
You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Poverty is not a qualifier for asylum.

Persecution due to:
  • Race.
  • Religion.
  • Nationality.
  • Membership in a particular social group.
  • Political opinion.
These are the prerequisites for asylum.
This is why the law was put in place. Someone told them they could circumvent the proper immigration steps by seeking asylum.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
So being a Union member has nothing to do with paying a delivery driver $40/hr while a non Union delivery driver is paid $20/hr? Along with cradle to the grave benefits?
Internal union policies.

Any benefits are due to profit sharing as a part of our agreement.

Any non-union worker can organize.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Migrants may move for any number of reasons. Some of them move to be with family or for economic reasons. Others move for education. Many of them return to their home countries after a few years. They are often able to plan their own travel and bring or sell their belongings. Does this mean that all migrants are moving from good situations to better ones? Unfortunately, no. Many people migrate because their homes have become dangerous or difficult to live in. They might be fleeing from unrest, famine, drought, or economic collapse. But unless they are in danger of conflict or persecution, they are not considered refugees.

The distinction is an important one, because an international convention in 1951 outlined certain rights for people deemed refugees, whereas migrants have no such rights. Refugees are protected from being deported or returned to situations that might threaten their lives. They are to be given access to social services and to be integrated into their new country’s society. Migrants are subjected to a country’s immigration laws and procedures and can be turned away or deported back to their homeland.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Migrants may move for any number of reasons. Some of them move to be with family or for economic reasons. Others move for education. Many of them return to their home countries after a few years. They are often able to plan their own travel and bring or sell their belongings. Does this mean that all migrants are moving from good situations to better ones? Unfortunately, no. Many people migrate because their homes have become dangerous or difficult to live in. They might be fleeing from unrest, famine, drought, or economic collapse. But unless they are in danger of conflict or persecution, they are not considered refugees.

The distinction is an important one, because an international convention in 1951 outlined certain rights for people deemed refugees, whereas migrants have no such rights. Refugees are protected from being deported or returned to situations that might threaten their lives. They are to be given access to social services and to be integrated into their new country’s society. Migrants are subjected to a country’s immigration laws and procedures and can be turned away or deported back to their homeland.
They should be screened outside our borders. The upgrade seekers do not get in.


Well-Known Member
Wow, you're in the wrong business! You should be in immigration law and then you could really show these poor people the door!
You are in the wrong business as well.

Perhaps you and like-minded people in your area could seek Federal funding to open a welcoming center for all these immigrants you advocate for.

Open it in yer hometown. And take them OUT of mine.

The Driver

I drive.
You are in the wrong business as well.

Perhaps you and like-minded people in your area could seek Federal funding to open a welcoming center for all these immigrants you advocate for.

Open it in yer hometown. And take them OUT of mine.
I live in a city that welcomed tens of thousands of Bosnians.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
How many South Americans ?
And Haitians. People from all over the world. Terrorists. We are the laughing stock of the world. You can’t cross the border of the biggest :censored2: hole country, yet it’s wide open here. Why? Because Democrats are slimy scumbags that only care about party. True commies.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
They should call them "upgrade seekers". All they want is to move from coach to first class.
Just today, I was in flying in coach, walked right up the aisle and used the first class bathroom like I owned it.
When I came out, man oh man did I get the evil eye from the first class folks.
Just for a second I felt sorry for illegals, but then, I got over it.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
And Haitians. People from all over the world. Terrorists. We are the laughing stock of the world. You can’t cross the border of the biggest :censored2: hole country, yet it’s wide open here. Why? Because Democrats are slimy scumbags that only care about party. True commies.
Those Haitian 'upgrade seekers" were living a better life in Central America as they already had asylum there.