On this Day

It's Saturday and my appt is on Tuesday. I am also on vacation next week. I could have waited and printed it on Tuesday at work but I don't want to go anywhere near that place. I also the kind of person who likes to have things done ahead of time.

Like printing it at work last week? :funny:


Well-Known Member
Like printing it at work last week? :funny:

This past week was not a good one in my center. Our PDS was on vacation, we have a new on-car trying to learn the job (he was a preload sup in Houston, TX), our volume was up and we had staffing shortages. I didn't even think about the physical until this morning.


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On this day, 2 September 1945, U.S. President Harry S Truman proclaimed this day as Victory-over-Japan Day
(V-J Day or Victory Day).

It was so named because the official ratification of the Japanese surrender to the Allies was made aboard
the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay on this day (Far Eastern Time).

The informal agreement of surrender had been made on August 14.


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On this day, 3 September 1783, The Revolutionary War ended on this day.
A treaty was signed by Great Britain and the United States in Paris, France. The treaty bears the signatures
of Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and John Jay.


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On this day, 3 September 1935, Sir Malcolm Campbell became the first person to drive an
automobile over 300 miles an hour.

Campbell drove his Bluebird Special on the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah at a speed of 301.13 MPH


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On this day, 4 September 1781, Los Angeles was founded.

The Mexican Provincial Governor, Felipe de Neve, founded El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de
Los Angeles, originally named Nuestra Senora la Reina de Los Angeles de Porciuncula, by
Gaspar de Portola, a Spanish army captain and Juan Crespi, a Franciscan priest, who had noticed
the beautiful area as they traveled north from San Diego in 1769.

El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de Los Angeles translates into the Village of our Lady, the
Queen of the Angels ... L.A. for short.

Mexico ceded California to the United States in 1848, and Los Angeless, the capital of Alta California,
a Mexican Province, came with it. Once a quiet, little village, the discovery of oil in the 1890s started an
expansion that has grown to be the home of more than 8 1/2 million people
(approx. 3 1/2 million in the actual city limits).

Hollywood, movie stars, Disneyland, freeways, Beverly Hills, earthquakes, fires, floods and many other
news items have all managed to keep the City of Angels on the map, so to speak.

What it looked like in 1850:


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On this day, 5 Sep 1972, PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) terrorists entered the
Olympic Village in Munich, Germany, killing 11 members of the Israeli Olympic team.


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On this day, 6 September 1959, The first Barbie Doll was sold by Mattel Toy Corporation.

The original Barbie, along with her pals, Ken and Skipper, are now collectors items,
although new versions are continually being produced.



golden ticket member
On this day, 6 September 1959, The first Barbie Doll was sold by Mattel Toy Corporation.

The original Barbie, along with her pals, Ken and Skipper, are now collectors items,
although new versions are continually being produced.

Alex, I'll take "Barbie's last name " for $100.......


golden ticket member
Correct....... Barbie Millicent Roberts and she has a biography.
Not only does Barbie have a last name, she boasts a complete biography. Barbie Millicent Roberts was born on March 9, 1959. A perpetual student, she attends Willows High in Willows, Wisconsin. But high school hasn't stopped this dynamic doll from pursuing a multitude of careers, including physician, astronaut, NASCAR driver, and (of course) "teenage fashion model."

The oldest of the Roberts brood, Barbie has a number of younger siblings, including Skipper, twins Tutti and Todd, Stacie, Kelly, and Krissy. Barbie's circle of friends is also quite extensive. But until quite recently, Barbie had only one main squeeze -- she and boyfriend Ken (last name Carson) were an item for 43 years. Sadly, the plastic pair parted ways February 12, 2004, no doubt making for one sad Valentine's Day.

Barbie takes her first name from Barbara Handler, the daughter of Ruth Handler, co-founder of Mattel Toys and creator of the doll. Her middle and last names were added later after sales skyrocketed and the doll's history was "fleshed out."


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On this day, 7 September 1921, The first Miss America Pageant was held at Atlantic City, New Jersey.
This first contest was a promotion to keep tourists in the resort town after the Labor Day holiday
(the unofficial end of summer). Miss Washington, D.C. won the contest and received a golden statue of
a mermaid as her prize


Well-Known Member
On this day 8 September 1966, NBC-TV headed into “Space: the final frontier” on this day in 1966. The first
episode of Star Trek, titled, The Man Trap, was seen on the network.

Although Star Trek has become a cult phenomenon, with Trekkie (or the member preferred title, Trekker)
conventions held annually, the NBC series did not do well. It was regularly beaten in its time slot, and it
placed #52 among all series in 1966-1967, its best season.

NBC canceled the show on September 2, 1969. Star Trek did return to NBC in 1973 -- as a cartoon.
The crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise has done very well in recent years, having made several motion pictures
and several TV spin-offs.



Well-Known Member
On this day, 8 Sept 1900, Galveston, Texas was struck by the worst hurricane (and deadliest natural disaster)
in American history. 23 foot waves fronting winds up to 135 mph took 6,000 lives.

The storm battered Galveston for 18 hours. When the city, on an island connected to the mainland by a 2-mile long
causeway, was rebuilt, it was raised 15 feet above its previous level; and a new sea wall was built six feet higher
than the previous high-water mark.


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On this day, 9 Sep 1890 Harland Sanders was born and he had no way of knowing that he was destined to
become one of the most recognizable men in the world.

A short time after his birthday, his father died, and a very young boy became his mother’s support
system. He took care of his baby brother and sister and did the cooking while his mother went to
work ... and he became quite an accomplished cook in quick order.

After his mother remarried when he was 12, he went to work at a multitude of different jobs, ending
up operating a gas station in Corbin, Kentucky. It was here, at the age of 40, that Harland started cooking

Using recipes he had learned at the tender age of six, he would prepare meals for hungry
travelers serving them in his gas-station living quarters. His food was so popular that he finally had
to open a restaurant.

Over the next decade, Sanders tried and tested, and again, tried and tested his fried chicken recipe until
he perfected the 11 herbs and spices that made up his secret blend that is still tempting taste-buds in
Kentucky, and now, throughout the world.

Sanders’ cooking had such a following that, in 1935, he was made a Kentucky Colonel for his contributions
to Kentucky cuisine.