Orlando night club shooting


swollen member
Ya, and if it wasnt for an american gun dealer, those terrorists wouldnt have had the mini ak47's they used, the terrorists didnt get their weapons in France, but rather, from illegal sales from gun dealers around the world, including the good ole USA.


how did ONE ak pistol turn into plural????

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Muslims don't want to get along. They want to conquer. Period.

Maybe you should take from this video, the bigger picture, eh? How a country like America, can destabilize the world and cause a greater crisis than they proposed to solve.

If "WE" and by that I mean ( John McCain, Lyndsay Graham and the CIA) hadnt ARMED every rebel nutball in SYRIA trying to destabilize Syria and overthrow the government, we would be seeing this crisis TODAY.

"WE" caused this to happen, "WE" drove them from their homeland, "WE" fueled the fire of DANGER for them and "WE" continue to wreck havoc in the middle east.


The Iraq and Afghanistan wars accomplished nothing ,but to breed more hatred for the USA and the world.

These people wouldnt be leaving their homeland, had we just stayed out of the way and left them alone, but NO, we had to come to Israels AID and attempt to Nation build a state right next to them, but now its backfiring on us and the world.

A person like YOU supports these stupid military actions because you cant see far enough down the road to know better. TO you, its all about flag waving and Rah rah rah..

You havent the first clue about war, its implications or ramifications.

All you hear is "WE ARE GOING TO WIN".

Well, hows that working out for the USA so far?


Foamer Pyle

Well-Known Member
Hey Mr Oblivious.

WHITES represent 53% of all sexual assaults on women and children. Our prison systems are littered with WHITE predators who just cant seem to leave women and children alone.

In Idaho, WHITE make up almost 100% of the crimes, both violent and sexual.

Some states are the same, and others, depending on demographics are as high as 75%.

For whatever reason, WHITE MEN have a problem with pornography and the sexual domination of women. Little boys seem to be a fan favorite of WHITE MEN.

So please, spare me the WHITES dont commit crimes like other people.

You sound ridiculous.

The numbers don't lie. Are you a Nazi? Everything that you claim in your posts leads me to believe you are a racist, and I would say against whites, and every religion, except Muslims. I gave you the percentages, and I could get the same numbers from many different sources, so you are full of PooP!


Inordinately Right
The numbers don't lie you ignorant maroon. Are you a Nazi? Everything that you claim in your posts leads me to believe you are a racist, and I would say against whites, and every religion, except Muslims. I gave you the percentages, and I could get the same numbers from many different sources, so you are full of PooP!
what numbers


Inordinately Right
I hope you are smart enough to figure out that i use real statistics to disprove many of the Liberal claims that some have posted. If you are not happy with the truth, not much I can do about that.
I don't know what statistics you've used, or what liberal claims you are trying to disprove.

Is this going to be another republican rant where you not so subtly suggest African Americans have a genetic disposition to crime?

Foamer Pyle

Well-Known Member
The numbers don't lie. Are you a Nazi? Everything that you claim in your posts leads me to believe you are a racist, and I would say against whites, and every religion, except Muslims. I gave you the percentages, and I could get the same numbers from many different sources, so you are full of PooP!
Oh, and who the hell lives in Idaho? More people live in my County than the entire state of Idaho. Why don't you tell me who is doing all the shooting in Chicago? Really, there are about 3 city's in the entire country, that account for almost all of the gun murders in the entire country. Detroit is another wonderful place to live, full of violent crime. I think you should move to one of these wonderful places.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Ya, and if it wasnt for an american gun dealer, those terrorists wouldnt have had the mini ak47's they used, the terrorists didnt get their weapons in France, but rather, from illegal sales from gun dealers around the world, including the good ole USA.

AK 47's are made in former Eastern Bloc nations, primarily Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and Russia. The terrorists in Paris did not obtain their AK 47's from the USA they were smuggled in from the Middle East.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
AK 47's are made in former Eastern Bloc nations, primarily Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and Russia. The terrorists in Paris did not obtain their AK 47's from the USA they were smuggled in from the Middle East.
You forgot China.

I may or may not have one made in China.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Lets pretend for a moment that every single AR-15 had magically vanished from the USA and that Mateen had been unable to obtain one in Orlando.

So instead of an AR-15, he could have bought an ordinary pump-action Remington 870 12 gauge shotgun, of the type commonly sold for duck or deer hunting, with a tubular magazine holding 5 or 6 rounds. Having sawed the stock and barrel down with a hacksaw, he could then have walked into the nightclub with 200 rounds of 00 buckshot in a dump pouch and murdered just as many people. It is quite easy to reload a tubular magazine with your left hand while holding a sawed off shotgun with your right hand, with a round in the chamber and your finger on the trigger ready to blast anyone who confronts you. And inside of 20 meters, 00 buckshot is far more lethal than the .223 round from an AR-15.
The body count wasn't high because he had an AR-15. It was high because all of his victims were unarmed and helpless.

Foamer Pyle

Well-Known Member
I don't know what statistics you've used, or what liberal claims you are trying to disprove.

Is this going to be another republican rant where you not so subtly suggest African Americans have a genetic disposition to crime?
I was merely proving that "The Other Side" had his information totally wrong. I don't make the statistics, the people committing the violent crimes do. Don't be mad at me for posting the truth. Those stats are similar no matter where you want to try and pull the information from. It's clear to me that "The Other Side" does not like whites, or any other religion aside from The Muslim religion, which he so vehemently defends.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
AK 47's are made in former Eastern Bloc nations, primarily Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and Russia. The terrorists in Paris did not obtain their AK 47's from the USA they were smuggled in from the Middle East.

NO :personal attack deleted: They were made in SERBIA as the serial numbers have been traced back to the manufacturer. 7 of the guns used in the paris attacks were traced to the same SERBIAN ARM FACTORY. One of the guns, was sold and shipped to an american arms dealer, coincedentally, the same guy implicated in the arms for contra scandal during the REAGAN administration.

The other 6 guns have not been traced back to the dealer just yet, but its still being investigated. The same florida arms dealer could have had all the guns, but its unclear as of yet.

Somehow, the paris terrorists managed to contact the american arms dealer to get guns and for all we know, the american arms dealer gave them a referral to another arms dealer.

Birds of a feather, money talks, blah blah blah, who cares, american arms dealers dont give a crap who they sell guns to.

""primarily Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and Russia""":::::::::::::::::::::> FAIL.

Serbian Factory 'Made Guns Used In Paris'

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Pees in the brown Koolaid
Serbian-made AK's are referred to as "Yugo's" because the Zastava armament factory where they are manufactured was built in what used to be called Yugoslavia prior to the civil war there that split the nation into Serbia and Croatia.


nowhere special
Serbian-made AK's are referred to as "Yugo's" because the Zastava armament factory where they are manufactured was built in what used to be called Yugoslavia prior to the civil war there that split the nation into Serbia and Croatia.

Unlike the Yugo car those Yugo AK's are some of the best made.