Only 5% of next car purchasers expect to buy all electric cars-Road and Track.


Retired 23 years

Try that with your Tesla.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member

I guess they don't want us to have our own vehicles.
Nothing will ever be green enough. They don’t want us going anywhere. And when AI takes over, they won’t need us to.


Well-Known Member
"When AI takes over"......takes over what?

Who is "they"?

"AI" doesn't remotely exist or won't for the foreseeable future. Pipe dream.

This isn't a movie.....
I think you might be a little bit behind on what is actually happening at an ever increasing pace. How does this happen? At first slowly, then steadily, and then suddenly. Iteratively.

Do I think it will work? I don’t know. But I know these giant corporations are not spending billions of dollars. To get no return on their investment.