Palestinian-Israel Conflict (War?)


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
i think we do create heaven through our efforts to make the world better. its also an internal state.

keep the faith in ourselves to change the world for the better, and the faith that someone gifted will help us do it.

if you watch the matrix trilogy you will see peak enlightment for neo and trinity was when they were helping someone. george lucas says true happiness is from helping people.
George Lucas! 🤣 Do you hear yourself? Lol

El Correcto

god is dead
Everybody condoned slavery in those times. Everybody. There wasn't some enlightened group telling everyone this is wrong. There wasn't some enlightened nation eliminating slavery. And people found butt :censored2:ing were killed too. They simply eliminated what was obviously broken. Count your lucky stars you live in a much more "enlightened" society. You are allowed to bitch and moan without someone breaking down your door and dragging you off. Lucky you. You'll never know the thrill of being tossed off the top of a building. Count your lucky stars and stop trying to eliminate the one group that got slavery abolished and allowed you to practice your proclivity in the privacy of your home, asking only that you keep it private.
But but but it’s the word of god!
Who cares about people? We are discussing the “Truth”, objective morality outside of people’s subjective points of view, that’s what you people like to trademark your “Objective Morality”, then you cry and say noooo all that bad stuff is just subjective, people of the times… Gold medal for your mental gymnastics though, they really did a number on you bud.

Christianity wasn’t the cause of abolition and the texts don’t support it.

El Correcto

god is dead
Where is heaven on Earth right now? You say "it's here and now" but you don't say where.

Why are you saying "the quest for justice never ends" while also saying that heaven on Earth is achievable?
Heaven on earth comes after god murders most of humanity and brings a golden city down from the heavens. Zombie Jesus will rule over his zombie Christian followers for all eternity while the rest of us get tortured, because that’s what an all loving god does to humanity.

Early Christians(including apostles) did not believe you died and went to heaven. They believed you would be resurrected after a slumber and heaven would be brought down to earth for the believers after god genocides everyone. They believed this would happen in their lifetime or soon after. This whole you die and go to heaven thing is a big cope that their doomsday cult leader never came back and their silly book has been wrong for thousands of years at this point.

El Correcto

god is dead
How do followers of a book that condones slavery and affirms master’s rights lead to freeing slaves? It doesn’t.

The driving force behind abolitionist thoughts were not fundamentalist Christian ones. They were enlightenment era philosophy ones that worked against the church’s influence and power. Just like churches are doing now with lgbt stuff and accepting it, it isn’t fundamentalist religious sentiment doing that, it isn’t the religion itself doing that. It is society impacting the religion, making it adapt to changing times and morality.


Inordinately Right
How do followers of a book that condones slavery and affirms master’s rights lead to freeing slaves? It doesn’t.

The driving force behind abolitionist thoughts were not fundamentalist Christian ones. They were enlightenment era philosophy ones that worked against the church’s influence and power. Just like churches are doing now with lgbt stuff and accepting it, it isn’t fundamentalist religious sentiment doing that, it isn’t the religion itself doing that. It is society impacting the religion, making it adapt to changing times and morality.

El Correcto

god is dead
False premise fallacy.
Try harder.
“Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ.”
“Slaves, in reverent fear of God submit yourselves to your masters, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh”
“Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to curry their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord”

I mean I could go on, but yeah, it’s not a false premise bud.


Well-Known Member
But but but it’s the word of god!
Who cares about people? We are discussing the “Truth”, objective morality outside of people’s subjective points of view, that’s what you people like to trademark your “Objective Morality”, then you cry and say noooo all that bad stuff is just subjective, people of the times… Gold medal for your mental gymnastics though, they really did a number on you bud.

Christianity wasn’t the cause of abolition and the texts don’t support it.
The Christian abolitionist movement was the major driver behind slavery ending in the U.S. It was a much, much more Christian nation in the 1800's. Atheists then had a tiny fraction of the influence they have now.

During the beginning of the Church it was miniscule in scope. The Roman empire was the dominant player in that part of the world. But slavery was practiced everywhere. This is settled history, not someone's personal view. And it continued after the Church became the dominant cultural influence in Europe. This is also known history, not a subjective view. Over time it was Christians, not atheists, who questioned men owning other men. Which led to the abolition in many countries. This is but a brief synopsis. I'm sure you can find much more about it and come to realize that the influence of the Church in Europe for centuries was paramount. This isn't some fantasy by a Christian fanatic, but settled history. Not a matter of wishing, just reporting the known facts.


Well-Known Member
Heaven on earth comes after god murders most of humanity and brings a golden city down from the heavens. Zombie Jesus will rule over his zombie Christian followers for all eternity while the rest of us get tortured, because that’s what an all loving god does to humanity.

Early Christians(including apostles) did not believe you died and went to heaven. They believed you would be resurrected after a slumber and heaven would be brought down to earth for the believers after god genocides everyone. They believed this would happen in their lifetime or soon after. This whole you die and go to heaven thing is a big cope that their doomsday cult leader never came back and their silly book has been wrong for thousands of years at this point.
Actually, your take on death and resurrection is pretty much the way I understand it outside of the zombie Jesus thing lol. I don’t believe it says any of those people are going to permanently, die, resurrection, and judgment leads to permanent damnation or permanent salvation. Heaven and the new millennium are supposed to be here on earth, yes.
The way I understand damnation is separation from the father.

If you don’t believe it, that’s cool do your thing.

El Correcto

god is dead
Actually, you take on death and resurrection is pretty much the way I understand it outside of the zombie Jesus thing lol. I don’t believe it says any of those people are going to permanently, die, resurrection, and judgment leads to permanent damnation or permanent salvation. Heaven and the new millennium are supposed to be here on earth, yes.
The way I understand damnation is separation from the father.

If you don’t believe it, that’s cool do your thing.
Nope, most Christians today do not believe they will be resurrected into a zombie army and wage war against the infidels along side a band of genocidal angels then live in a city of gold here on earth with god.
They think they die, go to heaven and get to tell papa about their great grandkids.

I’m not a mind reader but I kind of doubt you people really believe in that fairytale either. I think it’s just a coping mechanism you tell yourself, but deep down you’re not an idiot.


Inordinately Right
“Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ.”
“Slaves, in reverent fear of God submit yourselves to your masters, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh”
“Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to curry their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord”

I mean I could go on, but yeah, it’s not a false premise bud.
Jesus was probably pissed at all those slaves that disobeyed their masters and ran off. Straight to hell.
Nope, most Christians today do not believe they will be resurrected into a zombie army and wage war against the infidels along side a band of genocidal angels then live in a city of gold here on earth with god.
They think they die, go to heaven and get to tell papa about their great grandkids.

I’m not a mind reader but I kind of doubt you people really believe in that fairytale either. I think it’s just a coping mechanism you tell yourself, but deep down you’re not an idiot.