(ONLY on ToPIc) serious post


Pineapple King
Is it called swamp @$$ ?
Mud butt?

Driver and I were arguing over this today.

Swamp A*
Lock the thread

That's what I said!

Sweddy Balls.

I've never heard mud butt. Sounds made up

Sounds messy to me.

Who won the argument and what do they get?

I said we should exchange pictures after a long day to see which it looks like: swamp or mud. He still hasn't replied to my sent picture.


My sup took the pic.

I've literally never heard it called mud butt in my entire life.

To me that would mean you took a crap and didn't wipe.

serious post?


And did she let you take pictures of her as well?

Back when NF2 had King Fluff and NF2 was alive ... it was ALIVE!

View attachment 85571

You were a posting machine!

And since you, it's become a requirement to be a Fluffer. You were the first. A virgin of sorts. Lol.

all sorts

Oh god might as well take white that high school state champ 50 years ago.
THIS is what is wrong with this forum.