Orlando night club shooting


nowhere special

Patron: We just started pushing and pushing and then when we got that 10 second break we went to this alleyway which led for only employees and we tried, me and this random guy, tried blocking the door. At that point like I said the bullets were getting louder and closer. So we blocked this door and we did hear banging. I pray it wasn’t anyone trying to escape because I would forever feel guilty.

WOW! #Pulse Club Patron Admits He Blocked Exit From Club Condemning Gays to Certain Death


Well-Known Member
Who knows?
If you life is in the line...would you run or charge him?

Not a judgement.

I have a temper, so I imagine I would charge.

Flight 93.

Before 9-11, these weren't conversations people had.

I know UPS isn't the barometer of the rest of the populace, but if someone started shooting at my PCM, half the group would charge.

Life is short anyway, rush the DB.


Well-Known Member
Edit, maybe a third would charge.

One third would be clueless, one third would duck-and-cover (no judgement), the other third would rush.

I could be wrong.


nowhere special
Edit, maybe a third would charge.

One third would be clueless, one third would duck-and-cover (no judgement), the other third would rush.

I could be wrong.

That situation is one you can't predict what people will do. I agree about maybe 1/3 would charge the shooter but I would guess the largest group would be those who freeze or are clueless.


Well-Known Member
Todd Beemer and others did just that, thereby preventing the third plane from crashing into the White House, he and others were true heroes.

I was gonna post the youtube tribute to Todd Beemer, "Let's roll" by Neil Young but there were video stills on the clip that might bring back memories....so I didn't.

You're right.....Beemer and his group were gonna take someone out.


Happy Verified UPSer
i think your natural instinct is to flee especially when a guy is shooting a weapon like that. how many rounds per minute could this weapon fire? unless you were trained in the military or police i can see why people ran . no experience, no training , ya maybe make a run for it. i know now in America more and more people are being trained for a life threatening event. school teachers and school bus drivers, people who are in charge of children , and other professions are starting this kind of training. more so after this event for sure.


i can not see how people can make a judgement. you weren't there.