Package Pickup


Know Before You Go.
Sign up and lose up to one hour of overtime a day!! :confused:1 And get FIRED !! NO Thanks!

Using the service will save you time on your route. That doesn't mean you need to punch out any sooner. You can still milk the clock if you want. How are going to get fired? If drivers don't get fired for receiving phone calls from their customers (and they don't), why would you get fired for receiving a text message from them? Text messages are also far more convenient and safe than receiving phone calls while driving a big noisy truck with no power steering. :thumbup1:


Know Before You Go.
Hey fellow package driver:cool: you better start charging for this service because if UPS clues in and finds you completing stops
that you have not actually made, you will be a wasp in a hornets nest.They will fire you:ohmy: if you falsify your time card.Its actually a great idea for independant couriers,the dudes that go there A to B courier...midnite express...metro cab co...
Ernies delivery service etc...start charging 1 cent a call and quit UPS before they fire you.

Thanks, I do feel it is a great idea. If the site blows up (as it is starting to), I may allow some simple banner advertising on it, but I don't plan on charging us drivers. I am not affraid of being fired for improving service to my customers.


Know Before You Go.
I look into my crystal ball and see Package flipping burgers a Mickey Dees soon. 2 ways to get in trouble- mess with Mother Nature and assume the boss don't know every detail of what your up to. (and I guarantee you- positively, absolutley- he ain't going to stand up for you when the **** hits the fan). Save your fancy phone work for after you get off work. If UPS wanted you to save time by using a cell phone then they should pay for them. :)

UPS did pay for text messaging phones for us, the're called DIADs. They receive text messages real good. Only problem is that the messages are not coming from your customers. :cool:


Well-Known Member
It's a good idea in theory. But I think the time you save and the amount of customers that would use it,is miniscule. And if something was to go wrong,UPS would certainly not back you up.


Retired 23 years
Good luck with your new service. In theory it would be great. Just keep reminding yourself that your working at UPS not just any ol company and they do some very strange things. As for your remark about going back to paper- 3/4 of my time at UPS was on paper and it worked fine. Damage claims are still denied by UPS and customers still claim signatures aren't theirs. So what has really changed with all the new technology? I mean other than getting more stops added. No, UPS shouldn't remain in the dark ages but then again is all this tech crap paying for itself or just causing more problems?


Well-Known Member
Good luck with your new service. In theory it would be great. Just keep reminding yourself that your working at UPS not just any ol company and they do some very strange things. As for your remark about going back to paper- 3/4 of my time at UPS was on paper and it worked fine. Damage claims are still denied by UPS and customers still claim signatures aren't theirs. So what has really changed with all the new technology? I mean other than getting more stops added. No, UPS shouldn't remain in the dark ages but then again is all this tech crap paying for itself or just causing more problems?

First off, I think the idea is good. Like someone else said, a modern version of a sign in the window, that no driver that i know of has ever been fired for stop completing a stop where they see a sign and don't walk into office. Second, with the new technology, there's a lot of things we are able to do. Every district used to have a tracing dept. In my old district they had about 30 clerks working tracing a relatively small handful of pkgs. Now, people can do it themselves, Every district approx 60*30 clks = 1800 people saved. By using technology, we used to have a data dept with about 40 clrks keyentering billing records. Now none, savings 60*40 - 2400 people. Also, with the DWS machines we are able to bill customers for OS without a clrk measuring each pkg. Huge savings and huge revenue. Next year we are going to Dim Wt on grd pkgs too, which should increase revenue. Dell computer gets notices within minutes sent to them when a pkg is refused, nss, ns# etc. They contact customer before us returning pkg to them so they can save the sale. This technology lets us have the Dell volume. Again, what I have mentioned is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what technology has done for us.

I like the original posters idea of text messaging. Sounds like a great idea. It's really something UPS should have via worldship to send msg to pickup driver.


Industrial Slob
Isn't it possible for a client to call UPS anyways to cancel a regular or on call pickup? Or does UPS schank their employees that way as well...


Sure, if I were still a driver this would seem like smart shortcut to take, until you think about it a little more. Think of it like a customer though. You are shifting one of the responsibilities that comes with doing your job over to your customers. If they are going to do part of your job then maybe you should give them some compensation.

If someone that doesn't care enough about their job to follow through with their pickups then I'll bet they are taking other shortcuts too.


