Well-Known Member
The only problem with new ideas for energy is that everyone keeps saying, "it won't help us NOW."
Doesn't anyone out there think we should start somewhere?? Like start today !!
I understand your frustration and valid point but it all depends on where you look is where you'll see action. Stop looking so much to news generated out of the Washington Beltway per say and instead look across America. She is starting to rally and awaken in the heartland and this is where the energy (No pun intended) to move us forward will come from.
I saw this yesterday coming out of Texas and it appears the local folks are moving ahead and starting to leave Washington behind and obviously IMHO this is a great thing.
I noticed the talk about the 4 day work week and having gov't mandate this and that. All these things create their own good and bad but truth is, we can also do things a bit different ourselves. One thing we've started doing as just a small example is I will take our family grocery list with me to work and on my way home at night I past numerous stores so I stop and do the family grocery shopping. This prevents a seperate trip say some other time during the week or even a trip on the weekends. I know this doesn't seem like much but if we all just did one little thing like this on a weekly basis, it starts to add up.
Another thing we do is we look at what trips have to be made on a daily basis ie to work, kids activities, etc. and we calculate the miles for both our days. Who ever will drive the greater amount of miles, they take the better mileage vehicle with the idea of getting the most bang for the buck. Also if you happen to be able to do this like I can, use coasting at idle or even neutral where you can. My trip to work and home is completely on secondary and residential streets so especially at nights I coast in neutral a lot. At night my home trip of 16 miles is almost half coasting in neutral but at night I've almost got the roads to myslef so to speak. Just take advantage of what you can get. Also if you car is like mine and the display tells you what your MPG are on the fly, use that display and watch it like a hawk. Learn to make it your co-pilot (with all due respect to Jesus

Back to the 4 day workweek idea and your comment about the 4 guys and that off day. You're right, if on the off day, all 4 guys jump in their cars and go do whatever, does it really save anything? I'm not here to force religion so please no one take what I'm about to say as such but to borrow an old biblical idea, what if as a nation and something done not by mandate but choice of individuals, that we cool our heels 1 day in seven? What if in my case say on Sunday, I said I'm not going out for anything and others followed? I'm not one to darken a church door on Sunday so it's easy for me to say this on the one hand but what if churches decided say to move their Sunday morning services to Saturday night in an effort to facilitate such an idea. I'm not advocating "Blue Laws" in any way, but if people stopped driving their cars of Sunday to the mall, Home Depot or Lowe's (I'm a bad boy when it comes to that one

All I'm saying is to look at your current lifestyle and write down daily of what your driving habits are over a period of several weeks or even a month. Feed that data into EDD to eliminate all right hand turns... just kidding, no look at you habits and see where you can combine trips. See what trips are absolutely mandatory and then where you can pigggyback other lifestyle functions to take place along those same trips. And you know what, think about those right turns. Think about doing things off cycle of peak traffic, look ahead and try and time traffic lights so when you see them red and you can slow down, even coasting, do so in the hopes of hitting it as it turns green so that you never have to come to a complete stop. Saves on the brakes too!
I honestly believe the 1st step towards energy independence is a mindset of being frugal with our time and therefore our gas if you will. Sometimes it's those little things that add up and build momentum towards the bigger ideals.
I understand the call for gov't intervention with our energy problem and as much as I'm a "against all gov't" kinda guy, some level of gov't intervention is going to happen. I know that and unhappily accept that reality.

America has her faults, her good and bad but I truly believe when it comes to situations, a crisis if you will, this IMHO is when America, liberty and economic free markets are at their best and we shine as the light on the hill that our founding fathers believed we should be. I'm cynical in the present course but taking our national foundation, even with it's many shortcomings, I'm still a "glass half full" kinda guy.
This is when the goodness of America and her people bring answers that make life in the rest of the world a better place. No argument we've brought our share of misery but good God look at all the wonderful things this country, NO STOP, country can sometimes confuse people to believe it was gov't, instead, this gathering of many people united in freedom and purpose who have given so much in the hopes of not only making their lives better, but all those who choose to follow their example.
This is when we lead by example and in the long run, this makes America greater and a leading light in the world.
JMHO and my way of saying to Moreluck, don't get discouraged. We truly are making headway. I just wonder how long before Al Gore sez the Pickens Plan was actually his idea!
See, I got ya to laugh!