Palestinian-Israel Conflict (War?)


Well-Known Member
You are living on land violently taken from others. How are you any different than Jews living on land that they themselves didn't do the violence but it was still violently taken away?
the jews arent protesting against their land stealing

i am protesting against theirs and my own.

you are correct our countries also committed genocide like israel has done since at least oct 7th if not earlier.


Well-Known Member
the jews arent protesting against their land stealing

i am protesting against theirs and my own.

you are correct our countries also committed genocide like israel has done since at least oct 7th if not earlier.
Your protesting means very little if you are benefiting from stealing the land. You want to virtue signal, take the land and sell it. Give the proceeds to the nearest tribe and go back to Europe. Until then you haven't earned the right to protest Israel. Virtue signaling means little.


Well-Known Member
Your protesting means very little if you are benefiting from stealing the land. You want to virtue signal, take the land and sell it. Give the proceeds to the nearest tribe and go back to Europe. Until then you haven't earned the right to protest Israel. Virtue signaling means little.
what does noam chomsky say?

theres a difference between protesting and doing nothing which is what you do and tooting your horn about how religious you are.

my govt and corporations support israel and egypts open air prison, and israel violently stealing land.


Well-Known Member
what does noam chomsky say?

theres a difference between protesting and doing nothing which is what you do and tooting your horn about how religious you are.

my govt and corporations support israel and egypts open air prison, and israel violently stealing land.
Who is tooting their own harm about how religious they are? I'm just pointing out the obvious hypocrisy of someone constantly attacking Israel when he is benefiting himself from the displacement of another group. You've been going on and on about how righteous you are but as usual you're just another liberal fraud.


Well-Known Member
Who is tooting their own harm about how religious they are? I'm just pointing out the obvious hypocrisy of someone constantly attacking Israel when he is benefiting himself from the displacement of another group. You've been going on and on about how righteous you are but as usual you're just another liberal fraud.
im not a liberal. liberals defend capitalism. didnt fox news tell you that.

its not hypocrisy, its moral consistency to protest land theft here and when the israelis do it. lets stop funding it and end the blockade and settlements in teh west bank


Well-Known Member
Who is tooting their own harm about how religious they are? I'm just pointing out the obvious hypocrisy of someone constantly attacking Israel when he is benefiting himself from the displacement of another group. You've been going on and on about how righteous you are but as usual you're just another liberal fraud.
so based on your logic because im not giving my house away (i dont have a house or a condo), i should therefore be silent about my govt's support of israels crimes and be silent about israel? and you think its christian to be silent and not go to protests. let me tell you something, i want to be crucified by the police like jesus was crucified.


Well-Known Member
im not a liberal. liberals defend capitalism. didnt fox news tell you that.

its not hypocrisy, its moral consistency to protest land theft here and when the israelis do it. lets stop funding it and end the blockade and settlements in teh west bank
No, it's hypocrisy to tell the Israelis they have to give it back to the Palestinians while you yourself refuse to give back the land that was forcibly taken from Native Americans.


Well-Known Member
No, it's hypocrisy to tell the Israelis they have to give it back to the Palestinians while you yourself refuse to give back the land that was forcibly taken from Native Americans.
give what back? i have nothing and i am in favor of justice for the natives whatever that means, and i have a feeling it doesnt mean giving away houses.

quote chomsky or hedges on what should be done for the natives.

you think youre being a christian by not going to protests?
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Well-Known Member
so based on your logic because im not giving my house away (i dont have a house or a condo), i should therefore be silent about my govt's support of israels crimes and be silent about israel? and you think its christian to be silent and not go to protests. let me tell you something, i want to be crucified by the police like jesus was crucified.
You live in your parents' home, no? Tell them how evil they are owning a home on stolen land. Bet you won't. And yes, as Christians we're told to be quiet and obey the law as long as it's not violating God's law. Crack open a Bible before you start telling Christians how they're supposed to live. You sir are a hypocrite.


Well-Known Member
You live in your parents' home, no? Tell them how evil they are owning a home on stolen land. Bet you won't. And yes, as Christians we're told to be quiet and obey the law as long as it's not violating God's law. Crack open a Bible before you start telling Christians how they're supposed to live. You sir are a hypocrite.
well i know the bible has lots of stuff on genocide in it.

i dont own a home. what does chomsky say?

if youre against land theft, then go to a protest. everyone is a hypocrite in some way. thats not an excuse to do nothing LOL. you are so lazy.
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Well-Known Member
well i know the bible has lots of stuff on genocide in it.

i dont own a home. what does chomsky say?

if youre against land theft, then go to a protest. everyone is a hypocrite in some way. thats not an excuse to do nothing LOL. you are so lazy.
I'm lazy? I was picking weeds in the Florida sun for $1 hr, 35 hrs a week, when I was 12. You don't know what hard work is. Meanwhile you want to act morally superior to everyone else telling them how everything should be done when you yourself don't want to give up your plush life. Hypocrite.


