Ok this contract is done


Im not the Mail Man!
i can absolutely in all honesty say that you definitely work harder as a driver than I do as a clerk. now if your talking about the 20 solid years as a FULLTIME preloader loading 6 package cars working midnight to 9 AM that I did before i got to bid on my clerk job, well that's another story now. let me ask you, are you irritated as much over the car washers and porters salaries? i mean those are considered "reserved jobs" for hurt and broken down high seniority drivers in my building. clerks are considered the same for our fulltime preloaders.
Given the expectation of work in regards to clerk, porter, car washer then yes I do believe drivers are grossly underpaid. Further more as someone who came up as a loader more than 20 years ago I can tell you pre-loaders are underpaid as well. Our union should be held accountable by its members...the truth is what it is.


Well-Known Member
Anyone else notice the memorandum of understanding on the last page of the master? The company will not solicit any signatory local union to change pension plans? They changed it from 10 to 5 years.


Sometimes i feel like a nut sometimes i dont
vote no , they want us to stay out past 60 hours , I don't care about double time after 60. Ill be dead and won't be able to enjoy it
Now the sorry drivers are gonna lay down to get those kind of hours, company will see that and expect its okay so everyone should work that long. NOT!


Well-Known Member
Not only that but your strike bunker sucks! There's no foosball! Amateur!
Will this be sufficient???
Not only that but your strike bunker sucks! There's no foosball! Amateur!
will this be sufficient enough... it’s not the nfl though....


Im not the Mail Man!
Union negotiated wages is why I make $34/hr PT to not wash your dirty package car and empty your piss bottles.
Your missing the point of what I’m saying, clearly your wages what ever they are, are negotiated by the union. That’s the issue.....the union should clearly be able to see that the jobs are nothing alike. Btw.....here with night differential you’d essentially be making what I make.

just chillin'

Rest in peace wooba
Given the expectation of work in regards to clerk, porter, car washer then yes I do believe drivers are grossly underpaid. Further more as someone who came up as a loader more than 20 years ago I can tell you pre-loaders are underpaid as well. Our union should be held accountable by its members...the truth is what it is.

so are you saying that after driving for umpteen years or fulltime preloading or any other physically demanding top pay scale type job, that if one finally gets the opportunity to bid on a less physically demanding job that they should take a $10 an hour pay cut? the 30 year driver with the blown out shoulder and knee that just got the costumer counter job? him too?