Only 5% of next car purchasers expect to buy all electric cars-Road and Track.


Retired 23 years

Merrill, 24, put down a deposit on an R1S three years ago at the urging of family members who also own Rivians.
On March 10, 2023 the $85,626 vehicle arrived.

Two days later, Merrill drove his R1S to his family's shared property in the Adirondack Mountains in New York. He wanted to put his rugged electric SUV to the test, so he drove it on the unplowed, snow-covered road into the property.

At first, the R1S sliced through the snow. Then, a large snowdrift stymied the car, he said.

"I hit about 2 ½-feet of snow and it just stopped right there," Merrill said. "I had seen all the Rivian marketing campaigns with the cars just eating through the snow so it was kind of like, man this is disappointing."

Merrill said he's dislodged cars from snow banks before, and enlisted another vehicle to help pull him out. While he was sitting in the driver's seat, unbuckled, rocking the R1S out of the snow bank, he said he accidentally triggered a safety feature that got the car stuck between the park and drive gears.

His Rivian was bricked, rendering it completely useless.

The brand new Rivian ultimately had to be loaded onto a flatbed and driven to a service center in Chelsea, Massachusetts, hundreds of miles away. The towing fee was $2,100.

The ordeal now has Merrill considering trading the R1S for a Toyota Tacoma or a similar gas-powered pickup truck, he said.


Strength through joy

Electric-vehicle maker Lucid Group Inc is planning to lay off about 18% of its workforce, Insider reported on Tuesday, citing sources familiar with the matter and an internal memo.
The company's shares fell more than 7%.
Lucid, which makes luxury electric cars, will communicate details of the layoffs in the next three days, according to the report.
At the end of last year, the company had about 7,200 employees. If that's the current level, then the layoff would amount to a reduction of about 1,300 workers.


Strength through joy
  • Tesla vehicles each have 8 or 9 cameras located in several areas of the vehicle
  • Tesla support claims staff cannot access footage captured by these cameras
  • Users can turn off these functions manually


Well-Known Member
Read on Google News that the EPA is supposed to announce sometime this week emissions requirements that will effectively require at least 55-60% of new car sales be EV's by 2030 and if I remember right 67-70% by 2032. I had hoped to buy a Toyota hybrid by 2026 and now I'm wondering what gas prices are going to be by then. Hope people realize who they're voting for in 2024.


Strength through joy
Read on Google News that the EPA is supposed to announce sometime this week emissions requirements that will effectively require at least 55-60% of new car sales be EV's by 2030 and if I remember right 67-70% by 2032. I had hoped to buy a Toyota hybrid by 2026 and now I'm wondering what gas prices are going to be by then. Hope people realize who they're voting for in 2024.
Poor Idea.
This is one of Biden's wish list things.
Reality is different.
Where are all the raw materials to build this new fleet going to come from ?
Will the USA need to start another war to obtain these materials ?

I recall Congress passing a law for a new type of gasoline.
The only hitch was that the industry hadn't developed it yet.


Well-Known Member
Poor Idea.
This is one of Biden's wish list things.
Reality is different.
Where are all the raw materials to build this new fleet going to come from ?
Will the USA need to start another war to obtain these materials ?

I recall Congress passing a law for a new type of gasoline.
The only hitch was that the industry hadn't developed it yet.
They seem to be intent on jamming it down our throats. Will be interesting to see if a Republican administration will reverse it.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I love how Tesla proponents tell us Tesla will keep growing exponentially and we can't do basic math.


Strength through joy

The poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research and the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago shows the Biden administration’s plans to dramatically raise U.S. EV sales could run into resistance from consumers.

Only eight percent of U.S. adults say they or someone in their household owns or leases an electric vehicle, and just eight percent say their household has a plug-in hybrid vehicle.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.

The poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research and the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago shows the Biden administration’s plans to dramatically raise U.S. EV sales could run into resistance from consumers.

Only eight percent of U.S. adults say they or someone in their household owns or leases an electric vehicle, and just eight percent say their household has a plug-in hybrid vehicle.
So next purchase poll went from 5% to 40% in one year.

Smartphones weren’t adopted that fast. I mean that’s astronomical acceptance in a single year.


Well-Known Member
Was just watching a video about the Prius Prime. I was thinking I wouldn't want a plug-in hybrid but this was very interesting. Not only can it go 44 miles on electric only(with the 17" wheels, 39 with the 19" wheels), but you can use the gas engine as a generator to recharge the battery. Can idle to charge or charge even faster if you're driving. Car stops charging at 80% which takes about 37 minutes of driving. So you don't need to plug in somewhere to charge up the battery. Of course you could charge overnight at home and for most people they could be running on battery mode most of the time. Biggest problem is the demand for these is high so there's a big dealer markup. Really big. The gas engine on generator mode can run appliances too.


Well-Known Member
And that's great for them. But when the EPA's mandates kick in and up to 67% of new car sales must be EV's they will have a lot more competition. I kind of doubt that mandate will happen but concerning Tesla growing exponentially will they grow to 5 million a year? 10 million? 20 million? At what point do you run out of buyers with enough money to afford one? And will there be competition or will other automakers just sit by and watch? They've done a good job dominating that market but nothing lasts forever.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
And that's great for them. But when the EPA's mandates kick in and up to 67% of new car sales must be EV's they will have a lot more competition. I kind of doubt that mandate will happen but concerning Tesla growing exponentially will they grow to 5 million a year? 10 million? 20 million? At what point do you run out of buyers with enough money to afford one? And will there be competition or will other automakers just sit by and watch? They've done a good job dominating that market but nothing lasts forever.
Top car brand in the world sells about 10 million units a year. So yeah obviously they don’t grow forever. Nothing does. But they’re wildly more successful than 90% ever gave them a chance to be.

The other manufactures are a decade behind in the EV game right now. Even if they want to it’s going to take awhile to close that gap.


Strength through joy
Was just watching a video about the Prius Prime. I was thinking I wouldn't want a plug-in hybrid but this was very interesting. Not only can it go 44 miles on electric only(with the 17" wheels, 39 with the 19" wheels), but you can use the gas engine as a generator to recharge the battery. Can idle to charge or charge even faster if you're driving. Car stops charging at 80% which takes about 37 minutes of driving. So you don't need to plug in somewhere to charge up the battery. Of course you could charge overnight at home and for most people they could be running on battery mode most of the time. Biggest problem is the demand for these is high so there's a big dealer markup. Really big. The gas engine on generator mode can run appliances too.
This vehicle recharges best in stop & go city driving , the regenerative braking feature.
Which one does not use while driving on the highway,


Well-Known Member
This vehicle recharges best in stop & go city driving , the regenerative braking feature.
Which one does not use while driving on the highway,
Actually it has a generator mode that you can charge by just letting it idle but it about doubles its charging power by driving. It's not coming from the brakes. Apparently has an inverter too which allows powering 120 volt appliances. Saw the button you press for the generator.


Strength through joy

California must :

Convince drivers to charge their cars during off-peak hours: With new discounted rates, utilities are urging residents to avoid charging their cars between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m. But many people don’t have unrestricted access to chargers at their jobs or homes.
Build solar and wind at an unprecedented pace: Shifting to all renewables requires at least 6 gigawatts of new resources a year for the next 25 years — a pace that’s never been met before.
Develop a giant new industry: State officials predict that offshore wind farms will provide enough power for about 1.5 million homes by 2030 and 25 million homes by 2045. But no such projects are in the works yet. Planning them, obtaining an array of permits and construction could take at least seven to eight years.