Orlando night club shooting

Already got my summer cut


Strength through joy
Robber holds up bar, ex-cop shoots him in the face | New York Post
Andrew McClean, 24, walked into The Parkside Pub on 149th Street in Whitestone around 4 a.m. waving a gun and ordering the bartender to open up the cash register, according to police.
After emptying the register, McClean turned his attention to Beardsley ( spent seven years on the force, working as a police officer in Harlem from 1969 until 1975 before retiring on disability )and two other patrons inside the watering hole, sources said.
When McClean tried to rob the men, Robert Beardsley pulled out his .38 pistol and shot him in the face, according to police sources.

McClean later died at the scene.


That’s Craptacular
Down here you look for toothless red faced men wearing a Duck Dynasty hat.
People can believe what they want to believe. Saying homosexuality is a sin and goes against God and blah blah....okay. I don't agree but I also don't practice or participate in organized religion.

But to declare gay people akin to pedophiles and call them "predators and abusers"? That's like saying all straight man are rapists.


Strength through joy
People can believe what they want to believe. Saying homosexuality is a sin and goes against God and blah blah....okay. I don't agree but I also don't practice or participate in organized religion.

But to declare gay people akin to pedophiles and call them "predators and abusers"? That's like saying all straight man are rapists.
Have you been following the news stories about campus "rapes" ?