Ok this contract is done


Well-Known Member
Well 542thruNthru shared back on Jun 21 in the TA thread the attached. So clearly the company wanted and will want to get as many of these 22.4's that it could/can. All I can say is our FT FSP (RPCD) position is being attacked in this contract and what can we expect for the future if this driving position passes? This proposed position is way out of line IMO.

The company needs drivers. So be it ==>> make them RPCD's. The progression itself is a huge concession. Top rate when you start your 5 th year. Now lower paid GND delivery.

Sure makes me think a lot about my future career as a driver. Come to think of it, I think this is intentional. They probably want us to quit before we get to the "carrot". They keep our pension contribution made by the company the company gets lower paid labor. Hmm. So I hope this contract is NOT done.

You're smart and get it. God, I hope more people like you actually not only read this but, really think about how it WILL be abused.


Im not the Mail Man!
I just laugh reading all these posts from uneducated contract defectors. Do you guys know what negotiations are? Can you negotiate a better contract, I think not. This contract is better tahn what we have now.
My argument isn’t with UPS.....it’s with the Teamsters. Not sure where the 104 is but here in the 287 this contract is garbage.


Im not the Mail Man!
104 is in Phoenix. And they spell than like this tahn then say others can't spell.
Well then.....or should I say tahn I can understand why he’s so hot to trot for this contract. Phoenix has a median household income of 43k here in the Bay Area it’s 115k......so yeah I can understand him not wanting to rock the boat. Us out here in the West.....we want to blow the whole damn thing up.

just chillin'

Rest in peace wooba
Well I bet you’re just the apple of your momma’s eyes.

well she was proud that i am union as was i for her. she did 30+ years in the machinists & aerospace union working for Fairchild/Republic aviation as a "Rosie the riveter". she help build the friend-105 Thunderchief that served in nam as well as every single A-10 thunderbolt 2 ever built that served in the entire gulf campaign and are still flying today. she turned me on to ups 30 years ago with an add from the paper for xmas help. told me its a good union job


Im not the Mail Man!
well she was proud that i am union as was i for her. she did 30+ years in the machinists & aerospace union working for Fairchild/Republic aviation as a "Rosie the riveter". she help build the friend-105 Thunderchief that served in nam as well as every single A-10 thunderbolt 2 ever built that served in the entire gulf campaign and are still flying today. she turned me on to ups 30 years ago with an add from the paper for xmas help. told me its a good union job
She sounds amazing.....clearly our ages are completely different because my grandmother was a Riveter too but during WWII. Nonetheless my issue isn’t with you or what clerks make.....but they shouldn’t make what drivers do. If you think you earn $37 an hour then we at minimum should be at $47 an hour. If you can be honest then you’d agree our jobs are no where near similar.


Well-Known Member
It will also eliminate some part time jobs. Plus they winwo be getting all of those initiation fees they get from the newbies that work here a few months and quit.

And they get desperately needed full time pension contributions for 22.4 drivers who have almost no chance of making it to retirement and needing to be paid back back out of the pension funds.

Why do you think they have almost no chance of making it to retirement?


Just a turd
What really irritates me is that clerks basically make what drivers make. It’s hard enough to stomach the idea of a national pay scale but if our pay is supposed to be a representation of our job duties, there’s no way in hell we’re the same
Agreed, clerks should make more . Glad to see a voice of reason on here finally


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
What are the odds of a newly hired 22.4 employee making pass 25 years before age 55 in order for them to get a subpar pension benefit of 2,000 dollars under the IBT/UPS pension formula?

Before you answer that remember you will not be credited any service time if you go on any long term disability, loss of hours or time off with your pension benefits.


Well-Known Member
I know you're just saying it to get under BUGs skin but it's true. Probably more then people give them credit for.

Sorry I just hear it so much from people that I felt like saying something. Continue on sir. :)
Perhaps I should have inserted "used to". Hard to deny that there has been a decline. Of course- that is my opinion. I don't think that I am the only one that feels that way. Sorry to offend you. Maybe where you are the leadership is not comprised of a bunch of slobs that treat the coffers as their personal piggy bank. Perhaps they actually represent the membership. Not the case everywhere. Yeah, yeah, yeah- vote them out.

Frankie's Friend

I believe thesev22.4 jobs will have a high turnover.... let it be known that small buildings that don’t run much on Saturday’s or have a deep list for unassigned drivers will probably not Be seeing many of these jobs....I could honestly see ups try to use these 22.4 jobs then realize that having to put more people on the road and having to pay into many more ft pensions and healthcare was probably not a good idea... just wait and see... think they just like having the “ability” to use these folks if need be... and then you have them bumping back into the hub along with cover drivers who are unassigned and they would have to pay them to do that....
Forced to bump back into the operation inside.

No more layoffs for those that have to bump back inside split shifts that depot a "full time job"...with a 90 minute break in the middle.
They are looking to butter up enough people to make this garbage pass.
Well then.....or should I say tahn I can understand why he’s so hot to trot for this contract. Phoenix has a median household income of 43k here in the Bay Area it’s 115k......so yeah I can understand him not wanting to rock the boat. Us out here in the West.....we want to blow the whole damn thing up.

I wanna blow up California too.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps I should have inserted "used to". Hard to deny that there has been a decline. Of course- that is my opinion. I don't think that I am the only one that feels that way. Sorry to offend you. Maybe where you are the leadership is not comprised of a bunch of slobs that treat the coffers as their personal piggy bank. Perhaps they actually represent the membership. Not the case everywhere. Yeah, yeah, yeah- vote them out.

Wait... don't you work in the BOG? Has it declined so much now that Dave is gone? :)


Sometimes i feel like a nut sometimes i dont
vote no , they want us to stay out past 60 hours , I don't care about double time after 60. Ill be dead and won't be able to enjoy it


Raw Member
22.4 people willed be lured in by the $20 an hour pay but will then have no 9.5 language and will work 13 hour days and won`t last more than a couple years! They will contribute to the pension but never receive one! Suckers! More money for company, union,& retireries!

just chillin'

Rest in peace wooba
She sounds amazing.....clearly our ages are completely different because my grandmother was a Riveter too but during WWII. Nonetheless my issue isn’t with you or what clerks make.....but they shouldn’t make what drivers do. If you think you earn $37 an hour then we at minimum should be at $47 an hour. If you can be honest then you’d agree our jobs are no where near similar.

i can absolutely in all honesty say that you definitely work harder as a driver than I do as a clerk. now if your talking about the 20 solid years as a FULLTIME preloader loading 6 package cars working midnight to 9 AM that I did before i got to bid on my clerk job, well that's another story now. let me ask you, are you irritated as much over the car washers and porters salaries? i mean those are considered "reserved jobs" for hurt and broken down high seniority drivers in my building. clerks are considered the same for our fulltime preloaders.