PEE-WEE Buttigieg?


Strength through joy
Joe Biden reportedly shocked a group of black leaders last year when he said that parents in black communities can’t read or write. The comment, reported by The New York Times, is said to have been uttered by the former vice president during a private meeting with black mayors in Georgia.
Three people who were at the event confirmed the version of events to the newspaper, claiming that Biden told them a problem black communities have to deal with is that the “parents can’t read or write themselves.”
According to the report, his comment “shocked and frustrated” those in the room.
In a statement provided to the newspaper, Biden’s campaign didn’t deny that he made the comment, saying: “The Vice President regularly talks about how his father’s experience has shaped the way he feels about and views the relationship between parents and their children’s learning.”


Well-Known Member
Joe Biden reportedly shocked a group of black leaders last year when he said that parents in black communities can’t read or write. The comment, reported by The New York Times, is said to have been uttered by the former vice president during a private meeting with black mayors in Georgia.
Three people who were at the event confirmed the version of events to the newspaper, claiming that Biden told them a problem black communities have to deal with is that the “parents can’t read or write themselves.”
According to the report, his comment “shocked and frustrated” those in the room.
In a statement provided to the newspaper, Biden’s campaign didn’t deny that he made the comment, saying: “The Vice President regularly talks about how his father’s experience has shaped the way he feels about and views the relationship between parents and their children’s learning.”

this kind of honest dialogue would have gotten the offending conservative an immediate public backlash


Staff member
All are welcomed to practice their faith in America. There is no significant religious threat to American safety or our way of life at this time.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
How is society harmed? How are children harmed? How is the military :censored2:ed up? There has to be harm to have a victim. You can’t demonstrate any. You always fail to address this. Vague claims of societal harm is utter nonsense.
Society has been harmed because America caved.
Children are harmed because they are being forced to accept that homosexuality is normal behavior.
Parents that know better have to address why two men kiss like mommy and daddy do and why that is wrong. If the guy running for president is queer, then it must be ok, Dad. These questions were laughable just a generation ago.
Military? You kidding? Since accepting queers and being forced to accept the behavior, it has caused nothing but problems.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Society has been harmed because America caved.
Children are harmed because they are being forced to accept that homosexuality is normal behavior.
Parents that know better have to address why two men kiss like mommy and daddy do and why that is wrong. If the guy running for president is queer, then it must be ok, Dad. These questions were laughable just a generation ago.
Military? You kidding? Since accepting queers and being forced to accept the behavior, it has caused nothing but problems.
Society is harmed because you’re upset. That’s some weak circular logic. Actual harm, Bucko. You’ve got nothing.

Seymour Packages

Well-Known Member
so if their faith mirrors that of the racist you are hoping will soon die off you will welcome them anyway?

The beauty of America is that we allow others to live and expect to be left alone as well. Individual and religious freedom. There are fundamentalist Christian sects that I don't agree with, but as long as they do not harm anyone, I must let them practice their faith. Hate groups are all over. It is perfectly legal to hate someone based on their race, creed, or origin. It is repulsive and is not sustainable to do so, but it is not illegal. I am more worried about drug trafficking, human trafficking, rape, murder, etc. Ideology does not always equal violence. We have to uphold individual liberty even when we don't agree with the ideology of others.


Well-Known Member
The beauty of America is that we allow others to live and expect to be left alone as well. Individual and religious freedom. There are fundamentalist Christian sects that I don't agree with, but as long as they do not harm anyone, I must let them practice their faith. Hate groups are all over. It is perfectly legal to hate someone based on their race, creed, or origin. It is repulsive and is not sustainable to do so, but it is not illegal. I am more worried about drug trafficking, human trafficking, rape, murder, etc. Ideology does not always equal violence. We have to uphold individual liberty even when we don't agree with the ideology of others.

yea all thats wonderful if you're making a speech in church . but you're christian side says you want white racists to die off and you welcome muslim racist to take their place.