Palestinian-Israel Conflict (War?)


Well-Known Member
You’re really trying to hang your hat on slavery was just a metaphor thing. No slavery was not just a metaphor, in the Bible, sure there were passage that spoke about in that way, but those are not the ones I’m pointing out. I’m pointing out the whole that other person literally owns you like property slavery that the Bible promoted and told slaves to go along with, no matter how bad.
You seem to suggest in Biblical times that slavery was only a concoction of the Jews or Christians. It was the worldwide accepted form of getting work done by the young and strong in a world with very few options beyond manual labor. People made war on other groups and took prisoners who they made slaves. The Church starting in Jerusalem in A.D. 33 didn't magically end all of that. It was the system that people were born into, whether slave or master, and it's all they knew. Often people who were masters were conquered by others who in turn made those masters slaves. Jesus brought a better way to live, but it took time for that to filter into the world. The book of Philemon was a recognition of the reality of the world Christians lived in. And if the world had never advanced, still required heavy manual labor for everything, you can bet the rich and powerful would be using their armies to obtain slaves. That's the reality that you don't want to accept.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Am I still an atheist if I believe there’s a greater likelihood of a sky man creator existing somewhere within the vast universe than of men being women and women being men here on Earth?


Well-Known Member
If you remove the idea of the holy trinity and focus purely on the son, you might have an argument for Jesus doesn’t condone slavery, but as a whole and according to your doctrine, the holy trinity which includes Jesus absolutely does condone slavery.

The whole Jesus never taught genocide, bud Jesus doesn’t just teach it, according to your Bible he is gonna come back and do it.
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When Hitler tried annihilating the Jews they had no say, no chance. So nice try. Before the second coming everyone has a distinct choice to be saved or not. The New Testament is full of asking us to follow Jesus over and over. The second coming is after all that. Yes at that point if you decide not to follow, you will then side with Satan in the battle. If you call that genocide then so be it. I see it that you have a way out. It costs nothing but your time and faith


Well-Known Member
I don't have to question what is known fact. You want to twist things to attack Christianity but as usual you demonstrate a lack of knowledge about the subject.
its pretty clear to me theres a lot of people going to church i dont see an equal number of protests movements


Well-Known Member
its pretty clear to me theres a lot of people going to church i dont see an equal number of protests movements
Jesus and his Apostles were never down in front of government offices screaming at people. Beyond the one time he drove merchants and money changers from the Temple we have no examples of him defying authority. And you getting away from what we were talking about. You posted verses from the Old Testament as if that was Christianity. It isn't.


Well-Known Member
Jesus and his Apostles were never down in front of government offices screaming at people. Beyond the one time he drove merchants and money changers from the Temple we have no examples of him defying authority. And you getting away from what we were talking about. You posted verses from the Old Testament as if that was Christianity. It isn't.
jesus was an insurrectionist and a revolutionary and i will elaborate more in teh future


Well-Known Member
sounds like right up your alley. And yet you won't let him in your heart and be saved?




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He can say whatever he likes. Neither he nor you are giving examples of Jesus leading insurrections or revolutions in the sense you're thinking of. Jesus gave us what was then a radical approach to living life. Instead of harming others he taught us to love others. He did not stand up to the authorities trying to take everything over.