Orlando night club shooting

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
the common misconception is that he would not have been able to shoot as people if he had to reload his ten round magazines?

There is no misconception. If the shooter had to eject a magazine, reload and reset the firing mechanism, somebody may have been able to stop him.

But WE all know, that if a shooter can have a 50 or 75 round magazine, and knows how to fire the weapon and prevent jamming the weapon, he will be able to kill many people without the hope of stopping him.

10 round mags would save lives.

Fixed magazines with 10 rounds will save lives.

Banning ALL assault style weapons will save lives.

GUN NUTS will always continue to kill people in this country, regulations on these kinds of weapons are not designed to stop all killings, its the survivability of the victims during a shooting.

GUN NUTS, who lose their minds for whatever reason, will use guns to kill, as that is what GUNS are intended for.


Thats the key to saving lives.


Foamer Pyle

Well-Known Member
Of course you would, youre a fanatic, you just dont understand that.

You would prefer to ignore crimes by christians or even better yet, crimes by white men in this country.

There is a meme floating around the internet about three syrian men raping a 5 year old girl and this was the result of Obama importing these syrian men into the country as refugees.

It furthers, that Obama was bringing the "muslim rape culture" to america and that americans would not tolerate it.

But thats laughable on many fronts.

First, lets look at just one of the memes.

The right wing has gone along way to blow this story up to the people that would believe such crap. People like you Jlemansk and realbrown, baba, OUT and the others.

Unfortunately for the right wing, this story is UNTRUE.

What is true, is that in twin falls idaho, three small boys, ages 7, 9 and 13 FONDLED a 5 year old girl, but there was no rape, and no knife used.

They were of muslim decent, but NONE of them were syrian and NONE of them were refugees and were BORN HERE.

But that doesnt stop the right wing bullcrap machine from putting out false information. They need to SCARE you people into believing that we need to go back to WAR.

This is the kind of propaganda that keeps people like you gun freaks scared to death and spending all your money on guns and ammo.

Three small american boys, FONDLED a small child, were arrested and only the 13 year old is going to be charged, as we dont charge 7 and 9 year olds.

But, this isnt anything different than what happens everyday in this country will all races, especially WHITES.


White men make up the majority of sex crimes in this country, White men rape more women and molest more children in this country than all the other races combined, but these right wing kooks think OBAMA is bringing a rape culture to the USA??

Its really time for a mental evaluation for people who accept these memes as truth.

Really? There is nothing you can say to sway me from my opinion of Muslims in this country, or any other country. The book they believe encourages violence against anyone who does not share their belief. So, no, I won't go out and murder gays or Christians, Jews, or Catholics because of their religious beliefs. There is no such thing as peaceful Muslims, if they believe in the Quran. No other religion in modern times have committed the violent acts against others, like the Muslims. The left wing media feeds you nothing but lies. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC.
The documentary Katie Couric did on guns was nothing but a load of BS, and proven to be such. Glad their are people out there to expose these Liberal frauds in the news. There is a reason why those media outlets are called " The Drive By Media." If you want to keep supporting Frauds like Obama and the Clintons, go for it. I want to see this corrupt government turned upside down, and exposed for what it is. The IRS and The EPA need to go. I want lower taxes, and less Government. A Liberal believes the rich don't pay their fair share in taxes, and looks to the government for help. I can take care of myself, don't need the government for anything more than national defense. That is supposed to be the governments primary job. You and I will never see eye to eye, so there is no point in debating this any further.

Foamer Pyle

Well-Known Member
Of course you would, youre a fanatic, you just dont understand that.

You would prefer to ignore crimes by christians or even better yet, crimes by white men in this country.

There is a meme floating around the internet about three syrian men raping a 5 year old girl and this was the result of Obama importing these syrian men into the country as refugees.

It furthers, that Obama was bringing the "muslim rape culture" to america and that americans would not tolerate it.

But thats laughable on many fronts.

First, lets look at just one of the memes.

The right wing has gone along way to blow this story up to the people that would believe such crap. People like you Jlemansk and realbrown, baba, OUT and the others.

Unfortunately for the right wing, this story is UNTRUE.

What is true, is that in twin falls idaho, three small boys, ages 7, 9 and 13 FONDLED a 5 year old girl, but there was no rape, and no knife used.

They were of muslim decent, but NONE of them were syrian and NONE of them were refugees and were BORN HERE.

