Palestinian-Israel Conflict (War?)


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Bull crap. MOSSAD is the absolute premier intelligence agency in the world. It’s absolutely insane to think that Israel would not keep the Iron Dome on top condition.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Hamas has and is using civilian residences and commercial buildings to launch their rocket attacks. Then they either expect Israel to not defend themselves or claim the moral high ground when the IDF pounds those targets resulting in civilian causualties. It’s a win-win for the terrorists
Kill them all. Then kill their supporters here.


Well-Known Member
They did even though it never left the bank in Qatar?

If I give you $100 and tell you that you can't buy guns with it, only food. You take the $100 out of your other pocket that you were going to buy food with, and buy guns with it. Pretty simple.
Except now they don't have lunch money


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
If I give you $100 and tell you that you can't buy guns with it, only food. You take the $100 out of your other pocket that you were going to buy food with, and buy guns with it. Pretty simple.
Except now they don't have lunch money
Bingo. But the hive mind of the left will only believe what the leader says. It’s incapable of independent, critical thought. The idiot you’re replying too is a classic example.


Well-Known Member
Bill O'Reilly said the other day that, when Iran threatened retaliation when the U.S. took out that top general, Trump called them and said if they did anything he would destroy their ports. Iran is a desert country with almost 90 million people. They can't feed themselves and import most of their food through those 4 ports. They backed down.


Legio patria nostra
The crooked Biden administration funneled close to $1,000,000,000 to Palestinian Terror Organizations through back door channels which directly or indirectly were used to arm Hamas in preparation for the Israeli massacre.

They admitted:
"The State Department announced in February that it had “provided over $890 million for Palestinians” since April 2021, with more than $730 million going to UNRWA."

Biden :censored2:s up everything he touches, and the disgusting, pathetic liberals follow him like a puppy dog.



Legio patria nostra
The Terror Organization Obama and Biden have been funding for years signs a death sentence for the people squatting in Gaza.
Blinken should visit Hamas today, the "Global Day of Jihad"....Thanks Biden!