Oh Shoot
Middle fingers up
Access is the key word i agreeYou're right. But allowing insane people access to guns allows them to kill.
Access is the key word i agreeYou're right. But allowing insane people access to guns allows them to kill.
It is possible to live a good normal life without adhering to a certain nationalistic lifestyle and belief system. But it's possible to follow them and be that way too. Good ole fashion American values don't permit someone to pledge allegiance to a ruthless Islamic terrorist organization and murder 50 individuals such as what just happened.I would say it has less to do with be an American and more to do with being a freaking human. Nationalities have nothing to do with being a decent human being. Do some people just not have a moral compass?
I have a habit of destroying your points by making mine.You have a habit of missing the point.
True bad people kill people no way to get the guns out of their hands with out affecting responsible gun ownersGuns dont kill...people do
I apologize, but as I was starting to post, my phone rang and I had to go address an issue with one of my elderly parents.Seriously @clean hairy , you make a post but can't put in a simple link to those of us who have no idea what you are talking about???
Here's your link:
Orlando nightclub shooting: 50 killed in terror attack - CNN.com
It's not 1776 anymore. Tyrannical government argument has been beaten to death. The government doesn't actively hunt down and eliminate citizens who go against it.
He may have found other ways. But the thing is we allowed him to buy it legally. That is pathetic. How many of these shootings are we going to allow to happen before we make it more difficult for guns to be legally purchased?
Every time we have one of these massacres where people are killed with legally purchased firearms the narrative is always the same "He would have found another way!"
Yeah, that makes it better. We just saved him a few steps. Great.
Nobody needs an AR-15 to protect themselves in America. This isn't Somalia.
They used airplanes during 9/11I own guns including an H and K rifle. Normal, sane people don't do this. We need to do better about letting crazy people have access to high capacity killing machines.
But if it wasn't an AR-15, terrorists and mentally unstable people would find ways to kill mass amounts of people. Driving a van into the club with a homemade bomb would of inflicted more damage and death.
Extremism, violence and mental illness are the problems.
Thug, when do you think you would possibly need an assault rifle?
You are willing to go to war against your own government?I own an AR15 (that I built myself) because of the POSSIBILITY that i might need it. The Bill of Rights, not "needs," permits it.
If things go bad in this country, or just locally, I, and people like me, will have adequate firearms with adequate bullet capacity to defend ourselves from those (including our own government) that are committing violent acts against our families and communities. They will likely have "assault rifles." We shouldn't be stripped of that right because of nutjobs (such as the gay club shooter) that exist. We should retain that right because of the fact that people like that exist.
Better to have and not need than to not have and need...just sayingNobody needs an AR-15 to protect themselves in America. This isn't Somalia. I would rather have one to meet an aggressor than having a knife
I'm just dumbfounded by this, this can get deleted but I'm posting it anyways....You are a maroon!I know its business as usual but management won't care or push back commit times and still blame us that's all. For any missed business or late air they will find us at fault they already said road will be closed tomorrow. It's a very heavy business route 5 driver loop with only Business also 30 plus drivers have to pass by to get to area orange ave is the only way in and out of downtown Orlando I see a long day manana
So it's ok to throw out the Constitution when things get tough? No other way whatsoever? Why even have one then?Constitutional argument gets old as we sit on a day where another 50 people are dead and 53 more shot up.
When we round up every one of these people and throw the the hell outah hereWhen does this type of tragedy end ....... IT doesnt