I suspect American's distrust of nuclear power is likely to be assuaged by their dislike of paying $7 per gallon.
Assuming we get a viable electric car on the market in the next few years we may need more nuke plants to beef up the electric grid. BTW, if you wanted a reason to get mad at US auto makers, check out Who Killed the Electric Car?. If you're like me and have always had a mental image of electrics cars as being impractical gizmos that could never realistically fit into the way Americans drive, this film is a real eye opener.
You just might be on target with your investment in SGR. And just so ya know a good friend of mine works at San Onofre, so I sure hope it's safe!
I suspect American's distrust of nuclear power is likely to be assuaged by their dislike of paying $7 per gallon.

You just might be on target with your investment in SGR. And just so ya know a good friend of mine works at San Onofre, so I sure hope it's safe!