Think when they roll out Orion they get a baseline of miles on a route then add 10-15% to it. That way they can say its working. Yesterday I did a route that did two loops. North to south then back north. Then north to south again. Turned off Orion at 10:00. Ran 78 miles. If I ran Orion all day I would have ran about 100 miles, drop my pick up volume and work about an hour and a half longer. Probably would have had a larger bonus too with the extra miles.
This is the same kind of hopscotching we are doing. It may have me doing 8 stops in a gated complex (out of 16) then leaving to go to another section across town, then work myself back to the gated complex to finish the last 8 sometime in the afternoon. Thats twice in the same area in the same day vs. doing it all at one time.
Here in southern california, the homes are so densely built, Orion makes ridiculous decisions. For example, I could be on a residential street, there could be 4 stops on that street, Orion will have me turn onto that street and deliver to the wrong side of the truck for two stops, then as i can see the next two stops on the street, Orion calculates that the next closest stop is on the next street and makes me turn around and go to the next street leaving the other two stops undelivered. At some point, it will have me go back to the original street and deliver the two stops again on the wrong side of the truck.
I do this all day in every section. I WONT turn it off, I run it as it comes out.
I do 100% compliance and give them what they created. They cant fix it.
The best answer they can give is to try orion in the morning, but if we see we are falling behind, SHUT IT OFF.
How about getting rid of it? My miles are increasing , not decreasing, my days are extended nor shortening, my customer complaints are skyrocketing, the inconsistency of delivery times is pssng off customers.
For example, on the yellow notes (delivery notices) you cant check the time range that you will return for the customers because you dont have any idea when Orion will have you back in that area, everyday is different.
You could be there at 11am today, and 7pm tomorrow, you cannot give a reasonable estimate of a return time for a signature stop. This is ticking off customers.
Just like the old adage, "if it isnt broken, BREAK IT" is the new motto for UPS package.