Klein, I do agree with you about the VAT tax--I think this will be in place before the end of Obama's second term, along with higher payroll taxes and raising the age at which you can receive full SS benefits.
Krampus save us....
Klein, I do agree with you about the VAT tax--I think this will be in place before the end of Obama's second term, along with higher payroll taxes and raising the age at which you can receive full SS benefits.
If they raise the age when you can receive SS.....say, to 67 and I'm already receiving it at 63, am I gonna get it yanked or am I 'grandfathered' in ????
I sure hope your not talking about the tax break extensions, because your kids will be paying for all that.
You'll see a vat tax, ss retirement not kicking in until atleast age 70, plus higher payroll taxes somewhere in the near future.
Cuts and higher taxes are just around the corner - just take a look at some EU countries - how they are dealing with thier debt.
It's comming soon !
In ther meantime, sure, let the rich get richer on the cost of all the children !
Klein & you agree....why am I not surprised?
Does anyone really think that The Republicans have not seen this document? Of course they have, If the VP office outed a CIA agent ,do you think they wouldn't have disclosed it, and they would have waited until just before the election.
Yup. Only one reason to keep that secret, to hide something.
But he has hired 4 different law firms to squash anyone's attempt to see it and at a cost of close to $2M.not sure how they would see it if Obama chose to keep it hidden. they cant see mine unless I chose to show it to them.
the issue here is obama keeps showing a copy that has numerous discrepencies. He can squash the issue by showing the original and fully explaining any discrepencies.
Krampus save us....
Something drastic needs to be done to deal with this massive deficit--passing it on to our grandchildren is simply not an option.
an even better way to reduce debt is to STOP the spending, eliminate several gov't agencies, and hire more federal auditors to straighten out the current wasteful practices .One of the easiest ways to reduce the National debt is to let ( and facilitate) a rise in inflation. That was the effect of the Carter/Volcker economic policies in the late 1970's.
The Fed's 0% interest rates and pumping currency into the economy is priming the system for a rise in inflation.
If your retirement is not COLA adjusted, this will have a debilitating effect on one's disposable income.
I agree 100% but cutting spending is hard for politicians. "Letting" inflation creep in is easy.an even better way to reduce debt is to STOP the spending, eliminate several gov't agencies, and hire more federal auditors to straighten out the current wasteful practices .
my kids will be paying for a government that does not know how to control its spending not for allowing me to keep more of the money i earn.
Brief history of income taxes :
First implemented in the US to pay for the civil war, then again during WWI.
UK: Implemented to pay for the napoleon war
Canada : Implemented 1917 to pay for WWI.
War is the health of the State.
Randolph Bourne
I agree 100% but cutting spending is hard for politicians. "Letting" inflation creep in is easy.
You'll get your forecast !
The US dollar is now weaker then the Aussie and Canadian Dollar, weaker then the Swiss Frank (was in the 70's 3 times the value of the Frank)!!, and would be weaker then the German Deutsch Mark, if it still existed !
Basically, all your imports will cost much more in the future, not only oil & gas, minerals, but also basic food items - since they are also traded on a world market in US currency (i.E beef, pork, coffee, cocoa, fruit and veggies, etc).
And other countries will need to charge more US dollars to get the equivalent in their own currency.
Which means goods that are produced in the US will be cheaper than goods produced in those countries where the USD has lost value.
People will vacation here in the US, people will be hired to produce goods in the US and US will reduce the amount of goods imported into the US.
That part is good!
What about the other parts?