Orlando night club shooting

Not disrespecting the dead was exactly the point I was making, you're telling that to the wrong person.
I'm not going to argue tonight about it. I don't approve of the gay lifestyle but I really feel bad for what has happened.

Not only did a 100+ got shot, thousands of friends and family are messed up over this.

Please feel free to fight amongst yourselves .


Fight the power.


Well-Known Member
Everyone is a tough guy until they start hearing bullets wiz by them and start seeing bodies drop to the ground with blood and guts everywhere. Nobody truly knows what they would do until they are actually in that situation. So please save the tough guy talk and judgment, cuz its just bull :censored2:.


Well-Known Member
Everyone is a tough guy until they start hearing bullets wiz by them and start seeing bodies drop to the ground with blood and guts everywhere. Nobody truly knows what they would do until they are actually in that situation. So please save the tough guy talk and judgment, cuz its just bull :censored2:.

Or wait it out on the bathroom floor while you're bleeding out, pretending you're dead.

No thanks.