Orion is not finished yet, it will take years to do what they want with it. They want to have people , pay for different times like you can pay extra so I can deliver your box to your house at say 1315Pm. Orion will then map the day around that time slot like air. It does take more time, working off 8000 shelf for your first 5 stops is dumb.
They say in the future it will be loaded how Orion is run , not your rdo. Which would be nice because half the time I cant find all the boxes.
One day it will be a game changer. Most times of the day will be bought, with orion now it doesn't matter if you deliver all houses first , then the business later. Before it was getting rid of the business first , then houses last.
Plan in the future is to have one diad and one tablet in each truck. The tablet will talk as you drive like car GPS's . If you have to break off of orion to deliver something big in the way, after your done you will press a button and a new Orion plan will come back reflecting the changes you did the route and making start from that point.
Its a way to control, and later lower the rate, like the pal system.
So for now you have to run it , they are saving Future dollars.
They know its going to cost more now.
By the way it does add 15 to 30 extra stops a day once they start really using it. Mine was 95 to 110. Now its 120 to 140.
So you can try to fight it up it will keep loading up more. Every 60 days or so. No cheating.
Don't count need apt, or if you have to go back twice as an extra stop. Dup them. You'll just make it harder for your self later.
You could have maybe 5 free stops a day, and it takes what seconds to record it . Later the computer will think oh you can do more.
Then the system will keep added more stops. Its not worth it. Your route wont pay anyway.
I hope this helps
last note.
at xmas time , no one had to run Orion, because it doesn't work. Although I watched a video that UPS made about this peak saying because of Orion xmas would be better this year.
WTH you smoking?