But that doesnt stop the right wing bullcrap machine from putting out false information. They need to SCARE you people into believing that we need to go back to WAR.

This is the kind of propaganda that keeps people like you gun freaks scared to death and spending all your money on guns and ammo.

Three small american boys, FONDLED a small child, were arrested and only the 13 year old is going to be charged, as we dont charge 7 and 9 year olds.

But, this isnt anything different than what happens everyday in this country will all races, especially WHITES.


White men make up the majority of sex crimes in this country, White men rape more women and molest more children in this country than all the other races combined, but these right wing kooks think OBAMA is bringing a rape culture to the USA??

Its really time for a mental evaluation for people who accept these memes as truth.

There are no big crimes worth mentioning in the news by Christians. However there seems to be an endless amount of hate crimes committed by Muslims around the globe. And if you really want to get down to brass tacks, get that facts on what race is committing the majority of violent crimes in America. I can tell you it sure as hell is not whites.
According to this New DOJ Statistics on Race and Violent Crime The percentages do not lie. White violent crime is just a little over 10%. I will leave it to you to figure out the rest. You are living in a bubble, and please don't bother to respond with any of your other total propaganda responses.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
There are no big crimes worth mentioning in the news by Christians. However there seems to be an endless amount of hate crimes committed by Muslims around the globe. And if you really want to get down to brass tacks, get that facts on what race is committing the majority of violent crimes in America. I can tell you it sure as hell is not whites.
According to this New DOJ Statistics on Race and Violent Crime The percentages do not lie. White violent crime is just a little over 10%. I will leave it to you to figure out the rest. You are living in a bubble, and please don't bother to respond with any of your other total propaganda responses.

Hey Mr Oblivious.

WHITES represent 53% of all sexual assaults on women and children. Our prison systems are littered with WHITE predators who just cant seem to leave women and children alone.

In Idaho, WHITE make up almost 100% of the crimes, both violent and sexual.

Some states are the same, and others, depending on demographics are as high as 75%.

For whatever reason, WHITE MEN have a problem with pornography and the sexual domination of women. Little boys seem to be a fan favorite of WHITE MEN.

So please, spare me the WHITES dont commit crimes like other people.

You sound ridiculous.



Inordinately Right
And if you really want to get down to brass tacks, get that facts on what race is committing the majority of violent crimes in America. I can tell you it sure as hell is not whites.
According to this New DOJ Statistics on Race and Violent Crime The percentages do not lie. White violent crime is just a little over 10%. I will leave it to you to figure out the rest.
I figured a lot out about you from this post.


Well-Known Member
There is no misconception. If the shooter had to eject a magazine, reload and reset the firing mechanism, somebody may have been able to stop him.


tell that to someone that knows nothing about guns . For the rest of us its a misconception. the shooter in Orlando was in that nightclub for three hours shooting people. the size of the magazine did not matter , he had plenty of time to reload.

Do you always go out of your way to show your ignorance?


Strength through joy
Of course you would, youre a fanatic, you just dont understand that.

You would prefer to ignore crimes by christians or even better yet, crimes by white men in this country.

There is a meme floating around the internet about three syrian men raping a 5 year old girl and this was the result of Obama importing these syrian men into the country as refugees.

It furthers, that Obama was bringing the "muslim rape culture" to america and that americans would not tolerate it.

But thats laughable on many fronts.

First, lets look at just one of the memes.

The right wing has gone along way to blow this story up to the people that would believe such crap. People like you Jlemansk and realbrown, baba, OUT and the others.

Unfortunately for the right wing, this story is UNTRUE.

What is true, is that in twin falls idaho, three small boys, ages 7, 9 and 13 FONDLED a 5 year old girl, but there was no rape, and no knife used.

They were of muslim decent, but NONE of them were syrian and NONE of them were refugees and were BORN HERE.

But that doesnt stop the right wing bullcrap machine from putting out false information. They need to SCARE you people into believing that we need to go back to WAR.

This is the kind of propaganda that keeps people like you gun freaks scared to death and spending all your money on guns and ammo.

Three small american boys, FONDLED a small child, were arrested and only the 13 year old is going to be charged, as we dont charge 7 and 9 year olds.

But, this isnt anything different than what happens everyday in this country will all races, especially WHITES.


White men make up the majority of sex crimes in this country, White men rape more women and molest more children in this country than all the other races combined, but these right wing kooks think OBAMA is bringing a rape culture to the USA??

