Official Canada Thread with Current News


Für Meno :)
"Socialist" Canada pulls off another stunt :

Federal prisoners to be charged more for room and board behind bars

OTTAWA - Public Safety Minister Vic Toews is taking his get-tough on crime campaign a step further by making prison inmates pay more for room and board behind bars.
The minister said Wednesday that Corrections Canada will also eliminate incentive pay for convicts who work in prison shops and turn the running of all prison canteens over to inmates.
Other changes will streamline the way prisoners purchase products from the outside and make them pay to cover all the costs of their phone calls.
Toews said the changes will save taxpayers $10 million a year.

The change means that prisoners on the high end of the pay scale will have to pay 30 per cent of their income towards their keep.


Für Meno :)
Yet, more cost cutting measures, after abolishing the penny, and getting new plastic bills that will last almost forever, now this one :


Canada to dump SIN cards to save cash

Officials have come up with a way to advise Canadians of their number, while saving up to $1,500,000 a year. 'Responsible' choice


Yet, more cost cutting measures, after abolishing the penny, and getting new plastic bills that will last almost forever, now this one :


Canada to dump SIN cards to save cash

Officials have come up with a way to advise Canadians of their number, while saving up to $1,500,000 a year. 'Responsible' choice

In place of the card, Prime Minister Harper(the Anti-Christ) will require each Canadian to have a chip implanted in his/her body in order to get a job and buy and sell.


Für Meno :)
You would think an Anti Christ would actually want to improve those cards, with photo, etc, and not get rid of them !


Für Meno :)
And you folks should get rid of green cards, they aren't of any use anyways - sure doesn't stop illegals from living and working there ! :) LOL


Für Meno :)
Canada should tell the U.N. to stick it where the sun don't shine !!!!

The UN’s condemnation of Canada is insulting and ridiculous – Telegraph Blogs

Oh, I know, made of course National news here - what a joke that is !
What does he want us to do , to stop giving foreign aid, and lets us get even fatter ?

And here Moreluck, just for you , come visit Alberta, according to National Geographic, we are one of best places to visit for summer of 2012 !

Best Summer Trips 2012 -- National Geographic


Für Meno :)
Canada oil sands output seen beating projections

CALGARY, Alberta (Reuters) - Production in the Canadian oil sands is likely to increase at a much faster clip than the industry currently projects, an analyst said, putting more pressure on pipeline companies to vastly expand capacity out of Alberta.
The forecast comes as companies plot billions of dollars worth of new pipeline routes to stave off costly bottlenecks. The latest is Enbridge Inc's plan, announced Wednesday, to spend C$3.2 billion ($3.15 billion) on pipelines, most of it to get crude from Alberta to Eastern Canada.

Production from the oil sands of northern Alberta, the world's third biggest crude resource, to jump up to 4.1 billion barrels a day by 2020 from last year's output of 1.6 million bpd.


Für Meno :)
Beautiful shot. "Approaching Storm at Wonder Valley" in Banff National Park, Alberta

And this one was taken by a homeowner in Canmore, Alberta (located just a few miles east of Banff, AB).


Für Meno :)
Happy Victoria Day, Canada ! (tomorrow, Monday the 21st of May) :
Sadly they forgot to mention that Alberta was named after her daughter (Princess Caroline Alberta).

There’s more to Victoria Day than beer and fireworks



Well-Known Member
Victoria Day, Canadian holiday on which the British sovereign’s birthday is celebrated.

In 1845, during the reign of Queen Victoria, May 24, the queen’s birthday, was declared a holiday in Canada.
After Victoria’s death in 1901, an act of the Canadian Parliament established Victoria Day as a legal holiday, to
be celebrated on May 24 (or on May 25 when May 24 fell on a Sunday).

The birthday of Victoria’s son, Edward VII (born November 9), was also celebrated on Victoria Day, following an
intermittent British custom of celebrating a sovereign’s birthday on that of his predecessor.

Victoria Day (Canadian holiday) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia


Well-Known Member
Celebrated annually on the Monday preceding May 25, Victoria Day is a statutory holiday in Canada that
commemorates the birthdays of all ruling British monarchs, including the current queen.

Although each monarchs' actual birth dates are varied, this holiday was established as overall recognition
of the sovereigns' birthdays. Victoria Day is often referred to by Canadians as the May Long Weekend.

Read more: What is the Meaning of Victoria Day in Canada? | What is the Meaning of Victoria Day in Canada? |


Well-Known Member
Camilla, Dutchess of Cornwall, and Charles, Prince of Wales, sign Canada's "golden book" -a guestbook for visiting dignitaries
in Oromocto, New Brunswick.
They are touring Canada and celebrating Victoria Day.