Palestinian-Israel Conflict (War?)

Brown Circus

Shh...It’s peak and I’m hunting logic
Actually your response to his statement shows a lack of biblical knowledge. The Old Testament has many meanings, reasons, authors, and audiences but the New Testament shows us that love is above all!


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Actually Jesus rebuked Peter for using a weapon and told people to turn the other cheek. I think many (maybe me) would be surprised to hear Jesus position on the 2nd amendment.
Self defense and righteous war is allowed. If Israel isn’t battling evil, then I don’t know what evil is.


Well-Known Member
Actually Jesus rebuked Peter for using a weapon and told people to turn the other cheek. I think many (maybe me) would be surprised to hear Jesus position on the 2nd amendment.
Saw a Catholic priest on tv explain that in a way that makes sense. Back then if a man slapped you with his left hand it showed his dominance over you. By turning your cheek after being slapped with a left hand if he wants to slap you again it would no longer be possible to slap you with his left hand. He'd have to use his right hand. By turning your cheek and forcing him to use his right hand you were defiantly telling him you are his equal.

Another interesting point I learned at a Christian college is, when Jesus said if a man would compel you to walk with him a mile then walk with him two miles, that throughout the Roman Empire if a soldier pointed to a man that man had to drop whatever he was doing and carry the soldier's pack a mile. Jesus was saying don't grudgingly do it, go above and beyond.

Nowhere in the Bible are we told to be doormats.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
That may be true but regardless of what went on and what the Pharisees and scribes wrote, the teachings of Jesus in the Bible are clear; faith in the Father, forgiveness, compassion, mercy and love. He taught it, He demonstrated it, and He lived it. He still does.

Talk to Him he’ll tell you.
So, you would use physical force and if necessary to the death (of the intruder) to defend your family.
In doing this, you agree that you would not be in violation of loving your enemies. Correct?
You refused to respond to this comment. Not surprised.
That river of tears dries up fast.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Actually Jesus rebuked Peter for using a weapon and told people to turn the other cheek. I think many (maybe me) would be surprised to hear Jesus position on the 2nd amendment.
The reason for the rebuke?
His mission was not to be made a physical king. "My kingdom is not of this world.''

He is at the right hand go God now, ruling over His Spiritual Kingdom, the Church. It was the eternal plan before the world was made. Ephesians 1

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
The reason for the rebuke?
His mission was not to be made a physical king. "My kingdom is not of this world.''

He is at the right hand go God now, ruling over His Spiritual Kingdom, the Church. It was the eternal plan before the world was made. Ephesians 1
Well, if you’re going to use the verse in context, then we have nothing to discuss!!



Well-Known Member
the matrix is older than you know...



Well-Known Member
Which one?
Pilate or Peter.
israel has killed 400x more innocents over the decades vs palestine



Well-Known Member

israel lies like crazy, why quote them? lol


nowhere special
View attachment 451722
israel lies like crazy, why quote them? lol
All you can do is keep parroting people like Nader even after they have been proven to be liars.