
The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The woman is devoid of even the slightest hint of shame.
From: Nancy Pelosi
Subject: help me celebrate my anniversary
Date: June 9, 2012 12:12:21 PM EDT
To: Drew
Drew —
Today is my 25th anniversary in Congress. I want to take a moment to thank you for your support over the years.
We have made tremendous progress because you have stood with me to ensure that we continue moving America forward.
And now, it’s because of friends and supporters like you that the House Majority is within reach with five months left until Election Day.
On this special anniversary, House Democrats are focused on the 25 seats we need to win the Majority.
Please contribute $3 or more right now to ensure House Democrats have important resources to support strong Democratic candidates and Members facing tough challenges for re-election and hold Republicans accountable for their misguided agenda.
President Obama needs a strong Democratic Majority in Congress and your support will bring us closer to returning the gavel to Democrats who will focus on the people’s interests instead of the special interests.
You are the backbone of our party and we will win in November because of your tireless support and determination.
Can you chip in today?
Onward to victory,

Ive sent my share of money to the cause, as has the majority of dems in california.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Shouldn't old and senile just get you thrown out ??

Pelosi: GOP Going After Holder Because “He’s Trying To Overturn Voter Suppression In The States. This Is Their Plan”…

Do I detect a hint of the race card?

Nancy Pelosi says R's are going after AG Holder because: "he is trying to overturn voter suppression in the states. This is a plan".

No need for a hint. The GOP knows it cant win the general election if they allow mexicans and blacks to vote, and it needs to do a concerted effort to change laws in states where they control in order to suppress minority voters.

The goal has always been to suppress the vote, and in states where the GOP has attempted to do so, polls show the american public is against it.

IslandFox is right on the money when he worries about being "populated" into the minority in this country, because once that happens, the GOP will never hold elected office. Just look at california, the GOP will NEVER gain control of the state again.




Well-Known Member
The mess that California is in, maybe you better hope the GOP gains control again.
I don't have much room to talk, as I live in Illinois, but coincidentally, the democrats currently control our state too.


Staff member
The mess that California is in, maybe you better hope the GOP gains control again.
I don't have much room to talk, as I live in Illinois, but coincidentally, the democrats currently control our state too.

Might I remind you we have both parties represented in prison by former governors?


golden ticket member
You can convince Americans by dropping your health coverage in favor of Obamacare........that might convince 'em!!

(Politico) — House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is urging fellow Democrats to make a stronger drive to convince Americans of the benefits of the health care reform law, even as the White House seems to be headed in the other direction.

“Seniors are already paying less for prescription drugs. They may not know it, but it’s because of the Affordable Care Act, and we have to make sure they do,” the California congresswoman said in an interview aired Sunday on NBC’s “Meet The Press.”

Pelosi refrained from direct criticism of the White House or President Barack Obama for failing to sell the legislation, but when asked by host David Gregory about whether Obama had done enough, she replied: “I think he did very well the day it got the approval [from the Supreme Court], but, yes, it’s always a conversation with the public.”

Asked if she could have done more to boost public approval of the new health care law, Pelosi gave what sounded like a sarcastic yes.

“We certainly could have done that. … I could have left the battlefield of passing the bill and gone out and raised $100 million” for ads to build support for the legislation, she said.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I would pay good money to see Nancy Pelosi and Sarah Palin go at it in a bikini mud-wrestling match.

Palin is somewhat better looking and pro-2nd Amendment. Pelosi isnt a right-wing tea party lunatic nut job. Both of them are dumber than a bag of hair.


Well-Known Member
I would pay good money to see Nancy Pelosi and Sarah Palin go at it in a bikini mud-wrestling match.

Palin is somewhat better looking and pro-2nd Amendment. Pelosi isnt a right-wing tea party lunatic nut job. Both of them are dumber than a bag of hair.

DUDE, you need to go out and get laid or something cause that's hard up!



