Just a little info about my UPS career. It is very short. I went to integrad, I came of the street and worked 5 months as a reg temp in Philly. money was nice, work was hard and my hub was full of s not just the management but my fellow drivers. They asked me to work inside after peak I declined. Next peak I got hired in Maryland and what a difference. My fellow drivers were cool and management not so bad. I started early and was given one route to run for 7 months. The money was good as usual but the hours were more than the Philly hub. I had no time to enjoy my hobbies. My point is I wish I could drive peak year round and have off peak months to relax and manage my cleaning business. The 2 incomes gave me the money to do what I like but year round it just didn't suit me. I needed time to play tennis, ride my bmx and mountain bike and hit the gym. Props to you guys that serve year around. This year i had to turn down driving in yet another state that would have hired me. I missed it enough to make this post even though I no longer work for UPS. at 45 years old I would have been retied if I drove since I was in my 20's. I see the package cars daily and i have mixed feelings. when its 8pm and i know they are on the way to the hub and I am just getting done the gym or coming home from eating out I am like damn I wouldn't want to be him. But sometime on a rainy or sunny day I miss the grind,late night blasting my music through the Bluetooth speaker rushing to get back to the hub. Just wish they could hire me for peak year round. I never had issues with getting back in time or learning my route. Just didnt want to do it full time.