Orlando night club shooting


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
The extreme Irish are crazy , yes , but your average Irish catholic in America isn't blowing up planes full of Protestants


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
Ever seen "The Departed"?

Basically you're saying it's OK if it's white-on-white violence, that's cool, as long as it's 'in-house'.

Bring some Muslims into the mix, and now you're upset?

Yes ,,, I'm from Boston the hot bead of the Irish Catholics ,, in the name of Christ , I condemn all acts of violence, but when it knocks on your door , you can't lay down and take it
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Well-Known Member
Yes ,,, I'm from Boston the hot bead of the Irish Catholics ,, in the name of Christ , I condone all acts of violence, but when it knocks on your door , you can't lay down and take it

I'm from Boston as well, but I'm non-denominational.

Terrorism is terrorism.

Dead babies are dead babies, either from Obama or Assad or Putin or the IRA.

Or Muslim extremists here in the USA.

:censored2:s are :censored2:s, each and every one.