Know Before You Go.
First off, I think the idea is good. Like someone else said, a modern version of a sign in the window, that no driver that i know of has ever been fired for stop completing a stop where they see a sign and don't walk into office. Second, with the new technology, there's a lot of things we are able to do. Every district used to have a tracing dept. In my old district they had about 30 clerks working tracing a relatively small handful of pkgs. Now, people can do it themselves, Every district approx 60*30 clks = 1800 people saved. By using technology, we used to have a data dept with about 40 clrks keyentering billing records. Now none, savings 60*40 - 2400 people. Also, with the DWS machines we are able to bill customers for OS without a clrk measuring each pkg. Huge savings and huge revenue. Next year we are going to Dim Wt on grd pkgs too, which should increase revenue. Dell computer gets notices within minutes sent to them when a pkg is refused, nss, ns# etc. They contact customer before us returning pkg to them so they can save the sale. This technology lets us have the Dell volume. Again, what I have mentioned is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what technology has done for us.

I like the original posters idea of text messaging. Sounds like a great idea. It's really something UPS should have via worldship to send msg to pickup driver.

finally, someone here is using their head. and yes, I have already thought of how to implement such a system into our worldship software. but just because there is currently nothing like this established within ups doesn't mean we can't start doing ourselves. if ups is going to use technology to give us more and more stops, lets fight fire with fire and use technology (text messages) to make delivering all those stops a little easier for us.


Industrial Slob
Sure, if I were still a driver this would seem like smart shortcut to take, until you think about it a little more. Think of it like a customer though. You are shifting one of the responsibilities that comes with doing your job over to your customers. If they are going to do part of your job then maybe you should give them some compensation.

If someone that doesn't care enough about their job to follow through with their pickups then I'll bet they are taking other shortcuts too.
Yeah agreed. But some customers who work in mail rooms don't mind helping the guy that helps them out. As a courier, I would NEVER suggest this, but if I knew about this when I worked in the mail room, I'd ask if my regular driver would want me to text him.


Well-Known Member
Everyone so far seems to have missed the point. When I started in 87 a weekly pickup was $5 a week charge whether you shipped or not. Now I have no idea what it costs. Why should a customer that pays a charge for a pickup have to take their time to notify you that they have nothing going out that day???? Probably before your time the S in UPS was for service. This is a stupid idea, you are being paid well for going into those places that dont ship everyday. People just like to see your face for the money they pay, trust me, this will bite you in the a## down the road. The only thing you are doing is costing yourself money.....


Staff member
This is a lazy mans way to get out of doing your job. Do your job. Go to the pickup, make customer contact. Get paid to do it.

Do the right thing.


Know Before You Go.
Sure, if I were still a driver this would seem like smart shortcut to take, until you think about it a little more. Think of it like a customer though. You are shifting one of the responsibilities that comes with doing your job over to your customers. If they are going to do part of your job then maybe you should give them some compensation.

If someone that doesn't care enough about their job to follow through with their pickups then I'll bet they are taking other shortcuts too.

Are you freakin' kidding? Half the reason I came up with this is because customers are constantly asking me for my cell phone number. I would never give that out in fear of how much receiving phone calls from my customers would slow me down in my job. Most customers want to be able to have direct contact with their driver. It helps them out too. Sometimes customers have special needs that come up, like needing an extra 15 min before you pick them up. If they can text that need to you, you can then go strait to another pickup or two first before you do their pickup. By doing little things like this for your customers, they will return the favor and let you know when they don't need a pickup at all. Trust me, I have been working on and using this system now for about a year and every customer I use it with (and I don't use it with all of them) likes it. The customers that I use it with definitely get "compensated" for using it. And it definitely saves me time, which allows me to do my job more efficiently. never missing pickups, having more time to finish all my deliveries at a decent hour, take all my breaks, oh, and not have to run all day, putting my health at risk. I guess it seems like a no brainer to me because I have actually been using it for a while now and I know first hand how effective it can be.:wink:


Know Before You Go.
Everyone so far seems to have missed the point. When I started in 87 a weekly pickup was $5 a week charge whether you shipped or not. Now I have no idea what it costs. Why should a customer that pays a charge for a pickup have to take their time to notify you that they have nothing going out that day???? Probably before your time the S in UPS was for service. This is a stupid idea, you are being paid well for going into those places that dont ship everyday. People just like to see your face for the money they pay, trust me, this will bite you in the a## down the road. The only thing you are doing is costing yourself money.....

