
Well-Known Member
The president has all the information possible at his disposal.

He has shown he is willing to declassify for personal gain. Why so reticent on Clinton dirt? Even if the emails are gone forever, surely there must be something after all these years of investigation...unless there really is nothing.
They were spying on Carter Page before the election. Obama has all information at his disposal. Why wasn't it it presented to the American public then that Trump and aides were colluding. We both know why.


Staff member
They were spying on Carter Page before the election. Obama has all information at his disposal. Why wasn't it it presented to the American public then that Trump and aides were colluding. We both know why.
Carter Page deserved to be spied on as did Papa.


Well-Known Member
Carter Page deserved to be spied on as did Papa.
Really? No evidence of Russian collusion. FISA court needs two sources to allow surveillance. FBI used Steele dossier as well as another source which was also based on Steele provided info. Dossier was already studied by FBI team that decide very little of it could be corroborated but they used it anyways for a court that pretty much rubberstamps everything put in front of them. Bottom line this was a politically motivated operation that resulted because for 8 years the Press gave Obama a pass instead of doing their job. Obama administration demonstrated on numerous occasions it could get away with things Republicans wouldn't even try because the Press would be all over them. But give anyone enough rope and they'll hang themselves. I hope when prison sentences are handed down you'll realize then that even Democrats aren't above the law.


Well-Known Member
Really? No evidence of Russian collusion. FISA court needs two sources to allow surveillance. FBI used Steele dossier as well as another source which was also based on Steele provided info. Dossier was already studied by FBI team that decide very little of it could be corroborated but they used it anyways for a court that pretty much rubberstamps everything put in front of them. Bottom line this was a politically motivated operation that resulted because for 8 years the Press gave Obama a pass instead of doing their job. Obama administration demonstrated on numerous occasions it could get away with things Republicans wouldn't even try because the Press would be all over them. But give anyone enough rope and they'll hang themselves. I hope when prison sentences are handed down you'll realize then that even Democrats aren't above the law.
Didn't know you have top secret clearance to see the application?

El Correcto

god is dead
#BASEDMEMO confirms what you guys denied. I’m just a conspiracy theorist who told you they used a phony political opp. dossier to obtain a warrant to spy on opposing political party. They still lost because democrats are hot garbage who need to import voters to win.

El Correcto

god is dead
Anyways, I’m curious about the democrat memo. I wanna see it, unless they are just trying to ram out national security threats and then claim victim hood when the request is denied.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
#BASEDMEMO confirms what you guys denied. I’m just a conspiracy theorist who told you they used a phony political opp. dossier to obtain a warrant to spy on opposing political party. They still lost because democrats are hot garbage who need to import voters to win.
Thank God the republicans took these FISA abuses seriously and made changes to the law that allowed for secret spying on American citizens. Oh wait, they did nothing.


Well-Known Member
Thank God the republicans took these FISA abuses seriously and made changes to the law that allowed for secret spying on American citizens. Oh wait, they did nothing.
Oh wait, it's all coming to light now. It was assumed the FISA court would be used to get permission to surveil possible terrorist activity as well as actual foreign government spying. Took the Obama administration to show it could be used nefariously.


Well-Known Member
If it was such a big deal why did republicans reauthorize the FISA law with no changes to prevent future abuse? Maybe because there was no abuse and they know it, and this memo was all garbage to fool suckers.
Knowing Democrats like they do, maybe they just wanted to reel them in after Dems hooked themselves. It was just a matter of time that big government types would abuse their power and try this. Either that, or no one saw this coming because they couldn't believe that anyone would have the cojones to actually try it. At any rate, Dems caught, soon to be prosecuted, and their loyal followers will be in the streets rioting, screaming racism and some such.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Speaking of Republicans behaving badly, the Koch managed governor of Missouri has been indicted.

Gov. Eric Greitens was indicted Thursday afternoon by a St. Louis grand jury on a felony charge of invasion of privacy. ... The indictment accuses Greitens of not only knowingly photographing the women with whom he had an affair, but also transmitting the image “in a manner that allowed access to that image via a computer.”