PEE-WEE Buttigieg?

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Well why don’t you simply explain it? Nobody here is trying to convert you or force gay sex on you. So why are you so disparaging of gay people? It’s not left vs right. You’re just being an ass.

He’s afraid he’s going to end up tapping his foot in an airport bathroom stall if he doesn’t post enough homophobic slurs and memes.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
And yet you support the president. Fascinating.
Fascinating .
As with most leftards, you can't separate an issue/subject and discuss it.
Trump committed adultery so that makes homosexuality ok.
Left logic.
He also lied and according to "your kind" stole the election . lol
Oh my..what to do... I guess all this makes homosexuality right. smh

Seymour Packages

Well-Known Member
Another fact that is rejected is we are created to submit and appeal to His will.
Not agreeing with what that is doesn't change it. No matter how you live, think, or pray.

The amazing thing about the Gospel is the overwhelming message of love and redemption. Paul's letters to early Christians also emphasized this, but it was clear that homosexuality was a sin. As is being a drunk, a fornicator, a liar, or an adulterer. One -day- a -week Christians seem to only get their panties in a bunch over homosexuality, though. Sin is sin. Homosexuality is no less of a sin than sex outside of marriage, lying, drunknesses, or blatant homophobia. Love everyone. You can hate the lifestyle they live, but love the person. Judge no man because they sin differently than you. Since we are such a Christian nation and all.


Well-Known Member
I’m asking if you’re afraid. It’s the only thing that explains your hateful attacks on gays .

i dont seem to remember you asking a certain gay person if he was afraid of catholics when he was posting hateful attacks on them. did this one strike a little too close to home?


Well-Known Member
The amazing thing about the Gospel is the overwhelming message of love and redemption. Paul's letters to early Christians also emphasized this, but it was clear that homosexuality was a sin. As is being a drunk, a fornicator, a liar, or an adulterer. One -day- a -week Christians seem to only get their panties in a bunch over homosexuality, though. Sin is sin. Homosexuality is no less of a sin than sex outside of marriage, lying, drunknesses, or blatant homophobia. Love everyone. You can hate the lifestyle they live, but love the person. Judge no man because they sin differently than you. Since we are such a Christian nation and all.

your lover the sinner not the sin message may be a one way street.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
The amazing thing about the Gospel is the overwhelming message of love and redemption. Paul's letters to early Christians also emphasized this, but it was clear that homosexuality was a sin. As is being a drunk, a fornicator, a liar, or an adulterer. One -day- a -week Christians seem to only get their panties in a bunch over homosexuality, though. Sin is sin. Homosexuality is no less of a sin than sex outside of marriage, lying, drunknesses, or blatant homophobia. Love everyone. You can hate the lifestyle they live, but love the person. Judge no man because they sin differently than you. Since we are such a Christian nation and all.
Well said.
Disagree with the judgement part.
I can judge what sin someone is involved in or has committed as well as my own by what is written.
In fact, you're commanded to do so.

Turn, get forgiveness or burn.
Homosexuals refuse to turn. Instead, the campaign has been to normalize the behavior, and attack anyone who won't accept it.


Well-Known Member
If all else fails, that always works. Historically in America, major, positive shifts in policy have come on the heels of major wars. Slavery in America ended once the South was beaten into submission via a bloody civil war. An Emancipation Proclamation was nice, but blood had to spill for things to change. Of course it was followed by 10 years of relative stability then 90 years of Jim Crow, but I digress. More blood had to spill in the 60s for basic, civil rights. Things have gotten better as the old, racist guard is dying off and America is learning that we are all created in God's image. Even those that look, think, live, and pray different than we do.

i kind of had the same thought that things might get better when the hippies from the 60's and 70's die off. certainly there are a lot more of them around now then the racists of that time period.

but since you'e desire is to see the old racist guard die off , i wonder if we can expand your focus a bit. its getting difficult to find a an old white cracker from the jim crow days that still lives and breathes racial oppression.

there is however an abundance (1.5 billion?) of a similar racist culture that your leftist appear to be trying to import into this country in record quantities . Many of these make jim crowers (democrats) look like amateurs in racism. Should we wait for them to die off and make this country better or perhaps limit their access to this country?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
We’ve been over this, lying, stealing and adultery have victims. Don’t you get tired of making the same bad arguments all the time?
Please put me on ignore.
If it's bad to you, I know it's good.
Homosexuality has victims. Society, children, friend:censored2:d up military.
Young parents are addressing things to their kids that if it wasn't so serious is laughable.
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Well-Known Member
Well why don’t you simply explain it? Nobody here is trying to convert you or force gay sex on you. So why are you so disparaging of gay people? It’s not left vs right. You’re just being an ass.

i believe badgering someone as you're doing repeating the same question over and over was a violation of TOS. its a trait you continously show here. No one is being paid to post here , they are not required to answer your stupid questions. STFU already with this nonesense. christ I feel like I'm at some grade school somewhere watching some bully brow beat people.

