Orlando night club shooting


Well-Known Member
I love it...five hundred posts, most of which are discussions of different types of ammo vis-a-vis different types of guns.

Way cool kids, way cool.


Well-Known Member
There are many "assault rifles" that are far less effective for that purpose than pistols. And many that are effective but are still less than a pistol. But liberals can't get over how scary AR15s look. It blinds them to logic.

true looks to much likes its cousin the 16 , they should paint it in the rainbow colors, liberals would love it then.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I've been reading the accounts from some of the survivors and I am having problems with some things.

To kill 50 and wound 53, with some of the wounded having up to 12 bullets in them.

That would mean the shooter had to have 800 to way more than 1000 rounds, plus the magazines plus the weapon and a handgun.

Did he have 40 round magazines?

Military grade magazine holders?

The weight of this equipment and ammo must have been close to 100 pounds or more put together.

I think there had to be another shooter.

And the bar owner and manager are going to prison for a long time, because you are never allowed to chain fire exits closed.

And that is the reason people couldn't escape out the back.


Well-Known Member
yea i dont have anything against you, i just get sick of all this anti muslim talk on the boards and in general.

im saying if u want to talk the talk, then u gotta walk the walk and theres probably a shortage of posts of yours defending people who are not a part of your tribe for example palestinians, iraqis, muslims, etc.

if you stop bombing and invading the muslim countries, then the small segment of muslims which hate america might be at peace with u. especially if you make up for your sins as a country.

the best way to stop the anti muslim talk is to get them to stop raping, maiming ,killing , disfiguring, blowing up ---insert life form here.