Only 5% of next car purchasers expect to buy all electric cars-Road and Track.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
The public will end up driving the vehicles manufacturers make available and regardless of the fuel source that vehicle will cost more to own and operate that the one that proceeded it.
Preceded… means before.

Proceeded means after.

Words have meaning. That’s why it’s important to use the correct word.


Well-Known Member
Preceded… means before.

Proceeded means after.

Words have meaning. That’s why it’s important to use the correct word.
Thank you Mr. Hemingway. It's great to have a Nobel Prize winner for literature on board keep us straight . Just don't know how we could get by without you.


Well-Known Member
Again… I already showed you the article of the companies already doing autonomous delivery.
Having less people doesn't make it autonomous.

Highly specialized situations are just that....niche.

Nothing is autonomous. There many people supporting that autonomous operation.

Do you think space probes are autonomous? No people on them....See?


Retired 23 years
I remember when UPS started groundtrack in the early 90s, and we were scanning packages with this giant scanner strapped on your waist, one package at a time.

Some manager, who came from somewhere else who was in charge of starting that service, which was originally something you had to pay for, told me eventually every package would be scanned as it made its way through our system. Giving real time updates to customers. At that time I think we all laughed. I thought it was pretty funny and never possible.
Big deal - they can scan them. Now if they could work the bugs out of maintaining a believable delivery schedule that would be something.


nowhere special
It’s not their fault you live in the north pole we only have so many
Sleigh dogs to deliver to you


Well-Known Member
The public will end up driving the vehicles manufacturers make available and regardless of the fuel source that vehicle will cost more to own and operate that the one that proceeded it.
Except two car families will become one car families and teens can take the bus to school.


Retired 23 years
There goes @rod! 🤣
Can't be me. I haven't had a dog since I was 18 years old. I don't have anything against them -just don't need one. I think 30 years at UPS soured me against dogs. The closest thing to a dog I have is my neighbors black lab who comes over and brings his ball with him so we can play fetch. Then he goes home and my neighbor feeds him and takes care of the vet bills. My wife grew up on a farm and says that was enough taking care of animals for her so we both can live without pets.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
Having less people doesn't make it autonomous.

Highly specialized situations are just that....niche.

Nothing is autonomous. There many people supporting that autonomous operation.

Do you think space probes are autonomous? No people on them....See?
Ok… but the jobs are going to get less and less untill it is all jobs. And it’s coming faster then u realize.


Well-Known Member
Ok… but the jobs are going to get less and less untill it is all jobs. And it’s coming faster then u realize.
I think there is a better chance of this place being eventually third world. Regressing not progressing.

Once the Chinese population figures out how much power they really have....

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
I think there is a better chance of this place being eventually third world. Regressing not progressing.

Once the Chinese population figures out how much power they really have....
Lol, stores barely have anything in stock, and the liberal politicians in Washington get away with falsely imprisoning and killing make America great again voters for protesting. And you live in a country that does not have free and fair elections, where the national news media deliberately lies to you so you vote for one political party over another. We already live in a third world country.


Well-Known Member
Lol, stores barely have anything in stock, and the liberal politicians in Washington get away with falsely imprisoning and killing make America great again voters for protesting. And you live in a country that does not have free and fair elections, where the national news media deliberately lies to you so you vote for one political party over another. We already live in a third world country.

I went to Costco yesterday....we go once a month as it's an hour drive. The place was covered up with people on a Friday morning.....busy. Place was packed with much as you could EVER want. Gasoline powered generators to literally tons of any kind of food you could imagine. Paper towels and toilet paper in huge stacks.

Lines for gasoline were 10 deep and all full and available. I actually marveled at the bounty and opportunity. Here's what's really interesting: I had one basket cart......I spent $452. Trust me.....I didn't have a whole lot.

That said.....I actually agree with most of your other comments......except the third world part is in generally Democrat controlled areas.....

BTW, gasoline here has gone up about .40 in the last couple actually went up .20 in one day here this week. $2.79-2.99-$3.18. Before Biden....we were knocking on sub $2.00........

Example: I bought a new Ryobi weed wacker(gas powered) the other day. Home Depot actually had 10 of them(they've been out for months). Last time I bought one(about 2 years ago) they were under $100....this one was $215 out the door. A battery powered one would have been $150 more after getting all the charging/extras battery bullcrap.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
Lol, yeah but how much were the eggs? The last three times I went into Walmart, I couldn’t even buy bread! I could have bought the crap that isn’t any good for you, white bread. No wheat bread in stock for three weeks. How about cold medicine? Checked that shelf lately? Empty in my neck of the woods. My dad lives in a conservative state, he can buy it, but it’s $3- $5 more than it usually is. How about steak? I haven’t eaten a steak in 2 years. It’s $18 a lb! Gas where I live is $3.65 hasn’t moved for weeks. All that stuff is the least important part btw, if we don’t have our elections, we have nothing.