Seymour Packages

Well-Known Member
No I think they were collateral.
No one cares about blacks, then or now.

You said blood needed to be spilled. It didn't. Most countries got rid of slavery without war. Still waiting for my reparations.

Let's unpack this piece by piece:

Slaves were treated as property. Less than human, only until it was advantageous to treat them as full human beings or include them in population counts. In the case of the North, it was for their labor and then as part of the military to eventually whip the South into submission. Also in terms of population count so that the South maintained a power balance with the North in Congress. Look up the Three-Fifths compromise. In their purest forms, neither the Constitution nor the Bill of Rights were intended for Africans in America. Ever.

Blood has always needed to be spilled for any lasting change to take place in America. The vote, labor unions, slavery, and civil rights all had a high cost in blood. The American power structure understands one thing very well: violence. Abroad and domestically,Americais a nation born of and sustained through violence. Footnote: Look up the Haitian Revolution. A rag tag group of "blacks" brutally ousted the French, Spanish, and U.S. forces from their island and created the first free "Black" republic in the Western world.

Reparations are not coming. Why would America give an economic stimulus package to the very people it depends on for their prison and military industrial complexes? Are you nuts? Build yourself a business, own property, create wealth and pass it along. Going to be a long road, but it's not impossible. Blacks must save themselves.

Seymour Packages

Well-Known Member
i kind of had the same thought that things might get better when the hippies from the 60's and 70's die off. certainly there are a lot more of them around now then the racists of that time period.

but since you'e desire is to see the old racist guard die off , i wonder if we can expand your focus a bit. its getting difficult to find a an old white cracker from the jim crow days that still lives and breathes racial oppression.

there is however an abundance (1.5 billion?) of a similar racist culture that your leftist appear to be trying to import into this country in record quantities . Many of these make jim crowers (democrats) look like amateurs in racism. Should we wait for them to die off and make this country better or perhaps limit their access to this country?

Let's clear something up, I am far from a "leftist." That's some cheap term coined in the past 20 years by scared Republicans losing their power. Both sides play on identity politics. Both sides feed fear to their base. The left tends to play the victim card and convince its followers that their problems are due to external forces. They import immigrants for their votes, make no mistake. Confusing children as to their gender, allowing unfettered abortion as a form of extreme birth control, and blending us all into some type of rainbow coalition, kumbaya nation is unrealistic and unsustainable.

On the flip side, the far right ideology is unsustainable as well. There exists a certain fraction of the population in America that wakes up scared every day. Scared that they are losing their country to brown and black people that don't look, speak, or think like them. Such was the sentiment against the Irish, Italians, and Jews. America has always found someone new to be afraid of. Flavor of the month.

Thankfully millions of Americans are moderate. They lean conservative on some things, liberal on others. They have the ability to examine a situation and form their belief system in a center left or center right position. That's sustainable, in the end.


Inordinately Right
Let's unpack this piece by piece:

Slaves were treated as property. Less than human, only until it was advantageous to treat them as full human beings or include them in population counts. In the case of the North, it was for their labor and then as part of the military to eventually whip the South into submission. Also in terms of population count so that the South maintained a power balance with the North in Congress. Look up the Three-Fifths compromise. In their purest forms, neither the Constitution nor the Bill of Rights were intended for Africans in America. Ever.

Blood has always needed to be spilled for any lasting change to take place in America. The vote, labor unions, slavery, and civil rights all had a high cost in blood. The American power structure understands one thing very well: violence. Abroad and domestically,Americais a nation born of and sustained through violence. Footnote: Look up the Haitian Revolution. A rag tag group of "blacks" brutally ousted the French, Spanish, and U.S. forces from their island and created the first free "Black" republic in the Western world.

Reparations are not coming. Why would America give an economic stimulus package to the very people it depends on for their prison and military industrial complexes? Are you nuts? Build yourself a business, own property, create wealth and pass it along. Going to be a long road, but it's not impossible. Blacks must save themselves.
Yawn. You completely missed the point.

Blood did not need to be spilled.
Again, plenty of countries got rid of slavery without war. Look at England, they paid up.

I'm not talking about reparations for blacks, we've already agreed no one cares about them. I'm talking about reparations for when the northerners freed my family's property.

Seymour Packages

Well-Known Member
Yawn. You completely missed the point.

Blood did not need to be spilled.
Again, plenty of countries got rid of slavery without war. Look at England, they paid up.

I'm not talking about reparations for blacks, we've already agreed no one cares about them. I'm talking about reparations for when the northerners freed my family's property.

Oh no. Are you another butthurt southerner? This conversation went full circle. Started out talking about homosexual Mayor Pete, when in reality the only anus that's sore is yours.