PEE-WEE Buttigieg?


Well-Known Member
Go ye..means go me.
We're all responsible.
True, but here's the difference. The Bible specifies specific leadership roles. If you have a thousand members they can't all be those leaders. They can certainly talk to others but if they have employment a major contribution they make is to the collection so that the work of the Church can be accomplished. It's not necessary for all members to be leaders. It's fine to be a follower striving to lead the Christian life. But those who seek to hold office within the Church have responsibilities, and that's not to have million plus dollar monuments to ourselves built along with fat salaries for public speaking. The work of the Church is to preach to the lost that there is salvation in Christ. And to see to the needs of congregants in need. In that vein it is redistribution of wealth. That doesn't mean everyone is equal financially as the wealthy give away everything. It means to make sure widows and orphans have food, clothing, and shelter within reason. These days if a 25 year old lost her husband that might mean helping with funeral expenses or paying a month or two worth of utilities. I think the Bible generally is referring to much older women who's husband had died and she had no support. Different world back then and it's the elders' job to do what's best for the congregation in today's circumstances. If the world sees the needy being taken care of by a congregation that cares it will draw them to Christ. Which is pretty much the point.


Well-Known Member
This coming from one of the most racist nations on Earth that implemented legal segregation that lasted until 50 years ago? American Christians are in no moral position to judge anyone.

so if they have the same racist qualities as the white crackers you want to die off we should not judge them but its ok to judge the white racist?


Well-Known Member
Located minister was an issue that was debated in the 20's. The "pastor system" you speak of was the concern. Buy him a house car, clothes, which is all scriptural..
but then the whole place evolves around him
...Good Elders don't let that happen.
Go ye..means go me.
We're all responsible.
The minister or pastor is basically holding on to some aspects of Catholicism. And many don't want to change their traditions. But evangelists should be full-time preaching to the lost and supported by many congregations as they work through areas. Too much is given to mortgages, utilities, and salaries. The congregation is the people, not the building. Nor should the Church be run like a business. A business strives to make money, the Church should distribute money in the form of aid.

El Correcto

god is dead
True, but here's the difference. The Bible specifies specific leadership roles. If you have a thousand members they can't all be those leaders. They can certainly talk to others but if they have employment a major contribution they make is to the collection so that the work of the Church can be accomplished. It's not necessary for all members to be leaders. It's fine to be a follower striving to lead the Christian life. But those who seek to hold office within the Church have responsibilities, and that's not to have million plus dollar monuments to ourselves built along with fat salaries for public speaking. The work of the Church is to preach to the lost that there is salvation in Christ. And to see to the needs of congregants in need. In that vein it is redistribution of wealth. That doesn't mean everyone is equal financially as the wealthy give away everything. It means to make sure widows and orphans have food, clothing, and shelter within reason. These days if a 25 year old lost her husband that might mean helping with funeral expenses or paying a month or two worth of utilities. I think the Bible generally is referring to much older women who's husband had died and she had no support. Different world back then and it's the elders' job to do what's best for the congregation in today's circumstances. If the world sees the needy being taken care of by a congregation that cares it will draw them to Christ. Which is pretty much the point.


The truth never changes.
Probably got rear ended.


The truth never changes.
Didn't the Apostle Paul mention taking up a collection for the poor brethren in Jerusalem? Giving away all your possessions will do that. Not mocking them, just think there was an initial burst of exuberance as the Church was formed.
Jesus didnt care if people possessed money and wealth.

He only cared that they weren't possessed with greed by having it.
Re: the rich young ruler that asked him what he had to do to be his disciple. Jesus's answer grieved him because he had great riches ... and the riches had him.


Well-Known Member
Jesus didnt care if people possessed money and wealth.

