that Canada is quietly becoming a world leader in forest conservation.

Just a quick fact thats going to hurt. Thats not a Canadian forest. The forest was there long before the Canucks. You just happened to set up a country around it. You deserve no more credit than any other man does.


Für Meno :)
Canada's economy scores well in BMO rating in 2011, but Germany does better

OTTAWA - Canada's economy performed relatively well last year, but not enough to displace Germany as the top country in the Group of Seven big industrial nations, the Bank of Montreal says.


golden ticket member
Canada's economy scores well in BMO rating in 2011, but Germany does better

OTTAWA - Canada's economy performed relatively well last year, but not enough to displace Germany as the top country in the Group of Seven big industrial nations, the Bank of Montreal says.
So now you need to move to Germany! What's BMO...bowel movement overall??


Für Meno :)
BMO (Bank of Montreal), RBC (Royal Bank of Canada), TD (Toronto Dominion Bank). They all have branches in the US.


Für Meno :)
13C in Edmonton yesterday, over 15C in Calgary ! It is wacky !
(for those that don't understand Celcius, it's metric (0= freezing point , 100 = boiling point )

'Wacky' warm weather across Prairies breaks records, snowmobilers hearts

Instead of snow, temperature records are the only thing falling across much of the Prairies so far this winter.