Only 5% of next car purchasers expect to buy all electric cars-Road and Track.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Lol, yeah but how much were the eggs? The last three times I went into Walmart, I couldn’t even buy bread! I could have bought the crap that isn’t any good for you, white bread. No wheat bread in stock for three weeks. How about cold medicine? Checked that shelf lately? Empty in my neck of the woods. My dad lives in a conservative state, he can buy it, but it’s $3- $5 more than it usually is. How about steak? I haven’t eaten a steak in 2 years. It’s $18 a lb! Gas where I live is $3.65 hasn’t moved for weeks. All that stuff is the least important part btw, if we don’t have our elections, we have nothing.
Impressive what a $15+/hour minimum wage can affect, no?

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
How did that affect goods? There are no goods in the store for people to buy.
You really should study up on commerce. There is an extensive chain of commerce that occurs before any goods reaches market. If at each change-of-hands wages paid were to double, the price of those goods would increase exponentially. At each point in that chain, if the profit margin vanishes, so will the product from store shelves.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
You really should study up on commerce. There is an extensive chain of commerce that occurs before any goods reaches market. If at each change-of-hands wages paid were to double, the price of those goods would increase exponentially. At each point in that chain, if the profit margin vanishes, so will the product from store shelves.
Yes I understand that I’m sorry. I thought you were liberal and believed in raising the minimum wage to $15 hr and trying to justify that. That contributed and so did Biden getting involved in the Russia Ukraine conflict. Both countries are huge exporters of grain, and of course russias oil. Raise the price of grain the chickens eat and their eggs go up. Raise the price of fuel that transports that grain, chicken, and eggs and the price of all those things go up. So yes, liberals are the root cause of all this ridiculousness.


Well-Known Member
Lol, yeah but how much were the eggs? The last three times I went into Walmart, I couldn’t even buy bread! I could have bought the crap that isn’t any good for you, white bread. No wheat bread in stock for three weeks. How about cold medicine? Checked that shelf lately? Empty in my neck of the woods. My dad lives in a conservative state, he can buy it, but it’s $3- $5 more than it usually is. How about steak? I haven’t eaten a steak in 2 years. It’s $18 a lb! Gas where I live is $3.65 hasn’t moved for weeks. All that stuff is the least important part btw, if we don’t have our elections, we have nothing.
There were pallets of eggs.....white and organic.....whatever you want. But, no pre-peeled boiled eggs. They said something about bird flu blah blah....which doesn't add up...Honestly I have no idea how much eggs are.....I have to have them.....I've got the money. We buy steak and roast and hamburger meat when we feel like it. Or chicken. Costco has the best prices on steak and I can get a fillet mignon for about $7.50 a steak........big, thick cuts. Shrug. Pallets of bread and tortillas.....I don't know man....there seems to be plenty of food where I live and lot's of people to buy it with money.....I'm retired on a "fixed" income.....and my lifestyle is exactly what it was when I worked at UPS........not bragging. Just the way it is. We are going to Vegas next week and Bahamas in June. Eat out whenever we feel like it. I will go across the street to save a couple pennies on gas.....weird. But have no idea how much bread is....

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
There were pallets of eggs.....white and organic.....whatever you want. But, no pre-peeled boiled eggs. They said something about bird flu blah blah....which doesn't add up...Honestly I have no idea how much eggs are.....I have to have them.....I've got the money. We buy steak and roast and hamburger meat when we feel like it. Or chicken. Costco has the best prices on steak and I can get a fillet mignon for about $7.50 a steak........big, thick cuts. Shrug. Pallets of bread and tortillas.....I don't know man....there seems to be plenty of food where I live and lot's of people to buy it with money.....I'm retired on a "fixed" income.....and my lifestyle is exactly what it was when I worked at UPS........not bragging. Just the way it is. We are going to Vegas next week and Bahamas in June. Eat out whenever we feel like it. I will go across the street to save a couple pennies on gas.....weird. But have no idea how much bread is....
Ok well…. I don’t know man, exact opposite here… weird. Of course I wasn’t lucky enough to get in on ups stock before they went public…shrug. All that stuff is fine and dandy until one day you wake up and your Venezuela because of the people stealing elections, but who cares..shrug. As long as keep getting to go out to eat every Friday night and to the Bahamas or whatever dump you want to fly off to. It’s funny, people your age used to say people my age have our head up our ass and don’t give a rip about the problems going on in the world….lol, yeah, look in the mirror lately? But you just keep enjoying that china raised beef you’re eating from Costco, and doing you. My generation will take care of the heavy lifting…shrug.


Well-Known Member
Ok well…. I don’t know man, exact opposite here… weird. Of course I wasn’t lucky enough to get in on ups stock before they went public…shrug. All that stuff is fine and dandy until one day you wake up and your Venezuela because of the people stealing elections, but who cares..shrug. As long as keep getting to go out to eat every Friday night and to the Bahamas or whatever dump you want to fly off to. It’s funny, people your age used to say people my age have our head up our ass and don’t give a rip about the problems going on in the world….lol, yeah, look in the mirror lately? But you just keep enjoying that china raised beef you’re eating from Costco, and doing you. My generation will take care of the heavy lifting…shrug.
You are picking a fight with the wrong guy. Because you don't know me. And Champ, I've earned every penny I have.