Well-Known Member
I'm lazy? I was picking weeds in the Florida sun for $1 hr, 35 hrs a week, when I was 12. You don't know what hard work is. Meanwhile you want to act morally superior to everyone else telling them how everything should be done when you yourself don't want to give up your plush life. Hypocrite.
you are simply trying to justify supporting israel's land theft and reconcile your so called christianity


Well-Known Member
I'm not going to accuse others of things I'm guilty of myself. What about you?
your whole argument is dishonest and therefore satanic anyways

i dont get you - you are a native and you are in favor of israelis stealing land LOL
you are a christian and you are in favor of israelis stealing land???

you remind me of this guy
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Well-Known Member
your whole argument is dishonest and therefore satanic anyways

i dont get you - you are a native and you are in favor of israelis stealing land LOL
you are a christian and you are in favor of israelis stealing land???

you remind me of this guy
View attachment 456416
Is it dishonest? I'm pointing out your hypocrisy. You have no problem calling the Israelis evil. So much so that you're willing to overlook the evil perpetrated by Israel's enemies. And not only that but you are benefiting from the same kind of land grab your forefathers perpetrated. You want Israel to completely return their land to the Palestinians but you only want to give lip service to returning your land to Native Americans. You also make false claims about Israel expanding its territory. Israel didn't attack Syria to obtain the Golan Heights. Syria attacked Israel and used the Golan Heights to rain down missiles on Israel. Israel beat back Syria and took that high land away from Syria to prevent its use to attack Israel in the future. Your people have twisted it into something else. Israel's borders are pretty much the same since that last war in '73. You're claiming Israel is attacking its neighbors to take land from them. Not so.

And you refuse to look at the history of Islam. It started in what is now Saudi Arabia. Do you know what the largest Muslim country is? Indonesia. Do you know where Indonesia is located? How did it become Muslim? The Muslims don't send out missionaries. They sent armies, conquering other peoples and putting to the sword those who wouldn't convert or submit to being dominated by them. All your focus is on one little country when there's an ocean of blood surrounding them perpetrated by the same people you defend. These are countries not known for technological advances. Not known for the advancement of human rights. Not known for their great universities. They're known for war and oppression. That's who you are defending.


Well-Known Member
Is it dishonest? I'm pointing out your hypocrisy. You have no problem calling the Israelis evil. So much so that you're willing to overlook the evil perpetrated by Israel's enemies. And not only that but you are benefiting from the same kind of land grab your forefathers perpetrated. You want Israel to completely return their land to the Palestinians but you only want to give lip service to returning your land to Native Americans. You also make false claims about Israel expanding its territory. Israel didn't attack Syria to obtain the Golan Heights. Syria attacked Israel and used the Golan Heights to rain down missiles on Israel. Israel beat back Syria and took that high land away from Syria to prevent its use to attack Israel in the future. Your people have twisted it into something else. Israel's borders are pretty much the same since that last war in '73. You're claiming Israel is attacking its neighbors to take land from them. Not so.

And you refuse to look at the history of Islam. It started in what is now Saudi Arabia. Do you know what the largest Muslim country is? Indonesia. Do you know where Indonesia is located? How did it become Muslim? The Muslims don't send out missionaries. They sent armies, conquering other peoples and putting to the sword those who wouldn't convert or submit to being dominated by them. All your focus is on one little country when there's an ocean of blood surrounding them perpetrated by the same people you defend. These are countries not known for technological advances. Not known for the advancement of human rights. Not known for their great universities. They're known for war and oppression. That's who you are defending.
history is a bloodbath. islam is a peaceful religion. you think when the whites took over canada, america, and australia it was peaceful?

i dont overlook evils by hamas. jesus is monitoring your lies. dont lie about hte 2 state solution; jesus is watching you. no israel has expanded its settlements since 73 lol. yes israel has attacked its neighbours and at times stolen their land like egypt, syria, lebanon, palestine.

the racism in israel sounds much worse than america. abby martin was saying in certain parts the israelis live on top of palestinians property and throw bodily excrements down and one kid got it in the eye and lost her vision.
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