He only cared that they weren't possessed with greed by having it.
Re: the rich young ruler that asked him what he had to do to be his disciple. Jesus's answer grieved him because he had great riches ... and the riches had him.
Jesus also told him to give up his riches and follow him. That doesn't mean the rich have to give up all their wealth, only as you pointed out it must not be before God in their lives.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
The Bible is divided into two books, Old and New Testament, for a reason.

Simplified, the Old Testament chronicles the revelation of God to his Chosen People, their fall from grace, and His plan and promise for their salvation.

The NT reveals Jesus Christ as Savior, having fulfilled the Covenant of the OT. With the OT Covenant complete, it is replaced with a New Covenant, that salvation is attained only through Jesus.

The point of my thumbnail description is that the contents of the OT that you are trying to ascribe to Christians is inaccurate. Christianity originated in the NT.

That being said, there is plenty of ammunition you could use to decry Christians, without resorting to the concluded OT.


The truth never changes.
You're living in the past man.

The Old Testament is not what Christians are directed to live by. Sorry.

But your book has never been updated.

The Bible is divided into two books, Old and New Testament, for a reason.

Simplified, the Old Testament chronicles the revelation of God to his Chosen People, their fall from grace, and His plan and promise for their salvation.

The NT reveals Jesus Christ as Savior, having fulfilled the Covenant of the OT. With the OT Covenant complete, it is replaced with a New Covenant, that salvation is attained only through Jesus.

The point of my thumbnail description is that the contents of the OT that you are trying to ascribe to Christians is inaccurate. Christianity originated in the NT.
We tried to explain it all day.

I wonder what the media would say if people claiming to be Christians started to massacre muslims every day, killing their kids, crucify their parents, chop off a semi load of heads in areas that were densely populated by muslims .


Would obama call them an "organization" as he did ISIS? I mean do it today, and rape the girls in mass. Hold them hostage and sell them off like cattle. "It's just those Christians of the 21st century."

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Seymour Packages

Well-Known Member
We tried to explain it all day.

I wonder what the media would say if people claiming to be Christians started to massacre muslims every day, killing their kids, crucify their parents, chop off a semi load of heads in areas that were densely populated by muslims .


Would obama call them an "organization" as he did ISIS? I mean do it today, and rape the girls in mass. Hold them hostage and sell them off like cattle. "It's just those Christians of the 21st century."

Lol you just described America from 1619 to 1865. Well done, buddy. #Christian #MAGA


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Jesus also told him to give up his riches and follow him. That doesn't mean the rich have to give up all their wealth, only as you pointed out it must not be before God in their lives.
It was in his.
The Lord could read the hearts of men and knew that was what he needed do.
Lots of wealthy people of God in Scripture.

It's alright to have money, just don't let money have you.


Well-Known Member
This entire thread is in the past, buncha Jesus freaks. That was thousands of years ago snowflakes, get over it.
If Jesus is in the past, exactly why does his mention raise your ears so much?
Exactly why do you attack a "non entity?"

He's paid for you, thousands of years ago, you can be free.

El Correcto

god is dead
You know you want to accept God's plan for your life. The only thing stopping you is you.
How do you ignore all the other God’s? Why won’t you accept their plans? Zeus, Odin, Mithra, Set, Ra, Osiris, Hades?
That’s how I feel about Jesus and “God”. It’s not even that great of a story, the pagan religion are much better than that Jewish egregore non sense.

El Correcto

god is dead
I bet you spend 0% of your day wondering what Mithra is planning for you. I bet you don’t even really give a :censored2: who Mithra is.

That’s how I spend my days, but with all Gods. It’s all non sense fren, fun stories, but non sense.


Well-Known Member
How do you ignore all the other God’s? Why won’t you accept their plans? Zeus, Odin, Mithra, Set, Ra, Osiris, Hades?
That’s how I feel about Jesus and “God”. It’s not even that great of a story, the pagan religion are much better than that Jewish egregore non sense.

You say that outwardly, inside however you know all you posted is
, face to face, it's all our future.
I'd love to have a new brother. Up to you.