PEE-WEE Buttigieg?


Staff member
i believe badgering someone as you're doing repeating the same question over and over was a violation of TOS. its a trait you continously show here. No one is being paid to post here , they are not required to answer your stupid questions. STFU already with this nonesense. christ I feel like I'm at some grade school somewhere watching some bully brow beat people.
You are free to leave if you so choose. You didn’t even have to get into the stupid conversation but you chose to do so. You don’t have to respond to me. But do you think I’m going to let you tell me what I can post and what I cannot? No. That isn’t going to happen. Not sure who you think you are.


Staff member
i dont seem to remember you asking a certain gay person if he was afraid of catholics when he was posting hateful attacks on them. did this one strike a little too close to home?
I don’t remember hateful attacks on Catholics. In fact, from what I’ve seen around here, most wouldn’t know the difference between a Catholic and a Mormon.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Please put me on ignore.
If it's bad to you, I know it's good.
Homosexuality has victims. Society, children, friend:censored2:d up military.
Young parents are addressing things to their kids that if it wasn't so serious is laughable.
How is society harmed? How are children harmed? How is the military :censored2:ed up? There has to be harm to have a victim. You can’t demonstrate any. You always fail to address this. Vague claims of societal harm is utter nonsense.


Staff member
How is society harmed? How are children harmed? How is the military :censored2:ed up? There has to be harm to have a victim. You can’t demonstrate any. You always fail to address this. Vague claims of societal harm is utter nonsense.
Not to mention several gay women absolutely kick ass on the USWNT
Google Image Result for


Inordinately Right
Oh no. Are you another butthurt southerner? This conversation went full circle. Started out talking about homosexual Mayor Pete, when in reality the only anus that's sore is yours.
Get real snowflake.
I'm a straight white male making six figures in the greatest country on earth. The demwit losers are the ones who are butthurt.

The entire Democrat platform is that life isn't fair so the have nots should be able to steal from the haves. Communist losers.

Seymour Packages

Well-Known Member
Get real snowflake.
I'm a straight white male making six figures in the greatest country on earth. The demwit losers are the ones who are butthurt.

The entire Democrat platform is that life isn't fair so the have nots should be able to steal from the haves. Communist losers.

Aww that's cute you think your race and income somehow matter. You're still a racist and, from what I can tell, insecure person in your own skin. Good job trying to affirm your faux superiority on an online forum. I'll give you an A for effort. Some of the most empty, insecure, and lost individuals I have met have been straight (the fact you have to mention your sexual orientation makes me question it), white males that make over six figures.

In other news, who are these "blacks" you speak of, and what have they done to you to make you so afraid of them?

-With love,
A Concerned UPSer


Inordinately Right
Aww that's cute you think your race and income somehow matter. You're still a racist and, from what I can tell, insecure person in your own skin. Good job trying to affirm your faux superiority on an online forum. I'll give you an A for effort. Some of the most empty, insecure, and lost individuals I have met have been straight (the fact you have to mention your sexual orientation makes me question it), white males that make over six figures.

In other news, who are these "blacks" you speak of, and what have they done to you to make you so afraid of them?

-With love,
A Concerned UPSer
Settle down Chip.


Inordinately Right
Make sure and tell Allah you love him.


Well-Known Member
Let's clear something up, I am far from a "leftist." That's some cheap term coined in the past 20 years by scared Republicans losing their power. Both sides play on identity politics. Both sides feed fear to their base. The left tends to play the victim card and convince its followers that their problems are due to external forces. They import immigrants for their votes, make no mistake. Confusing children as to their gender, allowing unfettered abortion as a form of extreme birth control, and blending us all into some type of rainbow coalition, kumbaya nation is unrealistic and unsustainable.

On the flip side, the far right ideology is unsustainable as well. There exists a certain fraction of the population in America that wakes up scared every day. Scared that they are losing their country to brown and black people that don't look, speak, or think like them. Such was the sentiment against the Irish, Italians, and Jews. America has always found someone new to be afraid of. Flavor of the month.

Thankfully millions of Americans are moderate. They lean conservative on some things, liberal on others. They have the ability to examine a situation and form their belief system in a center left or center right position. That's sustainable, in the end.

um you didnt answer the question and i really dont care if you sit on the fence. while you're waiting for the racists to die off what are you doing about the 1.5 billions racists that the left is trying to import into this country that practice a different religion.


Well-Known Member
You are free to leave if you so choose. You didn’t even have to get into the stupid conversation but you chose to do so. You don’t have to respond to me. But do you think I’m going to let you tell me what I can post and what I cannot? No. That isn’t going to happen. Not sure who you think you are.

and you are free to grow up

Seymour Packages

Well-Known Member
um you didnt answer the question and i really dont care if you sit on the fence. while you're waiting for the racists to die off what are you doing about the 1.5 billions racists that the left is trying to import into this country that practice a different religion.
Whose are these racists? Speak plainly