Staff member
I would pay good money to see Nancy Pelosi and Sarah Palin go at it in a bikini mud-wrestling match.

Palin is somewhat better looking and pro-2nd Amendment. Pelosi isnt a right-wing tea party lunatic nut job. Both of them are dumber than a bag of hair.
Somewhat better looking??? Do you know who Pelosi is??? She's an old woman most men would pay good money to avoid seeing in a bikini!!!:happy-very:


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Somewhat better looking??? Do you know who Pelosi is??? She's an old woman most men would pay good money to avoid seeing in a bikini!!!:happy-very:

Which is why I specified a mud wrestling match vs baby oil.

In all seriousness, back in 2008 I was considering voting for McCain....right up until he announced Palin as his running mate. The idea that Sarah Palin would only be one 70+ year old hearbeat away from having the launch codes to our nuclear weapons was, quite frankly, horrifying to me. As a gun owner I do admire her support for the 2nd Amendment, but I also found it insulting that she was basically trotted out on stage as little more than a set of perky boobs with a rifle in order to lock in the gun owners vote. If she had been a 50+ year old woman with a big butt and saggy boobs he would never have named her as a running mate, regardless of her credentials or intellectual abilities.


Well-Known Member
Why not let Pelosi and Palin have a leather strap match. I mean at least in the end you get some satisfaction of seeing both bloody and beat half to death!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
How about the current BOOZER of the house?

John Boehner WASTED DRUNK at election night acceptance speech!


John Boehner Booze Watch LINK

GOP leader denies charge he’s out bar-hopping every night | The Raw Story

'Weeper' John Boehner Lies, Misfires Badly on Obama Gas Price Attacks - YouTube

There are tons of episodes where BOEHNER appears drunk and he shows all the markers of a drunk. The constant licking of his lips when he speaks is the BIGGEST marker of a drunk.

His fascination with constant tanning shows he is a weak minded man, and I can only bet that in the future, his alcoholism will come out, like like Betty Ford or Pat Nixon.

Next time he speaks, watch how he constantly has to lick his lips, then ask yourself, who do i know who is a drunk who does the same thing?




golden ticket member
This explains a lot......Pelosi gets some of her news from Colbert & Stewart too!!!!! That's why she is such a joke

The Atlantic interviews Rep. Nancy Pelosi D-Calif. for their “What I read” series, and it appears that in spite of her busy life as House Minority Leader, she has time to read a lot, citing over a dozen newspaper sources. [...]

Although she says she’s “not a big TV person,” she admits that she watches Current TV since her daughter Christine works there.

“I guess like anybody else around now,” she adds. “I get some of my news from Colbert and Stewart late at night as well.”
What? No MSNBC?


golden ticket member
(Politico) — House minority leader Nancy Pelosi says that Democratic members should stay home and campaign in their districts rather than go to the party’s national convention in North Carolina.

“I’m not encouraging anyone to go to the convention, having nothing to do with anything except I think they should stay home, campaign in their districts, use their financial and political resources to help them win their election,” Pelosi said in an exclusive interview for POLITICO Live’s On Congress, a new weekly show to be streamed live on POLITICO’s website and broadcast on NewsChannel 8 on Wednesdays.

The California Democrat suggested that since Barack Obama is an incumbent, there is less of a need for Democrats to attend the convention.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
(Politico) — House minority leader Nancy Pelosi says that Democratic members should stay home and campaign in their districts rather than go to the party’s national convention in North Carolina.

“I’m not encouraging anyone to go to the convention, having nothing to do with anything except I think they should stay home, campaign in their districts, use their financial and political resources to help them win their election,” Pelosi said in an exclusive interview for POLITICO Live’s On Congress, a new weekly show to be streamed live on POLITICO’s website and broadcast on NewsChannel 8 on Wednesdays.

The California Democrat suggested that since Barack Obama is an incumbent, there is less of a need for Democrats to attend the convention.

Great advice.

