"Professional Business People" is absurd.
The company negotiators are UPS labor managers. The same ones that used to be
hub supervisors, center mangers, feeder managers, etc.... that were just promoted
to work in the labor dept. All their names are listed in the back of the contract.
I promise you, not one for the company was without a degree! That's minimum 4 years higher education in business and business law including Human Resources and Employee Relations! I would guess most, if not all but the JD's, had a minimum of 10 years working, "in the trenches," directly with hourly employees!
Ladies and gentlemen, make no mistake and do not be under any misconceptions,
the team UPS put at the table on their side were the best and the brightest with a crap ton of experience!
The view view from the cheap seats, were I am sitting, shows the Teamsters got rid of those with experience in dealing with contract violations at the beginning of the year! This seams to have been done at the personal instruction of Mr. Taylor!