We were told a different reason about why we lost maps.


Baseball, dart board
One thing I do miss about the map feature is being to easily identify stops within close proximity to my NDAs, especially the residential stops that are on a loop relatively out of the way.


Just a dog
One thing I do miss about the map feature is being to easily identify stops within close proximity to my NDAs, especially the residential stops that are on a loop relatively out of the way.
Delivering buisness ground with air was much easier for me with the map. I hate having to double back to buisness because they didn't 1-3 the stop. Running Orion with a plugged truck on an industrial route is a non starter. Scroll baby scroll.


They let customers track us on a map but take drivers maps away because the data is too expensive?

I love not having maps. My customers are confused as hell since I drive by their homes multiple times a day.

"I've been tracking you on the app ALL DAY and you drove by my house THREE times!!!"

I just tell them to call 1-800-UPS and ask for Carol.


The R&D side of UPS, where all the tech is developed and improved

They were gutted hard, I guess we are just going to outsource our stuff now, or maybe just not roll anything new out for a long while, dunno, nobody knows outside the C-suite
How many years have they had to fix the problems? Good riddance


Well-Known Member
I try to make 100% everyday now. Doing so envokes many feelings.

Boredom is certainly one, but I listen to talk radio anyway to have something for the brain to do.

- Depressing knowing you're doing it wrong.
- Total disregard of doing right by the company
- The feeling you are forcibly sabotaging the company
- The feeling of being a robot, just there to drive the car and carry packages while making as much as a junior lawyer.
- Not caring about going way over miles whereas if you have the freedom to run it your way, the incentive of making Orion look bad is there. Drivers naturally want to do an efficient job if you let them.
- Best thing to do for your sanity is look at it as freeing. Frees your mind up, frees you up of a lot of responsibility. Just focus on safety and not much else. Collect the OT.
My theory on this is that it's the long game the company is working on. Take away the power of the driver to make smart decisions. Fix trace with dispatch having to program in all the closing times and so on to more accurately do the stops at the correct times via ORION. So that it can be run by any monkey behind the wheel. Following the blue line. Any monkey that they can hire off of the street eventually if they can tell the union to screw themselves. Automation of distribution centers for less union help. And so on. I think that the company intends to eventually break the union or at least water it down to where it has no power.


25+ Year UPSer and Teamster
I run it my way everyday. The new people are struggling without maps while people like us adapt straight back to the way that we use to do it. If I followed Orion on my route many companies wouldn't get service by end of day.
I have not been told to boost my Orion percentage for a year and a half or more.
Same. Often the court house is bottom 10 percent of my route and I'd be there well after close. I sort more often but somehow manage to stay between 82 and 86 percent trace, never heard a word about it.
This is why nothing ever gets fixed. Just run it on trace and let management worry about the missed commercial stops. That forces them to choose between making adjustments on their end or having to try and tell you which stops to skip to avoid missed. If every driver in the country would follow trace corporate would have made their puppets mad adjustments years ago. Or would have turned Orion off completely.
My theory on this is that it's the long game the company is working on. Take away the power of the driver to make smart decisions. Fix trace with dispatch having to program in all the closing times and so on to more accurately do the stops at the correct times via ORION. So that it can be run by any monkey behind the wheel. Following the blue line. Any monkey that they can hire off of the street eventually if they can tell the union to screw themselves. Automation of distribution centers for less union help. And so on. I think that the company intends to eventually break the union or at least water it down to where it has no power.
The teamsters have been watered down for years. We just sort of gained what we lost with our current contract but many things have not been fixed. Gotta keep fighting these bastards.


Baseball, dart board
This is why nothing ever gets fixed. Just run it on trace and let management worry about the missed commercial stops. That forces them to choose between making adjustments on their end or having to try and tell you which stops to skip to avoid missed. If every driver in the country would follow trace corporate would have made their puppets mad adjustments years ago. Or would have turned Orion off completely.
Nah I'll keep my sanity. I applaud the guys in our center that run 100 percent trace.
But it's a safety and sanity thing for me. We are lucky enough to be driver sort and load so HIN #s mean nothing.


25+ Year UPSer and Teamster
Nah I'll keep my sanity. I applaud the guys in our center that run 100 percent trace.
But it's a safety and sanity thing for me. We are lucky enough to be driver sort and load so HIN #s mean nothing.
You can be safe and follow ORION. But you’ll likely have to drive up and down the road several times to turn around to avoid the danger. But hey…..it’s their BS. Make them regret forcing it down our throats.