Oil reaching the Gulf Coast

Lue C Fur

Evil member
You don't even realize how stupid you sound, that you can't take news from the world .
You forgot to add from Poindexters named Klein.

Keep watching your fox, and keep getting brainwashed.
I will and you keep drinkin that Obama Kool-aid and spewing you Amercian hating Canadian liberal garbage.:wink2:
A normal, intellegent person gets news from as many sources as they can.
Like Huffington post:


Then you wonder why other countries dislike americans.
Nope, i never wonder why cause i could care less what other countries think...especially Socialist Canadians named Klein. :wink2:
Because of people like you.
If they dont like me that means im doing something right.
They just get 1 single news feed. And then they believe it, that America is the enemy.
If Obama had his way he would get rid of FOX so everyone would think he is great....mmmmmm...yummy...Obama Kool-aid.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
How many ducks an hour could I clean, Look at these poor things, coulda had him all cleaned up today. Moreluck started me on this when I saw that poor pelican. I bet I cried an hour, and every time I thought of it. But we need to see what is happening there!!


You don't even realize how stupid you sound, that you can't take news from the world .

Keep watching your fox, and keep getting brainwashed.

A normal, intellegent person gets news from as many sources as they can.

Then you wonder why other countries dislike americans. Because of people like you. They just get 1 single news feed. And then they believe it, that America is the enemy.
You sure do have a way with words.



Well-Known Member
I'm a little confused that gas prices haven't soared due to this spill. Usually, whenever the oil industry is faced with an oil refinery fire or war in a oil producing country prices for gas go up and we are told these are reasons for the rise in gas prices. Oil companies like BP ( Barack's Problem) are probably manipulating today's current steady gas prices but fear the pain is coming for consumers.


Staff member
I'm a little confused that gas prices haven't soared due to this spill. Usually, whenever the oil industry is faced with an oil refinery fire or war in a oil producing country prices for gas go up and we are told these are reasons for the rise in gas prices. Oil companies like BP ( Barack's Problem) are probably manipulating today's current steady gas prices but fear the pain is coming for consumers.
From what I understand the lack of a spike in fuel prices is because of the economic crisis in Europe causing demand to drop further than the supply problem in the gulf.


Well-Known Member
MIAMI – More than half of the federal judges in districts where the bulk of Gulf oil spill-related lawsuits are pending have financial connections to the oil and gas industry, complicating the task of finding judges without conflicts to hear the cases, an Associated Press analysis of judicial financial disclosure reports shows.

Thirty-seven of the 64 active or senior judges in key Gulf Coast districts in Louisiana, Texas, Alabama, Mississippi and Florida have links to oil, gas and related energy industries, including some who own stocks or bonds in BP PLC, Halliburton or Transocean — and others who regularly list receiving royalties from oil and gas production wells, according to the reports judges must file each year. The AP reviewed 2008 disclosure forms, the most recent available.

AP News: Many Gulf Federal Judges Have Oil Links


Well-Known Member
AP News: Many Gulf Federal Judges Have Oil Links

Man, you really know how to hit a man (in this case the gulf coast region) when he's down....:hockeyplayer:
But to add some insight, almost everybody can be considered on the take who dabs in stock and commodities, however, some even in this administration and especially the previous have had their hands in the cookie jar at one point or the other...But good catch Wkmac, you have a knack for pointing out the devil in the details...:devil3:

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Man, you really know how to hit a man (in this case the gulf coast region) when he's down....:hockeyplayer:
But to add some insight, almost everybody can be considered on the take who dabs in stock and commodities, however, some even in this administration (Obama) and especially the previous have had their hands in the cookie jar at one point or the other...But good catch Wkmac, you have a knack for pointing out the devil in the details...:devil3:


Yup...even the Messiah.


Well-Known Member
With the amount of oils spilling from this well, the executives have a little explaining to do. The public is told that oil is drying up, which is causing prices to rise. I wonder if they're intentionally keeping production down.


golden ticket member
Where is Hollywood now?? Funny, how Jolie went off on Bush for his slow response to Katrina.......where is she now with Obama's response 8 times slower to this disaster??

Oh, Sean Penn, where are you?? Taking care of Haiti......of course! What's next? jungle brush clearing in Venuezuela? Your own country needs help....what's wrong with you??

The Hollywood types are ghosts now ! The only celebrity I've heard about is Kevin Costner trying to get his device tried to see if it will help clean up the oil.

Hollywood stars with all their money and power SUCK !!! You too Clooney!! :biting:


Well-Known Member
These liberal radicals will not come out against Mr.Obama. Remember during the presidential campaign of 2008, these Bono(rose) colored glasses wearing stars, spilled a tremendous amount of hate toward then Mr Bush and were salivating and lathering Barry with praise and lots of coin. Any clear thinking non- pot smoking American can see right through these people.


Well-Known Member
One more thing about these liberal radicals and defenders of those who wish to harm the USA. They came out and made outlandish chargers against President Bush, that he knew of the 9-11 attack before hand. I wonder if they think President Obama, knew of the hole before he proceeded to exclaim, "plug the damn hole"