Your taxes paid for all those F35's and M1 tanks.......and freedom of the sea's. Champ.

Don't hurt yourself patting your own back.

I worked my tail off 60 hours a week and even on the weekends mowing grass to get to where I am today.

We are gong to be Venezuela because of Democrats. Plain and simple. I am NOT one. I am locked and loaded.

Say, what do you want "us" to do? Sit around and be miserable and live in a Prius? Serious question. Your turn.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
You are picking a fight with the wrong guy. Because you don't know me. And Champ, I've earned every penny I have.

Your taxes paid for all those F35's and M1 tanks.......and freedom of the sea's. Champ.

Don't hurt yourself patting your own back.

I worked my tail off 60 hours a week and even on the weekends mowing grass to get to where I am today.

We are gong to be Venezuela because of Democrats. Plain and simple. I am NOT one. I am locked and loaded.

Say, what do you want "us" to do? Sit around and be miserable and live in a Prius? Serious question. Your turn.
Congratulations champ! No all I want anyone to do is realize the situation we are in. You can do whatever you want bud. I don’t give two squirts of piss. Just understand what you worked so hard for is under attack and being stolen right out from under your feet by not only democrats, but conservatives as well. Just remember that every time you go to the voting booth and vote for a career politician. The only issue I had with you is you disagreeing with me that america is turning into a third world country. Sure we have a lot still, but it is slowing diminishing. And it’s happening because career globalist, politicians stole the White House from the rightful winner. And it’s going to keep happening until people understand this fact and want to do something about it.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Ok well…. I don’t know man, exact opposite here… weird. Of course I wasn’t lucky enough to get in on ups stock before they went public…shrug. All that stuff is fine and dandy until one day you wake up and your Venezuela because of the people stealing elections, but who cares..shrug. As long as keep getting to go out to eat every Friday night and to the Bahamas or whatever dump you want to fly off to. It’s funny, people your age used to say people my age have our head up our ass and don’t give a rip about the problems going on in the world….lol, yeah, look in the mirror lately? But you just keep enjoying that china raised beef you’re eating from Costco, and doing you. My generation will take care of the heavy lifting…shrug.
Except the facts are that China imports beef from the U.S., not the other way around.
You are picking a fight with the wrong guy. Because you don't know me. And Champ, I've earned every penny I have.

Your taxes paid for all those F35's and M1 tanks.......and freedom of the sea's. Champ.

Don't hurt yourself patting your own back.

I worked my tail off 60 hours a week and even on the weekends mowing grass to get to where I am today.

We are gong to be Venezuela because of Democrats. Plain and simple. I am NOT one. I am locked and loaded.

Say, what do you want "us" to do? Sit around and be miserable and live in a Prius? Serious question. Your turn.
Champ- lol.


Got the T-Shirt


Strength through joy
Some electric vehicle (EV) manufacturers are scrapping the AM radio from their cars, claiming safety concerns. Although conservative talk radio dominates AM radio ratings, it is also considered a critical safety tool, as it is one of the primary ways that federal, state, and local officials communicate with the public during natural disasters and other emergencies.

Automakers such as Ford and Tesla have ditched the AM radio from their newer EV models, arguing that the motors on EVs interfere with AM frequencies, creating buzzing and signal fading, according to a report by the Wall Street Journal.


Strength through joy
Currently , all electric vehicles use up most of their electric power to move batteries down the road.
So unless the electric vehicles can be made lighter, this no-win situation will continue.


Strength through joy
Just read about a home for sale near me.
They have installed a Tesla Wall , so that solar power can charge it during the day and it will power the house at night.

Honestly, the guy who rehabbed this property got into a lot of trouble for not asking the Con.Com for permission before making "improvements".
He has another property that was for sale, { 4 Bedrooms } which he can only rent out.
Since the neighbor next door , who he pissed off , found out his driveway was on the neighbor's land.
There is only enough space left in the driveway to park a bicycle.


Strength through joy

Merrill, 24, put down a deposit on an R1S three years ago at the urging of family members who also own Rivians.
On March 10, 2023 the $85,626 vehicle arrived.

Two days later, Merrill drove his R1S to his family's shared property in the Adirondack Mountains in New York. He wanted to put his rugged electric SUV to the test, so he drove it on the unplowed, snow-covered road into the property.

At first, the R1S sliced through the snow. Then, a large snowdrift stymied the car, he said.

"I hit about 2 ½-feet of snow and it just stopped right there," Merrill said. "I had seen all the Rivian marketing campaigns with the cars just eating through the snow so it was kind of like, man this is disappointing."

Merrill said he's dislodged cars from snow banks before, and enlisted another vehicle to help pull him out. While he was sitting in the driver's seat, unbuckled, rocking the R1S out of the snow bank, he said he accidentally triggered a safety feature that got the car stuck between the park and drive gears.

His Rivian was bricked, rendering it completely useless.

The brand new Rivian ultimately had to be loaded onto a flatbed and driven to a service center in Chelsea, Massachusetts, hundreds of miles away. The towing fee was $2,100.

The ordeal now has Merrill considering trading the R1S for a Toyota Tacoma or a similar gas-powered pickup truck, he said.