Its really time for a mental evaluation for people who accept these memes as truth.


The Obama-appointed U.S. attorney for Idaho has taken the highly unusual step of intervening in a local criminal case involving an alleged sexual assault by juvenile Muslim migrants and threatened the community and media with federal prosecution if they “spread false information or inflammatory statements about the perpetrators.”

WND and other news outlets have reported on the case involving three juvenile boys, two from Sudan and one from Iraq, who allegedly sexually assaulted a 5-year-old special-needs girl in the laundry room of the Fawnbrook Apartments in Twin Falls, Idaho.

WND was the first to report a set of facts about the Twin Falls assault based on the eyewitness account of an 89-year-old grandmother who saw “something funny” going on at the laundry room entrance. It was there, on the afternoon of June 2, that Jolene Payne said she saw a 14-year-old boy filming something through a crack in the laundry room door. She flung open the door and was shocked at what she found. She said she saw two younger boys, ages 10 and 7, both naked, along with the little girl, who the boys had also allegedly stripped of her clothing.

The girl was covered in urine, Payne told WND.
The two older boys from Sudan were arrested on June 17 and released from juvenile detention.

The rest of the details are foggy due to the case being sealed, which is standard in juvenile cases.


Strength through joy
Hey Mr Oblivious.

WHITES represent 53% of all sexual assaults on women and children. Our prison systems are littered with WHITE predators who just cant seem to leave women and children alone.

In Idaho, WHITE make up almost 100% of the crimes, both violent and sexual.

Some states are the same, and others, depending on demographics are as high as 75%.

For whatever reason, WHITE MEN have a problem with pornography and the sexual domination of women. Little boys seem to be a fan favorite of WHITE MEN.

So please, spare me the WHITES dont commit crimes like other people.

You sound ridiculous.

Is there a deep secret within you that you are trying to get out ?
Did some older white man touch you when you were younger and it made you feel uncomfortable ?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
tell that to someone that knows nothing about guns . For the rest of us its a misconception. the shooter in Orlando was in that nightclub for three hours shooting people. the size of the magazine did not matter , he had plenty of time to reload.

Do you always go out of your way to show your ignorance?

Speaking of ignorance, the shooter didnt start shooting anyone for at least an hour while he gathered people up at gunpoint and was talking to the police.

He started shooting once he had them gathered like sheep. All he had to do then, was keep firing without reloading until he wiped them all out.

Had the shooter been forced to reload after 10 rounds manually, the death toll wouldnt have been so high, but of course, numskullz like you would rather a terrorist have access to 100 round drum mags and trigger modifications, just so you could have one decorating your walls that you will never use.

The ignorance is YOURS pops.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The Obama-appointed U.S. attorney for Idaho has taken the highly unusual step of intervening in a local criminal case involving an alleged sexual assault by juvenile Muslim migrants and threatened the community and media with federal prosecution if they “spread false information or inflammatory statements about the perpetrators.”

WND and other news outlets have reported on the case involving three juvenile boys, two from Sudan and one from Iraq, who allegedly sexually assaulted a 5-year-old special-needs girl in the laundry room of the Fawnbrook Apartments in Twin Falls, Idaho.

WND was the first to report a set of facts about the Twin Falls assault based on the eyewitness account of an 89-year-old grandmother who saw “something funny” going on at the laundry room entrance. It was there, on the afternoon of June 2, that Jolene Payne said she saw a 14-year-old boy filming something through a crack in the laundry room door. She flung open the door and was shocked at what she found. She said she saw two younger boys, ages 10 and 7, both naked, along with the little girl, who the boys had also allegedly stripped of her clothing.

The girl was covered in urine, Payne told WND.
The two older boys from Sudan were arrested on June 17 and released from juvenile detention.

The rest of the details are foggy due to the case being sealed, which is standard in juvenile cases.


NO RAPE, NO KNIFE, NO REFUGEES from SYRIA as reported by EVERY RIGHT WING maroon OUT THERE and spread around by every right wing kook stupid enough to believe it.

Three young boys, fondling a very young girl.

Nothing new, same thing that little white boys do in this country everyday, every week, every month, every year.

The real difference? The color of their skin and religious background.

Youre not so outraged when white boys molest young girls, or white men raped american women every 7 seconds.

No, that doesnt even come up on your radar. But when a muslim does it, OHHHH look out, you are on the case.

Please, dont be a reactionary jerkoff.
