Orlando night club shooting


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Apples and dump trucks.
You would need about 100 times the gun murders to equal abortion deaths, and that is your post?

Actually it would be about 1000 times less gun murders if you took out gun murders by Muslim terrorists.

Think about that, before bitching about any more gun deaths.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I wouldn't call myself a 'Liberal', although I do subscribe to certain ideas that rational people would describe as 'Liberal'.

I wouldn't call myself a 'Conservative', yet I do subscribe to certain ideas that rational people would describe as 'Conservative'.

I also subscribe to certain ideas that rational people would describe as 'crazy', or 'Anarchist'. I'm neither.

So, what am I?

The flaw in your thinking is to zero in on my 'Liberal' proclivities and then label me as a 'Liberal', because you simply can't stand the fact that other people look at the same information you do and come up with equally valid but completely different conclusions.

Sorry, it's simple - you cannot write off thirty percent of the population of this country and call them 'mentally-deficient'.

But, whatever, please proceed.

It says more about you than anyone else when you label anyone who disagrees with you as 'sick in the head'.
I call you a liberal because you are a liberal.

Just like upstate.

You are like him in so many ways.

And none of them are good.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Nah. I didn't feel the need to answer a question that has been asked a million times here and has been answered just as many times. And.....at this point if someone doesn't already see the fallacy in the results of gay marriage and abortion in our courts then they never will. It's that liberal emotion at play.
Funny how people who say abortion and gay marriage are in the Constitution, can't show you where it is.

But don't see the right to own a gun any where in the Constitution.

I call those special people :censored2:s.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you can show me?

I didn't think so.

The constitution leaves marriage up to the states.

Is this a case of Republicans fighting for states rights unless they don't agree?

Seems like it.

What about Liberty?

Personal Freedom?

Constitution is big on those.

Where in the constitution does it say (since you're so keen on its actual words) that same sex unions cannot be conjoined in marriage?

Constitution says nothing about the Moon or Mars either, but we went there!


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
The constitution leaves marriage up to the states.

Is this a case of Republicans fighting for states rights unless they don't agree?

Seems like it.

What about Liberty?

Personal Freedom?

Constitution is big on those.

Where in the constitution does it say (since you're so keen on its actual words) that same sex unions cannot be conjoined in marriage?

Constitution says nothing about the Moon or Mars either, but we went there!

And you vote, don't you?



Most Awesome Dog
Staff member

You don't think we went to the moon?

Come on.
WEll I think we did. But there is a world of thought out there, conspiracy theories that said we did not. And I dont research it closely enough to be sure. I know I have a book my parents bought me, still have it, I believe from 1964 about the first landing on the moon.

but then as some moon bat says, I add nothing to the convo, so thats it for me, Lol


Well-Known Member
Nah. I didn't feel the need to answer a question that has been asked a million times here and has been answered just as many times. And.....at this point if someone doesn't already see the fallacy in the results of gay marriage and abortion in our courts then they never will. It's that liberal emotion at play.

I must of missed it.

Tell me about the parts of the constitution that address gay marriage or abortion.

(Clue phone...they don't exist).