
Well-Known Member
I imagine a lot of wealthy people are doing similar. Didn't know his being in Texas would help. If it weren't for waiting for my credit card with new expiration date to be mailed I'd be in Mexico now too.
actually the wealthy in one area had the power on, as soon as you leave the area lights out again.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I imagine a lot of wealthy people are doing similar. Didn't know his being in Texas would help. If it weren't for waiting for my credit card with new expiration date to be mailed I'd be in Mexico now too.
So you expect your elected official to leave the country instead of helping during a crisis? That is a sad defense. You don’t have to defend the scumbag for being scummy.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Exactly what is he supposed to do? He's not the governor.
Even if you wrongly believe he can’t do anything in his official capacity as your representative to the federal government he could pass out blankets to his constituents that are sleeping in their cars in the Walmart parking lot.


Inordinately Right
Even if you wrongly believe he can’t do anything in his official capacity as your representative to the federal government he could pass out blankets to his constituents that are sleeping in their cars in the Walmart parking lot.
Hurr Durr ted cruz is responsible for the power outage! He also tried to kill my hero Sandy Cortez!

Like you actually care.


Retired 22 years
Another thing about North Dakota us that if it ever seceded from the Union it would become the third highest nuclear armed country in the world. Underground and SAC Nukes all over their land mass..
I remember in school during the nuclear war scare days thinking that because I lived in Mn. I would be safe from a nuclear attack only to find out that North Dakota, with all its missile silos, would be one of the first things those dirty commie bastard Ruskies would attack.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
I remember in school during the nuclear war scare days thinking that because I lived in Mn. I would be safe from a nuclear attack only to find out that North Dakota, with all its missile silos, would be one of the first things those dirty commie bastard Ruskies would attack.

I was in base during the Yon Kipper war in 1973...We went on Red Alert .. the B 52’s were in the air and the silos were manned and ready to release. I remember being stationed on the air field spotting/riding with the snow plows. We had over three feet of snow in October during that War. Occasionally we were assigned snow duty were you went out to a heated trailer for three days and physically dig out the snow on the tracks of the missile silos..lousy duty.. hated it..


Well-Known Member
Even if you wrongly believe he can’t do anything in his official capacity as your representative to the federal government he could pass out blankets to his constituents that are sleeping in their cars in the Walmart parking lot.
Nah, he should give them to Ground employees. They're much worse off.

El Correcto

god is dead
Even if you wrongly believe he can’t do anything in his official capacity as your representative to the federal government he could pass out blankets to his constituents that are sleeping in their cars in the Walmart parking lot.
I don’t care what my government official do, as long as they show up to stop you from robbing me of my individual rights and what little money and benefits my job does provide me.

El Correcto

god is dead
I don’t care if Ted Cruz is muff diving his way across Mexico on a meth bender, as long as shows up to stop Chuckles in the senate he has my support.


Staff member