Cutiing costs or cutting good employees? Thanks again for all the advice. I am a SHE but who really cares. I am a 52 year old p/t sup that got her walking papers on May 5th. Is it my age that intimates UPS? My walking papers were from some district manager who just stepped in and took over. I was told that UPS is cutting costs/eliminating positions, and it is her duty to cut where she can. However, I was the only person cut in the country that I know of. This is what really happened. The small center I work for got a blow a week or so before I got the AX. We had a large account who pulled out and signed a contract with FedEx. We have taken super care of this account, as they are fairly big to this little area. They pulled out because FedEx offered up a better deal, and the UPS sales rep did not call them back or assist. EVER! (they will come back to UPS as they always do) UPS does a superior job! Especially when I am there! So, to fill the cost effects of this blow to our tiny center, they moved a manager in to my center, who is retiring in November. Good cost effects there! He was there because of all the injuries...I heard him say he needs to get the injuries and accidents in control. Anyway, he was told to do is all...and also my job, now that this big account was lost. I have been with this center for 10 years! I am not just the smal local sort sup, I handled alot..too much to type right now, but can be attached upon request! I am not saying my job can not be done by others, but this district person who decided to cut costs with my job will be gone in a few months, as we all know how UPS moves upper management around. Then someone else will be at the helm, and they will have no idea why a manager is doing OMS duties along with local sort dutes, along with vacation scheduling, start schedules, time cards, coordinating drivers to get in and off the clock, and payroll issues, and time cards and all the rest! Too many duties to describe just now. Oh yeah wait...I also took care of all the diad system, along with ODS/GTS/DCS/PCIS and what ever it took to run a center! Okay, enough of that. Perhaps some center/hub would like to hire a p/t sup who gets a days job done in 5.5 hours!