Ok this contract is done


Sometimes i feel like a nut sometimes i dont
Had to chime in W T friend


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
This contract has many issues.....our local meeting last Sunday was just a circle jerk to say the least. Part timers wages is a joke. Loader starting today will basically be making what one hired five years from now will be. Who signed off on that? 22.4 drivers, not a concern for me.....hell we can’t keep drivers at our top scale as it is let alone shaving 10 dollars off of it. What really irritates me is that clerks basically make what drivers make. It’s hard enough to stomach the idea of a national pay scale but if our pay is supposed to be a representation of our job duties, there’s no way in hell we’re the same. Anyhow I could go on but this contract is a joke and it’s the union who has failed us......not UPS!!!!
You hear that @Turdferguson


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
Local 728 in Atlanta didn't endorse this contract. We had our contract meeting Saturday and we read through the changes. We were told it had some good and some bad stuff in it and that we should just vote on what we think would be best for us individually. My Business Agent worked on the Southern Supplement and both him and the other BA voted against it in the two-man meeting.


Well-Known Member
I hope that the Big Union fellow doesn't see this. You people are all ungrateful. The Teamsters have done so much for all of us.

I know you're just saying it to get under BUGs skin but it's true. Probably more then people give them credit for.

Sorry I just hear it so much from people that I felt like saying something. Continue on sir. :)


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Local 728 in Atlanta didn't endorse this contract. We had our contract meeting Saturday and we read through the changes. We were told it had some good and some bad stuff in it and that we should just vote on what we think would be best for us individually. My Business Agent worked on the Southern Supplement and both him and the other BA voted against it in the two-man meeting.
At least it sounds like they were honest with you.


Well-Known Member
Local 728 in Atlanta didn't endorse this contract. We had our contract meeting Saturday and we read through the changes. We were told it had some good and some bad stuff in it and that we should just vote on what we think would be best for us individually. My Business Agent worked on the Southern Supplement and both him and the other BA voted against it in the two-man meeting.

Ours was very informative. Andy M is a very smart man and has helped the west a lot. Problem is this doesn't really effect the west and most will vote that way. As much as Lagunabrown only sees it from one side he's right about the southwest.

It's painfully obvious that 99% of us don't know how different it is across the country. Which more often then not unwittingly pits us against each other.

I'm very interested to see the results of this vote.


Well-Known Member
Hypothetically the next contract will take care of the 22.4 employees give them the money and protection that the rest of full time have. Is this what the negotiation committee is thinking??
What will happen next contract is the 22.4 position will expand to 50% of total driver.


Im not the Mail Man!
Curious to see how this plays out......25% by the building, division, district, region, or company wide? The answer certainly would result in serious differences in its impact.


Well-Known Member
article 4.(b) Full Time Combination Drivers subsection 3.
The number of 22.4 combination drivers shall not exceed 25% of the total number of RCPD's
in the building. If the amount of regular Saturday or Sunday volume in the building consistently requires RPCD drivers to work Saturday or Sunday because of the 25% limit, the Package Division Director and UPS president
of labor shall be allowed to adjust the limit based on demonstrated service needs.


Im not the Mail Man!
Here’s the problem.....this may be feasible in some regions but here in the Bay Area we pay our Christmas helpers $20 an hour. So I highly doubt they’ll be able to fill hybrid position in all areas.


What will happen next contract is the 22.4 position will expand to 50% of total driver.

Well 542thruNthru shared back on Jun 21 in the TA thread the attached. So clearly the company wanted and will want to get as many of these 22.4's that it could/can. All I can say is our FT FSP (RPCD) position is being attacked in this contract and what can we expect for the future if this driving position passes? This proposed position is way out of line IMO.

The company needs drivers. So be it ==>> make them RPCD's. The progression itself is a huge concession. Top rate when you start your 5 th year. Now lower paid GND delivery.

Sure makes me think a lot about my future career as a driver. Come to think of it, I think this is intentional. They probably want us to quit before we get to the "carrot". They keep our pension contribution made by the company the company gets lower paid labor. Hmm. So I hope this contract is NOT done.


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I just laugh reading all these posts from uneducated contract defectors. Do you guys know what negotiations are? Can you negotiate a better contract, I think not. This contract is better tahn what we have now.