PEE-WEE Buttigieg?


The truth never changes.
Thanks. I have the peace. It just doesn't read well in the unholy quran.
It can only be found ONLY in Christ Jesus.
"And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.…" --Phil 4:7
Don't forget the Muslim response to the Catholic Church saying that islam is a violent religion…

"Kill the Pope".

Seymour Packages

Well-Known Member
Again you're framing it as a reaction to the U.S. invading Iraq, etc. Terrorism happened long before we did that and not only against us but across Africa, in India, China, and elsewhere. And long before there was a United States Muslim armies marched against Europe and across Asia. Repeatedly for centuries. The Crusades were a reaction to Muslims conquering the Holy Lands. What were once Christian lands were conquered by Muslims. The Ottoman Empire out of Turkey marched across southeast Europe and almost made it to Italy and as far north as Russia and Ukraine. And as far East as Indonesia and the Philippines. The Muslims didn't send missionaries, they sent armies. And that mindset permeates a percentage of their people today. But I also know for a fact that many are born into Christian families who don't believe or are at best agnostic. No doubt that's true with Muslims too. Might be dangerous in some countries to speak out against Islam. OK, no might about it. But in other Muslim countries, primarily due to communism, most of Muslim heritage are secular and non practicing or as in Malaysia are of a much more peaceful sect. It's not black and white. But let's not defend terrorism and let's not assume all U.S. military actions are unjust and terroristic too.

Fair. Thank you for a coherent and solid response.


The truth never changes.
I will prepare a similar post for you out of your sacred Bible. A book that advocated the eradication of entire populations, women and children included, because they didn't submit to the God of Israel, stoning, banishment, and misogyny. I am glad you have taken the time to read and research the holy Quran. May it bring you peace in your spiritual journey.
The Old Testament is not what Christians are directed to live by. Sorry.

But your book has never been updated.


Well-Known Member
The percentages don't add up.

you're not paying attention. I never said the percentages had to add up. you originally said you cant wait for the racists in this country to die off. I point out that there aint that many of them left.

with that in mind islamists hold many of the beliefs that those old white cracker racists held. they are strongly against jews and gays. how do you justify importing them into this country. that belief is a foundation of the islamic faith.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
You can not pick and choose the parts of your holy book to accept and follow. If it was included in the Bible, it serves a purpose. Either to instruct, reprove, teach. (2 Timothy 3:16). God has not changed. The same God that commanded those things in the times of Israel is the same God that Christians claim to serve today. Christ was the end of the Mosaic law, yes. Christ preached love, yes. I would argue that a so called Christian nation that practices endless war is more closely aligned with the Jews of the Old Testament than with the loving message of Christ.
No pick and choose for me except what it wants me to.
Yep..the OT purpose was written for our learning to bring us to Christ.--Rom.15:4
2 Tim.3: 16 is a good passage. In that is also "rightly dividing the word of truth".
You need to do that.
Plenty of passages to show we are under the law of Christ but if your interested Hebrews about the middle of chapter 7 though chapter 10 makes it real plain.9:16 makes it real plain..if you need more, let me know.
God has not changed. But His will did 2000 years ago.


Well-Known Member
A significant number of Christians support the US military abroad regardless of the atrocities it commits. That doesn't necessarily translate to direct action.

In regards to those that join and support radical factions: Any people that feel they are oppressed will join a cause. Especially if they feel they can take out their frustration on those they feel are responsible. It's even worse if they are young and impressionable. Look at the surge in Christians that joined and supported radical, racist organizations just after Reconstruction in the South and during subsequent decades leading up to the 1960s. Dejected Confederate soldiers and enraged Southerners that saw their land pillaged and burned. The overwhelming majority of Southerners hated Reconstruction and the new order of things that they felt was forced on them after the Civil War. Poverty and desperation create the perfect breeding ground for radicalization.

you're dancing

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
You can not pick and choose the parts of your holy book to accept and follow. If it was included in the Bible, it serves a purpose. Either to instruct, reprove, teach. (2 Timothy 3:16). God has not changed. The same God that commanded those things in the times of Israel is the same God that Christians claim to serve today. Christ was the end of the Mosaic law, yes. Christ preached love, yes. I would argue that a so called Christian nation that practices endless war is more closely aligned with the Jews of the Old Testament than with the loving message of Christ.


The truth never changes.
you're not paying attention. I never said the percentages had to add up. you originally said you cant wait for the racists in this country to die off. I point out that there aint that many of them left.

with that in mind islamists hold many of the beliefs that those old white cracker racists held. they are strongly against jews and gays. how do you justify importing them into this country. that belief is a foundation of the islamic faith.
I wonder if homosexuals rent apartments on the second floor (or higher) in Muslim countries?

Seymour Packages

Well-Known Member
The Old Testament is not what Christians are directed to live by. Sorry.

But your book has never been updated.

Is war mongering in your holy book? Did Christ advocate for the development and use of nuclear weapons and the rapid expansion of military force? Was Christ a fierce nationalist or did he embrace men and women from all nations? Did Christ advocate for a system of fierce competition or did he embrace equal rights for all? Food, healthcare, and peace. If Christ came back to modern America, he would be labeled a "leftist commie" and cast aside. That's if he could make it through airport security. Seeing as how he was a dark skinned man from the Middle East and not some offshoot of Kenny G.

Since you like acronyms, I'll keep it simple for you: WWJD.