The Driver

I drive.
There are standards here, and consequences for not meeting them.
Hope this helps.
Think there are no standards in Denmark? No consequences?

Firing and hiring there is easier than here in the states in many respects. The difference is that taxes are higher there and the working class is more comfortable and happier. Fewer things to worry over makes for a happier civilization.

The Driver

I drive.
It's basic stuff buddy just look at a map.
They need to apply for asylum in the countries they traveled through to get here.

Yes and no. It's being contested right now.

In July 2019, DHS issued a new rule banning asylum for all individuals who transited through a third country before arriving in the United States without having applied for asylum in that country. Under that rule, almost every person who arrived at the U.S.-Mexico border for the first time after July 16, 2019, is ineligible for asylum, unless they had been subject to metering prior to that date. Those who are subject to the rule are screened at the border under the heightened “reasonable fear” standard and may still seek withholding of removal or protection under the Convention Against Torture. This rule was also struck down by the Ninth Circuit, and that decision was also put on hold by the Supreme Court and remains in the appeals process.

In November 2019, DHS began implementing an “Asylum Cooperative Agreement” with Guatemala. Under this kind of agreement, which also is known as a “Safe Third Country” agreement, individuals seeking asylum in the United States are instead sent to a third country and required to seek asylum there. Individuals subject to these agreements may not seek asylum or any other protection, including withholding of removal, in the United States. A similar agreement with Honduras went into effect in May 2020. The legality of these agreements is currently under challenge.

From: Asylum in the United States

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Yes and no. It's being contested right now.

In July 2019, DHS issued a new rule banning asylum for all individuals who transited through a third country before arriving in the United States without having applied for asylum in that country. Under that rule, almost every person who arrived at the U.S.-Mexico border for the first time after July 16, 2019, is ineligible for asylum, unless they had been subject to metering prior to that date. Those who are subject to the rule are screened at the border under the heightened “reasonable fear” standard and may still seek withholding of removal or protection under the Convention Against Torture. This rule was also struck down by the Ninth Circuit, and that decision was also put on hold by the Supreme Court and remains in the appeals process.

In November 2019, DHS began implementing an “Asylum Cooperative Agreement” with Guatemala. Under this kind of agreement, which also is known as a “Safe Third Country” agreement, individuals seeking asylum in the United States are instead sent to a third country and required to seek asylum there. Individuals subject to these agreements may not seek asylum or any other protection, including withholding of removal, in the United States. A similar agreement with Honduras went into effect in May 2020. The legality of these agreements is currently under challenge.

From: Asylum in the United States
Poverty is not a qualifier for asylum.

Persecution due to:
  • Race.
  • Religion.
  • Nationality.
  • Membership in a particular social group.
  • Political opinion.
These are the prerequisites for asylum.


Inordinately Right
Yes and no. It's being contested right now.

In July 2019, DHS issued a new rule banning asylum for all individuals who transited through a third country before arriving in the United States without having applied for asylum in that country. Under that rule, almost every person who arrived at the U.S.-Mexico border for the first time after July 16, 2019, is ineligible for asylum, unless they had been subject to metering prior to that date. Those who are subject to the rule are screened at the border under the heightened “reasonable fear” standard and may still seek withholding of removal or protection under the Convention Against Torture. This rule was also struck down by the Ninth Circuit, and that decision was also put on hold by the Supreme Court and remains in the appeals process.

In November 2019, DHS began implementing an “Asylum Cooperative Agreement” with Guatemala. Under this kind of agreement, which also is known as a “Safe Third Country” agreement, individuals seeking asylum in the United States are instead sent to a third country and required to seek asylum there. Individuals subject to these agreements may not seek asylum or any other protection, including withholding of removal, in the United States. A similar agreement with Honduras went into effect in May 2020. The legality of these agreements is currently under challenge.

From: Asylum in the United States
That's a long way to say that I'm right and you're wrong. Carry on.
Socialist jobs don’t pay that well, that’s why they’re quality sucks. No incentive to do well, since everyone gets the same money no matter how bad or good they are.
There are standards here, and consequences for not meeting them.
Hope this helps.
Sounds like a UPS Union job. We do have delivery drivers that can bonus if they cut enough corners.
Cherry picking. A handful of cheaters doesn’t make the system. UPS is a very profitable company thanks to well paid teamsters. That’s called capitalism not socialism
You would think businesses would want more Teamster jobs if we are responsible for their profits. Instead of Republican law makers making Union job growth more difficult.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
So being a Union member has nothing to do with paying a delivery driver $40/hr while a non Union delivery driver is paid $20/hr? Along with cradle to the grave benefits?
Because you portray your confusion, I offer the following:

la·bor un·ion noun
1. an organized association of workers, often in a trade or profession, formed to protect and further their rights and interests.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Link to your claim?
You don’t remember the fake Harvard report?
Better yet the company surgisphere that supplied the data sets was a shell company that just disappeared after this.

The threshold for myocarditis previously was 5 cases. Here’s 8 just in 5-11 year olds. Theres much much more in teenage boys. A 26 year old from new Zeland just died because of the vaccine. There’s a hundred or more cases in 11-18 year olds

Because you portray your confusion, I offer the following:

la·bor un·ion noun
1. an organized association of workers, often in a trade or profession, formed to protect and further their rights and interests.
Just like the Socialists' Workers Party. Businesses have the Republican Party, workers have the Socialist Party.