That is a good point, and I have thought about that alot. But what it boils down to is, the cost the having a daily pickup is the customers piece of mind, knowing that their shipments will be going out, without them having to call it in everytime. And this is still what they get, but if they use my system with their driver, they are actually getting even more. Along with that piece of mind is having a communication window opened with their driver. Many customers really do like that option. And it doesn't cost them any more $$$ to have it. The service is free for them to use as well. :thumbup1:


Know Before You Go.
This is a lazy mans way to get out of doing your job. Do your job. Go to the pickup, make customer contact. Get paid to do it.

Do the right thing.

No offense, but you must have a "juice route", and from what I can tell, those are being converted to "**** routes" real fast. This service is for the new and upcoming drivers that actually know what a text message is and how to use it. My guess is you don't even have a cell phone. I'm not surprised that many "senior drivers" here on this community are against this idea. Most of the senior dudes are already set in their ways and don't understand the benefits of technology. It's the new and future drivers of our company that will easily see how this can help them. Sorry if this comment sounds a bit harsh, but that's just how it is.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
This is a lazy mans way to get out of doing your job. Do your job. Go to the pickup, make customer contact. Get paid to do it.

Do the right thing.
Although I do have a few flag accounts, and a few I can call if Im going to be late, Im not going to depend on them to send me a text, if they ship nothing for the week, I think it costs them 16$ so they deserve to see my smiling face. Its a great idea, and if you can get UPS to bundle it into thier software, that would be great, but til you do, if they forget to text, and they DID have something going, who do you think is responsible?


Know Before You Go.
Although I do have a few flag accounts, and a few I can call if Im going to be late, Im not going to depend on them to send me a text, if they ship nothing for the week, I think it costs them 16$ so they deserve to see my smiling face. Its a great idea, and if you can get UPS to bundle it into thier software, that would be great, but til you do, if they forget to text, and they DID have something going, who do you think is responsible?

Since they already have a daily pickup with you, then they don't need to text you when they have stuff to be picked up. You will just show up as usual. It's when they don't need a pickup, or need an ASD or something that they can text you. And if they forget to do that, then oh well, it's like you didn't have the system anyway. Also, sometimes customers want to go home early on a day and have all their shipments ready to be picked up at 4:00pm instead of 5:00pm (for example). They can send you a message like "we do need a pickup today, it's ready now) and you can maybe get them when you are already next door at 4:00pm anyway. It helps them out a lot and they will gladly return the favor by letting you know when they don't need a pickup at all, or maybe they will hook you up with a fat christmas bonus or something. Think about it! :wink:


Well-Known Member
Everyone so far seems to have missed the point. When I started in 87 a weekly pickup was $5 a week charge whether you shipped or not. Now I have no idea what it costs. Why should a customer that pays a charge for a pickup have to take their time to notify you that they have nothing going out that day???? Probably before your time the S in UPS was for service. This is a stupid idea, you are being paid well for going into those places that dont ship everyday. People just like to see your face for the money they pay, trust me, this will bite you in the a## down the road. The only thing you are doing is costing yourself money...
i couldnt agree more!

This service is for the new and upcoming drivers that actually know what a text message is and how to use it. My guess is you don't even have a cell phone. I'm not surprised that many "senior drivers" here on this community are against this idea. Most of the senior dudes are already set in their ways and don't understand the benefits of technology. It's the new and future drivers of our company that will easily see how this can help them.
this service is for the upcoming drivers who want just another way of getting out of doing their job. we senior drivers as you put it understand the benefits of technology we also understand what our job is,and what we get paid to do. deliver & pickup, we also remember when it was "every package every day" not "its not my stuff i dont care" like it is today.


Well-Known Member
That customer (i.e. the business making your paycheck and bennies and retirement possible) pays $16.00 a week to see your smiling face each day at an appointed time. Whether they ship or not. Some of my pick ups have my cell number (those that have asked) and text me or call me from time to time, to request a later or earlier pick up, let me know they have a few boxes instead of the usual two envelopes (bring your hand cart), or if they are occasional shippers, they can call and set up a pick up.

If management wanted to text us the status of our pick ups, they would have implemented that by now, if only in order to saddle us with even more work. OCA anyone?

Showing up everyday, at the same time gives us the opportunity to grab more business -- how many accounts do you have that use us for ground and Fred or the Germans for air? That is icing on a brown cake if we can get it all -- we're already there!

As to these text messages, what happens when you're on vacation or sick?