Orlando night club shooting


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
He's all about the bill of rights and constitution, until it means someone gets to do something he doesn't approve of..... then it's all "liberal judges", blah blah blah. He is the textbook definition of a neocon.
Can you show me in the bill of rights were you can kill a fetus and marry someone of the same gender?

I can't find it.

But right to keep and BEAR arms is right there.

Number 2 on the rights list.


Well-Known Member
The biggest mass murders weren't done with guns.

9/11 and Oklahoma City were with bombs and planes.

We calling for the outlawing of planes and rental trucks yet?
Yet MOST are with guns. Like I said, it's easier and efficient for a lone wolf such as this kid in Orlando to simply purchase some high power rifles and ammo. Ever since Colombine this has been the preferred method for American terrorists.


Bad Moon Risen'
My only issue with that is, I can't find any mention of a person's right to kill a fetus or any mention of same sex marriage any where in the Bill of Rights.

Maybe you can post those parts of the Bill of Rights that allows fetuses to be killed and for same sex couples to be wed?
1st and 14th for starters.
And what well regulated militia are you a part of?

Foamer Pyle

Well-Known Member
Like you need an AK47 for ANY purpose.

Your a gun freak, and you are 80% more likely to use that AK on yourself before you ever even aim it at another human being.

I dont know where you live, but if you are going to respond that you need an AK for home protection, then what you really need is a new realtor.

Your analogy is typical Liberal rhetoric. Why does someone need to live in a 10,000 square foot house, or drive an 800hp car to work. How about that Liberal in NY that tried to ban large fountain drinks, because the government knows what's best for you. I like owning an assault rifle for the same reason some other person likes a 80 foot yacht. It's illegal to modify a weapon, and since I obey the laws, I will never do that to my rifle. Liberals always seem to like being told what they can and cannot have by the government. Every notice how Liberals always demonize the wealthy, and large corporations, always crying about how little they make, and complaining about how much the boss earns. I find Liberals are never happy, and always look to the government to solve all of their problems. You can call me a gun freak too, and it's very unlikely I will shoot myself or anyone else with it. Oh, my rifle is not for self defense, it's for fun, target practice at the gun range. You should try it sometime, it's a load of fun.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
The problem with you hillbillies is that all your inter family marriages has deteriorated your brain capacity.
I call you liberals. You call me a hillbilly. As usual..... I'm correct and you're not. Apparently, or obviously, an insult pertaining to one's regional traits is the equivalent to being called a liberal. LOL. Now that's so telling. Not to mention the fact that I live nowhere near the Appalachian Mountains. LOL. I guess it's hard to concentrate while foaming at the mouth with liberal emotion.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Maybe he has you on ignore.
Nah. I didn't feel the need to answer a question that has been asked a million times here and has been answered just as many times. And.....at this point if someone doesn't already see the fallacy in the results of gay marriage and abortion in our courts then they never will. It's that liberal emotion at play.


Well-Known Member
I call you liberals. You call me a hillbilly. As usual..... I'm correct and you're not. Apparently, or obviously, an insult pertaining to one's regional traits is the equivalent to being called a liberal. LOL. Now that's so telling. Not to mention the fact that I live nowhere near the Appalachian Mountains. LOL. I guess it's hard to concentrate while foaming at the mouth with liberal emotion.

I wouldn't call myself a 'Liberal', although I do subscribe to certain ideas that rational people would describe as 'Liberal'.

I wouldn't call myself a 'Conservative', yet I do subscribe to certain ideas that rational people would describe as 'Conservative'.

I also subscribe to certain ideas that rational people would describe as 'crazy', or 'Anarchist'. I'm neither.

So, what am I?

The flaw in your thinking is to zero in on my 'Liberal' proclivities and then label me as a 'Liberal', because you simply can't stand the fact that other people look at the same information you do and come up with equally valid but completely different conclusions.

Sorry, it's simple - you cannot write off thirty percent of the population of this country and call them 'mentally-deficient'.

But, whatever, please proceed.

It says more about you than anyone else when you label anyone who disagrees with you as 'sick in the head'.