Oil reaching the Gulf Coast


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
The website was actually posted on CNN the other day.
And yes, I agree... this won't be short term. It will take years ! And many miles of coast.
I would take a job in a minute, too, but since it's on American soil, I don't quailify.

Only website link I can remember is the BP website or something like Horizoncleanup.com
Not sure.
But, you are probably right, that they are not "really" hiring yet !!!! :( YET, that is !!!

Besides all that, why wouldn't you work for the government ?
You wouldn't be proud if one of your kids became a Navy officer, or an Astrounant with Nasa, perhaps just be a Nasa employee ?
Even US postal service ain't that bad.
Would it really matter if every 4 years the political party changes, or would you need to quit, if the party of your choice wasn't elected ?
My son spent 14 yrs in the United States Air Force, and am damn proud of it.
I just dont want to work for the government, I want to work for a private industry.
P.S. There is no Nasa anymore, but their will be a relief pkg for them, damn shame.
The post office is fine, it does not have to make a profit, or it would not be fine.
I went to the other website you listed on a post somewhere, it was shut down.
I cant stand seeing the oil covered animals. I am not a tree hugger, I think we need to keep drilling.
I was listening to Cspan at 2am I dont know why, they have so many good ideas, in Louisiana, to stop it before it gets worse. I want to go help.
I will drive the brown truck to my first stop, and say OOPS forgot, gotta leave for the Gulf. Cya.


Für Meno :)
My son spent 14 yrs in the United States Air Force, and am damn proud of it.
I just dont want to work for the government, I want to work for a private industry.
P.S. There is no Nasa anymore, but their will be a relief pkg for them, damn shame.
The post office is fine, it does not have to make a profit, or it would not be fine.
I went to the other website you listed on a post somewhere, it was shut down.
I cant stand seeing the oil covered animals. I am not a tree hugger, I think we need to keep drilling.
I was listening to Cspan at 2am I dont know why, they have so many good ideas, in Louisiana, to stop it before it gets worse. I want to go help.
I will drive the brown truck to my first stop, and say OOPS forgot, gotta leave for the Gulf. Cya.

I can't really say I'm a "tree hugger" because I do believe in forestry and chopping down trees.
By law, they need to replant more trees then they "harvest".

And, older dying trees cause most of the forest fires.
Yes, it takes time to re-grow trees, but isn't every garden you plant like that ? You need to wait until next year to get potatoes again ?
With trees it just takes a bit longer. Besides, they (older trees) are a fire hazard , that we spend billions on to fight.

But when it comes to animals, wildlife, etc.. Esspecially that pic that Moreluck posted..(the pelican, that was just 2 years ago on the list of endangered animals), that hurts.
Animals shouldn't be paying for our human mistakes.
Be it taken thier food sources away, or in this case, poisening them !

It;s awlful, and yet, thousands of pics and videos will follow from all these dead species. Last I heard was 220 dolphines showed up dead on coastel areas, but that was last week !
Even more turtles.
Canada is effected as well, with many birds not making their trip home.

I'm with you there.... if I could help (get housing and food, and yes, enough to pay my regular bills while away), I would be there, too !


Retired 22 years
I predict that when the oil sludge starts washing up on Floridas pristine beaches (within the next 2 days they say) all hell will break out and a real effort will be made to stop this leak as soon as possible-unlike what is being done now. Then maybe the CEO of BP can "get his life back".


Well-Known Member
According the Florida's Gov., the oil is only four miles way from it's beaches. Quick, someone get Air Force One, there just might be enough time for another speech.


Für Meno :)
KISS: keep it simple sweety

I can plug oil leak, says NY genius

Listen up, BP! Here's LI prodigy's ingenious plan to seal the gap


proposes surrounding a pipe with deflated automobile tires, inserting it into the leaking riser, and then inflating the wheels to form a seal.

I actually beat him to it. That idea that is.
But not surrounding the pipe, but like they already have done.. inserting a pipe, that has inflatable "tire and steel" like rubber.


Well-Known Member
That $75 million dollar question has been discussed over and over again.
It's so not the case.

There are added punitive damages, and civic damages that very well, will make up for the total clean up cost.

Just look at BP shares. $75 mill, wouldn't even have touched the surface of it's value.

Really? Really?

Seems to me that neither Sen. Nelson nor BP's CEO are aware of the point you made above

So Klein, are you thinking BP's PR move to save some kind of face somehow completely negates a fallback position under the $75 mil blanket protection? Why then does BP's CEO keep qualifying all discussions of claims with "what we determine are legit claims." And if there's no liability limit, why the need for Congress to raise the current limits within the law as established in 1990'? BTW: I do agree both TransOcean and Haliburton may share a liability and it is unfair to some extent that BP is taking the full brunt and TransOcean and Haliburton are rarely mentioned.

Oil companies are currently subject to a statuatory cap on their liabilities to oil spills of $75 million. Analysts estimate the ultimate cost to BP of the oil spill at anywhere between $3 billion and $8 billion.

Klein, you might give NASDAQ a call and tell them what you know and they may even put you in print. I see an appearance on Larry King and Meet the Press. And call the NY Times while you're at it as they have it wrong too!

Im trying to apply for jobs down there and help with this oil disaster. Every website I found said after I completed the app that all "temporary" jobs have been filled. When will they figure out it aint temporary?
I will clean ducks, fish, geese, equipment, anything. I want to do something in my life that makes a difference, I wont work for the government. If anyone knows of any way to apply, clue me in. Im locked and loaded, and ready to go.


I was reading your post quoted above and I thought about some private wildlife conservation groups like Ducks Unlimited or even River Keepers. You might contact them and they might direct you to some private efforts in which you can work with. I've worked with River Keepers before and they are great and with those guys you'll learn a ton. I think it's awesome you want to help.

I :salute: you!


Für Meno :)
Here, watch tonights Canadian News for a change.
Now they even say, the spill could reach Europe by late summer !


golden ticket member
Just so you know, this is what Larry King looks like.....



Für Meno :)

I didn't expect you to watch it. Your hooked on one single news channel.
And who gives a damm what the rest of the world reports !

You would make a nice North Korean Citizen. All they have is 1 single news media , too !

Lue C Fur

Evil member
I didn't expect you to watch it. Your hooked on one single news channel.
Yes, i am...until the rest ofthe lap dog media stops spewing the liberal kool-aid.
And who gives a damm what the rest of the world reports !
Yup...who cares...especially if its from Canada or anything from someone named Klein.

You would make a nice North Korean Citizen. All they have is 1 single news media , too !
And you would make for a great Obama Kool-aid drinker...oh wait you are.



Für Meno :)
You don't even realize how stupid you sound, that you can't take news from the world .

Keep watching your fox, and keep getting brainwashed.

A normal, intellegent person gets news from as many sources as they can.

Then you wonder why other countries dislike americans. Because of people like you. They just get 1 single news feed. And then they believe it, that America is the enemy.


Für Meno :)
Just don't buy BP shares , yet... They are still at $40 a share...(was $60), but just a few years ago, at $20.
So, $20 or less would be the proper price to pay... as of now.