I'm guessing Ricky has long hair. That would be an impressive scalp!What a colonizer. Hope there aren't any willing Canadian natives around who would, according to comrade theory, be justified in getting their land back from him though any means necessary.
For all the folks who don't like any suggestion that whites "stole" the land from Native Americans, only pointing out the hypocrisy of anyone who says the Jews stole Palestinian land while enjoying the benefits of forcing Native Americans off their own land.
Ricky really showed his hand when he mentioned whites stealing land in various countries. Like slavery, making war on other groups to take control, possession, domination of their land has been prevalent in every corner of the world since the beginning of time. Only a modern, indoctrinated liberal would say this is about white people taking from other groups. Exactly why he's so adamantly against the Jews in Israel. He sees it as racism, whites dominating other races. And yet he can't reconcile his own hypocrisy.